Drew this like last week then turned it into a cover cuz I’m lazy👍✨


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
Yeah, I get you on the wishywashy stuff big media like Disney put out. I don’t like it either cuz it’s insulting to both parties. But mayyybe don’t jump to calling something woke when it’s by a newbie writer or an independent one? It hurts a bit. Woke really isn’t a bad word to be thrown around like that. It literally means to be informed on injustice, that word.
Also sorry if I didn’t get what you meant, I don’t really know you or the vibes on scribblehub forums. I genuinely was confused where the grandma plot line came from, but it was entertaining to read fr. I appreciate you taking so much time to write all this, but at the same time, you were a bit mean, so I didn’t know how to react. I usually just read debates instead of getting involved in them lol
That is the thing.

Unlike discord, or facebook, etc

Here, we know the other user is a "human being".
Also i technically didn't call your story "woke".
I indeed used the word, but it was in a metaphorical way of "you go woke or you write it well". But indeed badly done the example by focusing on "sad past" part.
So its true that its bad to rush to use the word but I DIDNT CALL YOUR STORY woke.
Your choice to have that or not. But the repercussion of your choice will decide if it flops or not.

One side will make the novel possibly look "woke" (gosh another blackskin MC for no reason whatsoever)
Other side give a bonus empathy point, to the fact the FMC worked often under the horrendous sun of the planet her whole childhood that it turned her pretty skin that dark. Feeling pity for "her" and liking her more.
Analogy of what i did, is like saying "Or your food product will look trash or your food will be good looking" and the manufacturer be angry of calling his product trash, when clearly i gave POSSIBLE FUTURES, that could EVEN BE WRONG.

[Edit : Heck, just discovered that with my cautious habit i even added the word "possibly look". Which was likely a KIND REMINDER your story CAN but ALSO CAN NOT be woke and be a good work. AND MY OWN PRE-DEFENSE so you aren't angry against me using the word. But i guess you skipped this part by reading too fast from habit of instagram/social. Its because of discord and be misunderstood or misread that i developed this CAUTIOUS way of writing. But i can't believe i still get people still misunderstanding me *facepalm*]

Wellllll, i was harsh sounding because you guys replied in a joking/trolling/zoomer way.
If you look at my first, second post, i was in a good/joking mood.

But the fact you and TenderHuman seemed to reply to me in a "brain turned off" way. Which is very very rude in a conversation.
is just rage inducing.
Also you saying "it hurts a bit"
Reminds me of this drawing


For information, stress is very bad for me.

My heart was already fragile with my overly kind nature (mom), the kind where i could be depressed for days for stuff,
BUT what is worse is that my heart became physically worsened by medication that had side effects (stopped using btw)
To the point i get the heart having palpitation when over stressed
PS : i survived a suicide attempt

Also its just calling a creation of yours "woke" (I DIDNT, i repeat, I DIDNT)
its not like i AIMED AT YOU DIRECTLY.
I will end by mentioning my previous post, was a nice way of doing peaceful reconciliation and finally end everything, but just now, *sigh*
you just acted like a jp scene, where the gyaru that after crying, doing a tantrum, when she is seeing that the other person make peace, suddenly become smug secretly and try to get the last winning part to make the other party admit its their fault it all started. VERY SUBTLE. But gosh very cunning.
That is why despite being a woman myself, i don't have female friends, bc i can't stomach this kind of stuff.

Anyway, i end very honestly by recommending you to stop using instagram. Or at least "touch more grass". Or do slow and meaning discussions with kind people. Its not by always "spectating" that you will get better at interacting. Because when you become author, you need to interact with readers to get better.


Active member
Jan 31, 2023
That is the thing.

Unlike discord, or facebook, etc

Here, we know the other user is a "human being".
Also i technically didn't call your story "woke".
I indeed used the word, but it was in a metaphorical way of "you go woke or you write it well". But indeed badly done the example by focusing on "sad past" part.
So its true that its bad to rush to use the word but I DIDNT CALL YOUR STORY woke.

Analogy of what i did, is like saying "Or your food product will look trash or your food will be good looking" and the manufacturer be angry of calling his product trash, when clearly i gave POSSIBLE FUTURES, that could EVEN BE WRONG.

