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  1. M

    Free First Chapter Feedback (V2)

    Here's the prologue to my first short story. Posted it a year ago, and am still satisfied with how I wrote it. Mostly, as I'm tossing around ideas for a 3rd short with the potential of leading to a long-form novel, I'm looking for areas to improve in general terms. As a head's up, it's full of...
  2. M

    New story got approved over 24 hours ago and it never showed on the front page

    I'd honestly say to not worry about it, especially since it isn't your first story. Post more chapters and you'll inevitably end up with some views other than your own. Frankly speaking, you have nothing to worry about as you've had more exposure in just 1 of your previous stories than I have...
  3. M

    How Does it Feel?

    Same, I had one person message me shortly after it went up if I was going to write any more stories like that one. Also, did your rock have a bro moment with The Rock, too?
  4. M

    Writing How to stop writing?

    At this point, I think we can say that you've got 2 options. Option 1: Just write. Don't worry about where it goes or what happens, just write the story because you're doing it to relax and release the pent up creativity that you can't make proper use of in your 9-5. Option 2: Treat your...
  5. M

    Writing How to stop writing?

    Discipline is both the means and the goal in writing. As Sailus and Envy have both said, multiple times, write your ideas down to come back to later. 95% of it isn't necessary for the story you're writing. Of that 95%, maybe half of it is useful in the creation of a new story unrelated to your...
  6. M

    Your characters development progressions?

    I'll agree with you that, for comedic purposes, a static character can be a positive. Rowan Atkinson has made a living off a static character in Mr. Bean, but I'm going to counter the bulk of your reply with something you said. In your post, I highlighted the sentence in question so it's easier...
  7. M

    Recommend your girls love/yuri work here~

    Not to be a downer, but isn't this what the tags and "similar stories" box are for? A lot of times I'll get stories in there from the same author if they have other works.
  8. M

    Your characters development progressions?

    But... that's exactly what my MC is... Seriousness aside and actually answering the question (I wasn't joking, my MC is a literal piece of stone), if your protag doesn't change and grow, do you really have a story? In the end, they either have to have growth (physically or mentally/emotionally)...
  9. M

    I asked AI to create a plot based upon an old children’s movie

    Yep, "Hey Arnold" with a dash of "We're Back"... and maybe a touch of Captain Planet based on the 3rd. Take a look at each of those kids shows/movies, look at the character descriptions (your chomper reincarnation is basically a gender swapped version of "Hey Arnold"'s Helga) and you'll see...
  10. M

    I asked AI to create a plot based upon an old children’s movie

    So you asked AI to write the 90s tv show "Hey Arnold"... Boy loses his parents, lives with his grandparents. His neighbors (herdmates) come fro all backgrounds and experiences but work together to raise the boy right. His friends constantly come over to his house (nest) to hang out... LBT = Hey...
  11. M

    Writing How to time skip?

    If it's a cultivation/xianxia story and you have someone/thing sitting in a remote place for cultivation purposes. You're not going to check in on them every few days/weeks/months because they just sit. Skip it and move on with the plot. Action, like the DBZ reference: got a training montage...
  12. M

    Writing How to time skip?

    Exactly this, I put in a soft skip of millenia (no jokes, literally thousands of years) to my first story because my MC is a literal piece of stone sitting on a mountain top. Ain't nothing of not going to happen to him there.
  13. M

    Writing How to time skip?

    Why wouldn't they be permitted? It's your story, not theirs, so do what you think is right. As for the how, there's no single answer for that because you can do a time skip many different ways. You can directly state how much time has passed after providing a glimpse at daily life; you can leave...
  14. M

    I need another pair of eyes! (2nd?)

    I'll be the odd one out and say 2 or 5. I like how the titles are less intrusive to the scale of what the character is looking at, unlike 1 and 3. 4, on the other hand, just felt out of place after seeing the others. Not bad, it's great, but it was just so radically different that I'm not sure...
  15. M

    swear words in historical novel?

    Dogs are actually considered to be a very lowly animal. So something like "dog's blood" or saying "you're not even good enough to serve my dog" or something along those lines is one of the biggest insults you can give after @Sleds mentioned the thing about everyone trying to "save face" and...
  16. M

    swear words in historical novel?

    I would say to use "kao" (靠)if you don't want to translate fuck. Chinese has a lot of interesting swears in it, to be sure, but the "ta/ni ma de" is a bit meh as TMD isn't said as much and NMD is more like you really can't stand the person in front of you. More importantly, does the language...
  17. M

    Was the origin of half of all Isekai plots hiding right under our noses?

    Redemit is right on this. CS Lewis was hugely religious and confirmed that his novels all had that biblical slant in one way or another (his novel "Perelandra" has the MC knowingly isekai'd to the namesake planet, which is actually real-world Venus as we find out in the book and he talks with...
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    I have written myself into a corner

    My advice: go people watching if you want "normal". The experiences you write don't necessarily have to be your own, but including your own attempts and experiences at being social serves to humanize a character. When the character, be they MC or side, is humanized, they become relatable and a...
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    My idea for a Magic System.

    I feel like there's something off about the essences. Using your own explanation that light gives and dark takes, wouldn't that mean that doctors are the "bad guys" in taking away someone's illness? At the same time, some mad scientist-type would use light to give people deadly/dangerous...
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    Recommendations Looking for GL/Sapphic Battle Couples

    Sees sapphic, thinks yuri and only yuri (no boys allowed, just ask Tiresias).