[Bunker.459]Minor sub game


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
So gonna set the rules. You get three abilities of your choice. They must be something - dear to you, important, you’ve been around for awhile or done, or something that always has stuck to you in instinctual level. Turn them into a ability.

Other modifiers, if you come from my terrarium roll game, you can use what you’d would experience in your terrarium and the terrarium itself as a basis for your abilities.

Last mod’s, the abilities must be weak and more foundational. Can’t go, I am God mode and fuck you GUN OF FLAME.

And you must write how you could can use them in sync.

Once your done, I will like the terrarium, describe how these abilities would show upon your body.


Example, glow, spear, and diving. A person who after rolling found himself picking up the spear and diving for food. Once night falls came his worse day, his fire for tempering himself, and after that came the faint glow of the lights turning back on. The glow marked him, it was his salvation. We got someone with two abilities related to guiding him, and one ability that allows him to manifest a plain glow of light.

He would mainly fight as a martial fighter, using his spear and using he glow as a distraction. Blinding enemies and/or distracting them, coating his blade in it, and lighting up the waters as he swims. (Not the best because I gave only one physical effect ability)

The soles of his feet would have a circle, it would be a light teal and would up close look as if the mark was made of water, wave motifs would adorn his skin up to the calf. His right palm would have an image of a spear surrounded by a circle, the circle would look as if it was made by the spear strokes. His eyes shine gold and would have fractal markings.

Old stuff, only if you want it to help you. Enhance (Enhances an action), Manifest (Manifestation of a physical or non-physical effect), Guidance (Guidance either by instinct or physical guide, shares qualities with manifest by how the physical guide happens), Modification (Changes the body itself.)


I am shit with how markings look, suggest. I want them to show visually what they represent. Like a piece of existence was turned into a mark.
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Maybe an alcoholic | Occasionally a cat
Sep 8, 2022
Crafting, swimming and shooting.
After rolling for the terrarium, not-me found himself in a plate with beings much stronger than him. So he gathered his wits to start thinking and tinkering.

To survive, he had to make himself a lot of gear and place traps around his terrarium to catch food. The markings of a craftsman look like various hand-made tools circling his arms, almost like twin snakes made of. It allows him to make things more durable, more efficient.

Swimming is also a required skill to survive. His markings mainly cover his calves, forming what looks like shark fins – because if he stops swimming, stops moving for too long, he dies, exactly like a shark. Swims faster than a normal human should, but gets anxious when he sits still.

The markings of a shooter are hidden in his iris, coming to life when he aims his harpoon gun. The iris changes to a crosshair, alowing him to be an even better sharpshooter. Because of it, he no longer needs glasses, but his eyes tire when he aims for too long.


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
Underwater Observer
Enhanced eyes and observation ability (for underwater).
(This makes me only able to truly see underwater)
Becoming enraged (adrenaline boost) when having something to hunt.
Coral reef snakes body
The venom and skin of a coral reef snake.
The legs are exchanged with a tail.
(This makes me slow on land.)
[Did I overdo it? To be fair I added many disadvantageous.
Swimming is the only sport I was ever good at, I could never in my entire life craft anything at all]
[Rolling @Voidiris terrarium]

[Can die] [Aquatic] [Forest] [Humongous] [Insect] [Ground]




[Sunken forest - A forest of Sea-wood trees. The wood is flexible when wet, and hard and inflexible when dry. These tree’s have long thin branches, with thin straight leaves that filter through the water; grabbing nutrients. It is completely submerged. Giant Nepidae scuttle within the foliage on the ground, fuzzy looking plants. Straight stem with reaching branches that sway through water, small frail extrusions that make it look fuzzy. Sorta resembles moss. Feeder fish swim about, along with plenty of bigger fish. A big ball with a glass window is held in place by chains. Above it is a latch, leading up. A pretty calm ecosystem.]

[Survival. That big ball, yeah, head there. It’s perfectly fit for your size… weird? Avoid getting spotted by big fish, and any insects that lurk within the trees. The water level will lower to where the tree’s leaves will fold down, and the wood hardens. A frenzy will happen and breeding season will start. Hide in the ball. There is a current generator, so watch out and not get swept up. You will be turned into pats by the filtration system. Escape. That valve.]



flooded forrest. A tree species that requires to be submerged under water. Its branches are long and flat. A more bendable wood, filter feeder. Lives near areas where they flood then un flood. THe branches fold on to make a armor when unflood

when no water seacreats liquid that hardens till water comes

The wood do to is high flexibility is used in decorative use, but it’s pretty shit wood do to the ali
After they found themself into the the bunker they knew what they had to do, they had to reject monke and return (and turn) to snake.

They are too weak for a fair fight, so they use the deadly poison in their nails and teeth to kill things and the attack itself will be an ambush. The scales and tail cause a good swimming speed, which gets boosted through the aggressiveness when attacking, to find prey that can be ambushed they use their enhanced eyes. They still need to surface to breath and mostly hide their because there are no fish or insect that live their, they retreat whit the water, they are normally as docile as the rest of the environment except when they give chase.


Average cilantro enjoyer
Nov 2, 2023
Shit I had for you @AYM it was a tunnel system where currents run rampant. When it gets cold it was get ready then warm then Woosh.

clinger seaweed for salamanders to curl into to hold out till the current passed

Convection currents are the result of differential heating. Lighter (less dense), warm material rises while heavier (more dense) cool material sinks. It is this movement that creates circulation patterns known as convection currents in the atmosphere, in water, and in the mantle of Earth.

I had a whole system thought out. The cold and unheated tunnels water will sink into lower tunnels and the warmed water will rise. Causing random & constant currents. I had this in a unique bunker where the researcher wanted to test differnt ecosystems. While everyone else was in bunker 459
None, you would have been aquatic, well, if you didn’t count the bug infested raptures, where the oxygen air pockets resided. You would last a half-day with you, by a certain point you would feel deprived from oxygen then slowly your vision go black. You a dolphin in lungs. Or a turtle bum.

like if you ever escape you would feel terrible till you got used to having crusty skin. You would need some water dousing every few hours to stay comfortable.
Do creatures which aren't salamanders or insects exist in this terrarium, and how poisonous are the salamanders and insects?


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Do creatures which aren't salamanders or insects exist in this terrarium, and how poisonous are the salamanders and insects?
The salamanders aren’t poisonous, but are able to grip well and are durable. The insects aren’t either. Nothing here is poisoness. Only plant life, salamanders and insects exist there because everything other died. Or is too small to actually see