Recommendations Any novels with female or male mc pursued by females yanderly


Active member
Jan 8, 2020
Looking for web novels similar to the “man of the house” or “world of women” where in a way the gender roles are reversed with the females pursuing the males in society. “Parallel Reverse world messiah” is also another one that I liked. Pretty much an archetype like those “reversed” gender rolea societies explaining why the girl is chasing the guy so hard was a neat setting, but I just want a novel with a mc being “chased” by females in a natural way,yandere like fervor. some smut, male mc or female mc(gl) is ok too, so long as the other girls are pursuing mc in a yandere like way. i really miss myrane66 web novels with the elf, wish it was still continued but that kind of novel is what I’d like as well.