Search results

  1. Sylvie

    Learning How To Write

    I've never been much of a writer and I usually stick to reading, which I do a lot of. But recently, after creating a character in the Adventurer's Guild (Points at community games, for those who don't know what it is) I got a lot more interested in writing something. Only, I can't seem to get...
  2. Sylvie

    The Next Poster!

    Here is one of the games I really liked on NUF (Novel Updates Forum) called "The Next Poster". The rules are very simple: You answer the previous poster's question with a true or false and you post your own question for the next poster. The next Poster...
  3. Sylvie

    Recommendations Sport related novels/anime/manga

    I've always liked works which feature sports. Haikyuu, Baby Steps and Slam Dunk are some of my favorite manga/anime. Recently after reading a novel called 'Be Happy With Sports' I've become even more interested and would like a few suggestions.:blob_melt::blob_uwu:
  4. Sylvie

    Profile description and background.

    When do I get to change the description that's under my name and use a nice profile background instead of the stupid blue one. Is there some sort of point requirement or something? Because I don't see any option to change it and it sucks seeing others use witty phrases when I'm stuck with "Member".