[Edit : Heck, just discovered that with my cautious habit i even added the word "possibly look". Which was likely a KIND REMINDER your story CAN but ALSO CAN NOT be woke and be a good work. AND MY OWN PRE-DEFENSE so you aren't angry against me using the word. But i guess you skipped this part by reading too fast from habit of instagram/social. Its because of discord and be misunderstood or misread that i developed this CAUTIOUS way of writing. But i can't believe i still get people still misunderstanding me *facepalm*]

Wellllll, i was harsh sounding because you guys replied in a joking/trolling/zoomer way.
If you look at my first, second post, i was in a good/joking mood.

But the fact you and TenderHuman seemed to reply to me in a "brain turned off" way. Which is very very rude in a conversation.
is just rage inducing.
Also you saying "it hurts a bit"
Reminds me of this drawing

View attachment 21873
For information, stress is very bad for me.

My heart was already fragile with my overly kind nature (mom), the kind where i could be depressed for days for stuff,
BUT what is worse is that my heart became physically worsened by medication that had side effects (stopped using btw)
To the point i get the heart having palpitation when over stressed
PS : i survived a suicide attempt

Also its just calling a creation of yours "woke" (I DIDNT, i repeat, I DIDNT)
its not like i AIMED AT YOU DIRECTLY.
I will end by mentioning my previous post, was a nice way of doing peaceful reconciliation and finally end everything, but just now, *sigh*
you just acted like a jp scene, where the gyaru that after crying, doing a tantrum, when she is seeing that the other person make peace, suddenly become smug secretly and try to get the last winning part to make the other party admit its their fault it all started. VERY SUBTLE. But gosh very cunning.
That is why despite being a woman myself, i don't have female friends, bc i can't stomach this kind of stuff.

Anyway, i end very honestly by recommending you to stop using instagram. Or at least "touch more grass". Or do slow and meaning discussions with kind people. Its not by always "spectating" that you will get better at interacting. Because when you become author, you need to interact with readers to get better.
Wait what? Whoa, I was trying to agree with you. I did not mean for you to take it badly. I feel that you are assuming a few too many things. I was talking causally, as in I was not accusing you of anything.

Also, I am so sorry you had to go through that. But at the same time, you don't know anything about me. I'm not offended by the gyaru comparison or anything, but was that necessary?

Also also, I live on a farm and touch grass daily 👍✨ (for intents and purposes, this is a friendly joke. Please don't get mad at me. I am trying to make you laugh and likely failed miserably)
Wait what? Whoa, I was trying to agree with you. I did not mean for you to take it badly. I feel that you are assuming a few too many things. I was talking causally, as in I was not accusing you of anything.

Also, I am so sorry you had to go through that. But at the same time, you don't know anything about me. I'm not offended by the gyaru comparison or anything, but was that necessary?

Also also, I live on a farm and touch grass daily 👍✨ (for intents and purposes, this is a friendly joke. Please don't get mad at me. I am trying to make you laugh and likely failed miserably)
On another note, I don't know why you are belittling my thoughts and opinions to this degree. Like you said, I am a human being, and a teenager. I don't like debating because this happens often.

And the art community on Instagram are far more kind in regards to feedback. I'm speaking from previous experiences on this forum as well. I believe most people on the forum are more mature than I am, but they are so mean at the same time, for no good reason.

I posted such a vague thread in the first place because I don't feel comfortable. I don't know anyone, and the people that I have spoken to were unnecessarily mean or harsh. Although I'm dulling my words to diffuse the situation, you are one of those far too harsh people I have met on here. So no, I don't think scribblehub is kind.
Last edited:


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
Wait what? Whoa, I was trying to agree with you. I did not mean for you to take it badly. I feel that you are assuming a few too many things. I was talking causally, as in I was not accusing you of anything.

Also, I am so sorry you had to go through that. But at the same time, you don't know anything about me. I'm not offended by the gyaru comparison or anything, but was that necessary?

Also also, I live on a farm and touch grass daily 👍✨ (for intents and purposes, this is a friendly joke. Please don't get mad at me. I am trying to make you laugh and likely failed miserably)
Ok fine.

You don't seem to be lying.

