For the first time in my life I am faced with... homophobia???

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Well-known newbie author
Apr 5, 2024

As a muslim, It hurts to hear that.

Well, let's just say that person isn't broad-minded.

I mean... My Father wouldn't scold you cuz of the tiddies but he will scold me if I dare to look at your novel covers for a freaking second.
I second that.
I had a webnovel commenter somewhat like this. He/she saw my novel covers having big tiddy anime girls and he got furious, commenting "You have sinned, Allah will burn you to eternal hell" on each and every novel I wrote.

Hail Satan, I guess?
Tbh, whoever wrote that must be a 12 y/o or something. They were harassing you.
It's true there are restrictions for them but not for you.
"If I believe in what I intend to, then I must follow the rules."
That means, that person should stay from your novel if they don't like it, not you from writing if you don't intend to.
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Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
Sorry, but I do not understand this.
I'm on about nationality being included in the argument. To me, this shifts things from the spread of personal belief I take it you are defending to a demand of conformity. The latter half of the comment is nice, I agree, but the former is not.

But isn't my statement and your statement "I want you to take on mine" is essentially the same thing? The only difference is that I humanize their intent and erase the implied meaning of using violence to force others to accept their belief.

Why is the statement "I want you to take on mine" is so wrong in the first place? Is it not coming from a good place? That since I think this is good for you, hence I want you to accept it?

Naturally, we both agree that using violence is wrong when trying to change other's belief. But did that person, in anyway, insult or harm or threaten or harrass the OP? Of course, if that person has been spamming the OP then it is a different matter. But it seemed all they did was post one harmless comment, one they should have realized wouldn't be received with an open arm by the OP, who clearly enjoys writing BL novels.

And do you believe that the person's comment is so violent / offensive to the point that the OP had to create a thread and.... well you know what I mean. Do you really think they deserve to get insulted like this?
What you said entails both of the statements.
You compared doravg's complaint to LGBT+, my point was intended to be that even if both are fundamentally demands for the other to change to your values, I believe that there is significance in what degree of change is demanded, and to what end, irrespective of the means, rhetorical or physical, employed to achieve it.

I.e. what avoidable harm is being done currently vs. what consequences my proposed change has. There's still values at the core of this, but if you want someone to change, you'll have to appeal to theirs, not your own.

I don't know anything about that person besides this single comment, so I do not know what they consider a convincing reason, but I couldn't see myself writing this to a stranger and thinking it'd actually change something for them. Which would make posting it little more than a nuisance to the recipient.


Active member
Oct 22, 2022
I don't know anything about that person besides this single comment, so I do not know what they consider a convincing reason, but I couldn't see myself writing this to a stranger and thinking it'd actually change something for them. Which would make posting it little more than a nuisance to the recipient.
Though I won't call it a nuisance, I do agree that there's no way anyone would have just listen to the commenter. So for me, I'll call it – a brave but ineffective thing to do.

You compared doravg's complaint to LGBT+, my point was intended to be that even if both are fundamentally demands for the other to change to your values, I believe that there is significance in what degree of change is demanded, and to what end, irrespective of the means, rhetorical or physical, employed to achieve it.
Fair enough. What you are saying is that other than the method of how someone shares their belief (so violent or not). The demand that is required in order to change (so how much it changes one's life) is also included. Good point.

So our main differences is the fact that I do not consider the 'significance in what degree of change is demanded' as something of a heavy variable, so roughly 8:2 in terms of variable of method and variable of demand, while for you, you consider them roughly equal in terms of weight, so maybe 5:5.

What matters is that I do not put the weight of that variable as much as you.

And because of that, you consider the comment as... actually idk what you think of that comment.... Harmful? Offensive? Stupid? Anyway, although I still think it is completely harmless, I'll respect yours.

However, that doesn't change my mind that the way the OP reacted is simply excessive, all OP needed to do was answer plainly or just ignore the commenter. Making a thread talking about it was unnecessary. Imagine yourself trying to share your belief only to be met with this kind of response. You really think they deserve it?

