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  1. R

    Requesting feedback: Can you please tell me why my story is bad?

    Sorry to bother you, but I have finished the prologue and can gather that this story of mine won't be very interesting to other people. Nevertheless, I will finish it for the sake of discipline, if nothing else. But I also want to learn from my mistakes and learn how to create something good for...
  2. R

    One last chapter left to write, hooray!

    Phew, after 91 chapters and 352,080 total words so far, I almost have my first amateurishly edited work complete. I had a blast writing it, learned so many new things, understood where I made blatant mistakes in pacing, and (hopefully) gained a proper work ethic. It was fun! But I hate editing...
  3. R

    Feedback needed: Can you tell me why my story is bad?

    Sorry to bother you, but I need some help, if you have time to waste. My story is rather bad (one of the worst, actually): , but I need some guidance on what aspects of my writing (if any) I should work on. I know my writing is bad, but...