Bulk import, or multi-chapter adding, would be nice!


Active member
Feb 25, 2023
Hello, rather than post chapter by chapter, (Not counting my long novel, Celia, which I've written up to chapter 200, but only 70 chaps are released) I like to finish a novel completely before releasing it.

Uploading chapters daily is nice, and gives a decent window of time where people can sub to my Patreon or purchase the finished novel.

Rant aside, I just finished the second volume of Celia today, and I now need to upload and schedule all 100 chapters of it... I mean, I've done it before, but taking two or three hours out of my day to upload and schedule them ain't fun at all.

What's worse, is that I have to do the same for RoyalRoad, so my entire day is taken up by just uploading chapters... Anyway, that whole rant is just a long version of why a bulk uploading feature would be nice. Thanks for reading, have a great day/night!