A thing about education I just understood


🐉Burns you with his Love🐉
Aug 23, 2022
But most of our choices are rarely made using reason and are based purely on emotion. Even those decisions, or I'd like to say "decisions", that we think were made using reason are often made relying on emotion and habit.
We're just biorobots is what I mean. There is this tiny speck of "you" in yourself and a whole load of cogs and wheels.
I agree with you on this wholeheartedly. Our bodies are propelled by our spirits. Regardless of what is rational or reasonable for us to do, our actions reflect the state of our soul.
And this is where ideological education comes in. How to make right choices? You read good books, it will create the right moral system in you and you will experience the correct emotions when you need to, thus will make decisions closer to optimal even if you don't really think about it. Which to some - or to most I realised - would be pretty obvious. Not me though. Oh well.
Optimal? correct emotions? You are thinking about this too robotically. Our spirits are not input->output, as you explained. Somebody could be educated in all the right ways yet be a horrible person.
I would describe our spirit more like a plant. No matter what you put into it, it always fruits after itself. (we only learn what we want to)
Really, the only way to change the fruit is to completely change the plant. (maybe like grafting)
What does that look like irl? A spiritual awakening and rebirth.