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  1. S

    Leave honest and descriptive reviews pls. Also...

    The stuff on scribble hub needs honest reviews. 2-3 sentences of, oh it's good without any proper description tells me that you made an alt and gave it a high rating(unlikely but). Also, IDK if it's me but the qualities of new goods coming in are getting crappier and crappier by the day, full of...
  2. S

    I know I’m complaining much but…

    Why is 90% of new releases always have harem tag? Is there something happening that I don’t know about?
  3. S

    Recommend me some

    Can anyone recommend me good romance harem please. I can’t find decent ones and 90% are all hot doodoo.
  4. S

    Is Scribble Hub dying?

    So I found out about scribble hub about 4 years ago and IMO it was still prospering 2 years ago. I left for sometime and come back to see low read rates and stuff. Seems like this place is dying? I don’t find that weird as I see a lot of trash novels being written especially the parody ones...
  5. S

    Beta cuck of a MC(continue from previous)

    So previously I have written about Chinese cultivation MC’s sexual haRIZZment. Now I’m gonna talk about JP MCs. 99% of JP MC’s are beta cucks that probably would congratulate the girl they like if the girl gets pounded by another person. How much if a pussy do you have to be to not even be able...
  6. S

    Sick and tired of haRIZZment

    (Warning: curses) So I’ve been reading some Wuxia and the like and Jesus fuck man the MCs have close to no rizz at all except some few and they just sexually harass the FMCS and then magically they FMC falls in love with the MC but when some random does it to another random, it’s finally...