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  1. Flash_Nuke

    Illumination in writing

    How would you take epiphany moment and illumination ? If you make a discovery into the nature of the universe/nature/cereal after milk/life/death,etc... How would you act ?if being illuminated give you a distinctive mark(halo, white eye, horn,etc...) how common would illuminated people be and...
  2. Flash_Nuke

    Is too much worldbuilding bad ?

    I got a story where the MC learn of the creation of the world but I feel like I may have writed too much on the world building part. (I LOVE sorting the how of most thing XD )
  3. Flash_Nuke

    Differenciate between showing and telling

    I kinda have this problem. How do you know when you do too muc
  4. Flash_Nuke

    Are tentacle monster considered lovecraftian eldritch monster ?

    Yeah, I had this silly question in my head for a while, do every tentacled monster are Lovecraftian? Because then every tentacle smut are just horror story for a boner
  5. Flash_Nuke

    When you like writing but you're not even on is hard

    Hello to all those who are here(and those who stalk, I see you ) well, I like writing and I've just begun my first story here but I have some problems like my schedule, how do you guys do? Do you write a bunch of chapters before publishing them one by one or do you directly write at the moment...