Also i misunderstood your last post because there isn't "tone of voice" to tell if you said in a sarcastic way or honest way. ("mayyyyyyybe don't jump to calling something woke" in a sneering tone is totally different and a hesitating tone AND choice of words is very poor)

Anyway, try to change how you write/speak for the forum.

In short, "be more natural" and/or "release yourself completely"
I am not sure how you truly are but, if not, try to "remove the mask" that you are accustomed with in instagram, but imagine all of us here, like big bro/big sis/little sis/little bro, whatever you feel close with.
And it's like we are in a pajama party with mario kart.
Just like a real bro or sis, users need some respect, space, can be easy to be close with, honest, easy to help, but also easy to be angry if touching some taboos.
Try to reduce the zoomer part of yourself, and add some thinking before doing things. Because unlike reddit/faceb/instagram, we truly care each other, we are humans and we (or other users) will be active in this forum for a long long while, and not a cliche "internet friend" the kind that seem friendly but in fact don't care or shitty person behind.

Btw i made the conversation/thread very serious, but i am mostly very childishly crazy weeb-y (but rare times am mega serious like an elder).
[just picture me like Houshou marine or Jinx or Lucy]
and everything wouldn't have happened, if after i did my post about "old grandma evil mastermind" idea, you or TenderHuman, simply said something like, "wow it truly seems to fit" or some other praises, i say "thx" with a smile, DONE.

PS : tired i stop
PS PS : misunderstandings is a pain in the #ss
PS PS PS : ok let's end here, and go read other threads to become accustomed


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
View attachment 21846
My art is flopping on Instagram so I've kinda given up for now lol. I'll just write instead
¯\_( ´∀`)_/¯✨✨ I got uni to worry about anyway

Also ignore my rambling. Thanks for stopping by to stare at the MC dude
I love his clothes and the design of his face!!! The shading of the folds gives it so much realism and the eyes definitely set him apart from a lot of art in an unidentifiable emotion combined with disgust. So cool!!!🤩🤩🤩🌠🌟⭐ Hands are so impressive and it’s awesome that you are comfortable with your art to give them an action so central to the art piece!! Where did your other fiction go, by the way? You had another one, right?


Active member
Jan 31, 2023
I love his clothes and the design of his face!!! The shading of the folds gives it so much realism and the eyes definitely set him apart from a lot of art in an unidentifiable emotion combined with disgust. So cool!!!🤩🤩🤩🌠🌟⭐ Hands are so impressive and it’s awesome that you are comfortable with your art to give them an action so central to the art piece!! Where did your other fiction go, by the way? You had another one, right?
Thank you so much!! ʕ·̀ω·́ʔ✨💕 I've been working on drawing hands and clothes better so I'm happy it's good!

My old novel was scrapped and turned into the new one! It's just how my creative flow works lol


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
Thank you so much!! ʕ·̀ω·́ʔ✨💕 I've been working on drawing hands and clothes better so I'm happy it's good!

My old novel was scrapped and turned into the new one! It's just how my creative flow works lol
Thank you for sharing your art with us!!! And you should be happy with it! ⭐ :blobthumbsup::blobthumbsup:😍
I totally understand how that works with the newer novel consuming the old one! Mine has devoured more than a few beginning novels to make it! Though those never made it onto the writing sites.


Active member
Jan 31, 2023
Thank you for sharing your art with us!!! And you should be happy with it! ⭐ :blobthumbsup::blobthumbsup:😍
I totally understand how that works with the newer novel consuming the old one! Mine has devoured more than a few beginning novels to make it! Though those never made it onto the writing sites.
All good novels feed on previous novels! 🤌✨ hehe, also your novel must be great! Can I ask what it's called?


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
All good novels feed on previous novels! 🤌✨ hehe, also your novel must be great! Can I ask what it's called?
Awww!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Indeed they do! I'm really enjoying your story, so we already have a quickly growing sample size!
It's called, rather simply, "Charisma".


Active member
Jan 31, 2023
Awww!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Indeed they do! I'm really enjoying your story, so we already have a quickly growing sample size!
It's called, rather simply, "Charisma".
Hehe nice! I'll be giving it a read! Sounds charismatic already *wiggles eyebrows* (its a bad joke I'm sorry lol)