Recommendations Dommy Mommy


Active member
May 25, 2019
I'm starting to severely doubt this genre exists.

I want a badass, powerful, independent, assertive female character that is in a relationship with a guy she's superior to (ideally socially and in combat).

Ideally, she's not a tsundere or any kind of caricature.

No harems please.

Ideally the male protagonist is exceptional in his own way. But I'd take less exceptional male protagonists as long as they're not pathetic. Basically I want a guy I can relate to/is independently compelling or who I can self insert as.

I have never really seen this done well, and I'm not convinced it exists, but I'm asking anyway.

~All the male protagonist stories I read who had a love interest that was superior to the male protagonists proved disappointing to me.

The love interest was often disappointing as a character (not independent/her own person, reduced to an accessory of the male protagonist, didn't have her own ambitions, etc.) or was inferior/subordinate to the male protagonist (the male protagonist quickly surpassed her, in the worst cases, she was later made a damsel in distress) and so didn't quite scratch that itch.

Only exceptions I've found that really captured the dynamic well had the (potential) love interest be the final antagonist or something.

So she both had the fiercely independent, badass, domineering vibe, and the dynamic lasted beyond the initial meetings.

I've read a lot of female protagonist stories, but ~all the badass female protagonist stories I read with romantic subplots were Yuri stories.

The genre may not really exist, but it won't hurt to ask I guess.
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Active member
May 25, 2019
So you want a story about a traditional Man but with a vagina
And a traditional feminine love interest but with a dick
Did I get that right?
I do want a story that inverts the traditional balance of power/power dynamics in a heterosexual relationship, yeah.

But I ideally prefer romantic subplots and generally want a action/combat heavy story.

Scheming and political intrigue can work as well.

Though I'll take pure romance with the dynamics I want if you know any.


New member
Oct 12, 2023
Hello! I also want to see more of this "genre", so I came here to watch this thread.

Unfortunately, I only have one recommendation (that's why I'm looking for more lol): "I have the Aura of Overbearing President".

I remember this is an urban romance comedy about Chu Chu, a female MC that transmigrates into a novel as a villainous overbearing president. The MC basically watches the "original protagonist" antics and the absurdities that happens around that white lotus, while Chu Chu herself keep being a badass boss character. This is kind of a jab on the romances with "frail holy mother" female protagonists.
Also, there's some romance with one of her subordinates. The subordinate isn't exactly meek, but since he's a subordinate, he must bend down to her many times. If I remember correctly, he's got a bit of a temper and both of them have some funny back and forth.

I've read it more than a year ago and I don't remember the ending, so I may be wrong about some details or even have it mixed with other novels, but that's the only novel that crossed my mind reading your request.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Hello! I also want to see more of this "genre", so I came here to watch this thread.

Unfortunately, I only have one recommendation (that's why I'm looking for more lol): "I have the Aura of Overbearing President".

I remember this is an urban romance comedy about Chu Chu, a female MC that transmigrates into a novel as a villainous overbearing president. The MC basically watches the "original protagonist" antics and the absurdities that happens around that white lotus, while Chu Chu herself keep being a badass boss character. This is kind of a jab on the romances with "frail holy mother" female protagonists.
Also, there's some romance with one of her subordinates. The subordinate isn't exactly meek, but since he's a subordinate, he must bend down to her many times. If I remember correctly, he's got a bit of a temper and both of them have some funny back and forth.

I've read it more than a year ago and I don't remember the ending, so I may be wrong about some details or even have it mixed with other novels, but that's the only novel that crossed my mind reading your request.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
I too would like a woman capable of telling me to, ahem, "shut the fuck up", in my life.


Chronic lecher masquerading as a writer
Feb 18, 2021
Manhwa: If you touch my brother, you're all dead

FMC honey traps excel sheet a meticulous hardworking man.