Chat for people to talk about anything


🌻Currently Hibernating🌹
Jun 13, 2024
I'm just really bored right now and have nothing else to do other than talk to myself in my head...which is always a bad idea...:blob_sweat:
So I just wanted to make a chat for anyone to talk about anything and everything your heart desires

HINT: Please help cure my boredom :blob_blank:

One Night Stands
How are you doing now? Sorry for the late reply. I hope your dogs are doing well. Also, all the best with all your dream pets. I like cats too, and Australian Shepherd seems really cute too, despite me being a cat person.
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Jun 18, 2024
How are you doing now? Sorry for the late reply. I hope your dogs are doing well. Also, all the best with all your dream pets. I like cats too, and Australian Shepherd seems really cute too, despite me being a cat person.
I'm doing really good, thank you for asking, just a bit stressed with writing.
what about you?
And my dogs are doing pretty okay, we're worried about the oldest one having cancer though...


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
I'm just really bored right now and have nothing else to do other than talk to myself in my head...which is always a bad idea...:blob_sweat:
So I just wanted to make a chat for anyone to talk about anything and everything your heart desires

HINT: Please help cure my boredom :blob_blank:

One Night Stands
You go first, do you want a handicap or nah?


🌻Currently Hibernating🌹
Jun 13, 2024
I'm doing really good, thank you for asking, just a bit stressed with writing.
what about you?
Glad to hear that you are doing well. I'm doing well too, but a little sleep-deprived.
And my dogs are doing pretty okay, we're worried about the oldest one having cancer though...
I'm sorry to hear that, it always makes me sad to hear about older pets who are sick... :blob_teary:

I will hope that the older doggo gets well soon. Please, take care of yourself and and your pets. If possible, give them lots and lots of pats and hugs from me!

Have a pleasant, and great day! See you around.


Jun 18, 2024
Glad to hear that you are doing well. I'm doing well too, but a little sleep-deprived.

I'm sorry to hear that, it always makes me sad to hear about older pets who are sick... :blob_teary:

I will hope that the older doggo gets well soon. Please, take care of yourself and and your pets. If possible, give them lots and lots of pats and hugs from me!

Have a pleasant, and great day! See you around.
Make sure you try to get some sleep

and I'm sure he'll be ok, he's a crazy pup too I'm sure he won't leave just yet but I'll definitely give them a ton of loves for you!
Never played I see…
Here are the rules.
Alright then, uno momento while I read it all
Never played I see…
Here are the rules.
so is the whole point just to capture other pieces and have more spots-?
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A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
Make sure you try to get some sleep

and I'm sure he'll be ok, he's a crazy pup too I'm sure he won't leave just yet but I'll definitely give them a ton of loves for you!

Alright then, uno momento while I read it all

so is the whole point just to capture other pieces and have more spots-?
Yeah, but more on the spots then the capturing, in an equal game


A Snowflake With Many Edges
May 2, 2021
Telephone poles
My mother’s favorite number was six. That’s how often she’d tapped the steering wheel as we sped down the country road. The night sky looked blurry from my backseat window as stars passed by like white streaks of lightning. I sat in the back with my sister, busy playing on her tablet while sucking on a strawberry lollipop. I could still smell the green apple sucker dad gave to me earlier. It melted in my pocket a few hours ago. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Hunks of metal with circular-illuminated eyes paved the road opposite of us. My mother looked back in the rearview mirror and winked at me. I smiled and took my phone out of my pocket to check the time. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Another hunk of metal came up on the horizon. Its eyes were different, a bulging red as it swerved in and out of its lane and into ours. Mom honked and slowed down, trying to decipher the opposing car’s erratic movements. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

For a moment, all I could hear was her tapping, then a ringing, then silence. I parted my eyes and could only see the night sky, its stars now still. Another figure then appeared, looming over me with four jagged, slender arms and multiple slithering appendages protruding from its sides.

The figure grew broader and thicker, the top of its head splitting into three while bowls and strings twirled from its ears. My head felt hazed. I tried to get up, but my body weighed heavily as if several layers of concrete trapped me.

The apparition came closer, its coils slithering and wrapping around its body. Perhaps it was expressing a deep love for itself. Did it want to force that love onto me?

I felt a need to move, but only for some of its coils to wrap around me. And so it did. It felt like tiny, cold, slimy tentacles wrapping around my body and neck. It became hard to breathe. The figure’s four heads began smacking against each other, producing an ear-splitting wooden grit. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

I woke up and glanced outside my window at a passing telephone pole. Its four wooden beams waved as it shrank into the distant night sky.