Finding my identity as an author


New member
Jul 18, 2023
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

I tend to live my life by that adage. Jumping into something blindly is a big form of self-sabotage. Although, planning too much and never taking action as well can be another form of self-sabotage, it's very important to have balance. Some things can take a lifetime to master. Are you going to wait your whole life before you write your first novel? I'd say it's better to take action than to spend your whole life planning for something and forgetting the take action part.

From the business books I've read I know it's also important to set goals. Realistic goals. That's how you get things done without procrastinating. By giving yourself a deadline so to speak. Right now, I'm studying Cartomancy and Data Science. So, I have to get that done before I can begin my book authoring journey. Being motivated is also important when you want to accomplish something.

What should your motivations be you ask? They can be anything. Like a carrot on a string being strung out in front of a racing horse to make him go, it's a big help to have something very valuable to you as a motivational factor. My motivations are the fact that I would love to have some passive income coming in. Who doesn't like to get paid while they sleep. Once a book is on a shelf or a digital kobo or kindle format, all you have to do is sit back and let your bank account expand without lifting a finger. Isn't that great. I don't know why, but for some reason I have some kind of urge to make some kind of mark on the world. I have no clue why I have that desire, but it's there. What should your motivations be behind getting your books done? It should be different for everyone. Everyone is different and everyone should have different motivations behind what they want to accomplish.

So, what's my plan you ask? First, I need to understand what types of Fiction I enjoy reading and why. Right now, I love Dan Brown. He is a mystery thriller writer with an esoteric twist in his stories. I also love horror, as well as crime fiction. Now, when I say I love crime fiction I'm not talking about those corny romance books you'll catch a lot of women reading. I tend to be drawn to the Iceberg Slim or Donald Goines types. But I digress.

So, maybe I'll release a few different genres all at the same time and see which genre catches on. Then I'll form an identity around writing books from the genre that gets read the most after I've released books from about three or more different genres that I enjoy myself. Fortunately for me, I discovered a platform called Wattpad. I can use that as a testing ground for my novels or novellas as I release books on there and see which ones get the most reads. Then I can release the most popular titles on Amazon or through Ingram Spark and walah!!! I've found my niche audience and my identity as well.

Stay tuned for more from the creative mind behind Banned from Earth...........................................

This is an excerpt from my blog. Please google follow me to see more from my writing journey and future works of mine.
Banned From Earth: Finding My Identity As an Author (