If you genuinely think the OP's response was fair.... then let's agree to disagree.
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Certfied Super Secret Final Secret Final Boss
Oct 13, 2021
Religion's bad, mkay. Praise the bear, for he will free you from your problems, picnic bag, and life! Do not listen to the false idols! Only the bear can bear your sins! /sarcasmormaybenotidunno

Trolls be trolling. At least OP's troll was polite while at it.


Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
However, that doesn't change my mind that the way the OP reacted is simply excessive, all OP needed to do was answer plainly or just ignore the commenter. Making a thread talking about it was unnecessary. Imagine yourself trying to share your belief only to be met with this kind of response. You really think they deserve it?

If you genuinely think the OP's response was fair.... then let's agree to disagree.
I don't think it's wholly, unquestionably good. Public callouts are a bit of a prick thing to do, especially if done instead of a direct response, but I don't know about that part so I can only ignore it.
I think it's not worse. No names were disclosed, nor did I get the impression that this post called for any action or attacks the commenter personally.


The only active fanfictioners in the forum.
Aug 10, 2023
Heck, i totally forgot that they already invented KARMA system in their religion part.
(i got a personal thought that : if i got a djinn wish, how to get global peace would be to implement a karma(jp) system on everyone)
Their or mine?
(Offtopic rambling)

I remember something from a jp novel LONG LONG AGO. LN not WN.

It said : basically all types of deaths, are a sin to GOD (if existed)
like, usual dying by sin is commonly known, but even dying by old age is also a sin (forgot the reasoning but basically they sinned a particular god-rule)
and basically, the only TRUE DEATH not a sin, is by dying trying to protect someone WITHOUT EXPECTING SOMETHING IN RETURN (pure goodwill)
Me, who has two angels writing my sins and goods:


Isn't it also a major tenet in Islam that only God can pass judgment for sins, and that random idiot claiming God will take whatever particular action based on their judgment is in and of itself a major no-no/sin?
That's a random blabber, just don't even pay attention to them. I would love to explain to them how to not see the profanities of our doings but, I'm quite sure he would prefer to be deafened while I tell this stuff to em.
Oh man, this thread do get a bit religious right now.
I second that.
The hell does this mean?

Fr, what does this mean?


133/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
Where the hell did you find their comment XD, did OP mention it or did you check their novel? Oh wait nevermind I'm god damn blind haha!

Hard disagree. There's genuinely nothing wrong with people trying to share their belief with a stranger. I mean technically you could say all the me too movement, the LGBTQ community. All of them are doing exactly what that guy is doing, sharing what they think is good.

What sets people different is how one would share their belief. Some uses actual violence to force their belief, while others use insult and dehumanize those who rejected their belief.

But to share one's belief is what creates changes. And nothing is worse than a world without changes, no matter how perfect it is.

If you don't share the same sentiment, then kindly reject the person just like how they tried their best to be polite with their words as to not offend you. That's one of the keys to become a better person. To accept that others have different beliefs than you, and to accept that they are still a decent person regardless of their belief. And no decent person should be subjected to this so called 'exhibition' that you are doing.

Seriously, not cool man.
He had no right to snub his nose at an entire group of people, who have done nothing to him. Heck, I even believe he has never met a gay person in his life. Not that I have, either, but there was this nice transgender person I used to chat in German with.

Just the thought that someone who is that nice can be excluded from humanity makes my blood boil.

I am an atheist, but if God existed, then he wouldn't have hated people for being born the way he created them.

This thread is not a shame thread, but just my amazement that such people, people who would hate blindly, exist.

If that makes me a bigot, then I will proudly wear that title.


Well-known newbie author
Apr 5, 2024
He had no right to snub his nose at an entire group of people, who have done nothing to him. Heck, I even believe he has never met a gay person in his life. Not that I have, either, but there was this nice transgender person I used to chat in German with.

Just the thought that someone who is that nice can be excluded from humanity makes my blood boil.

I am an atheist, but if God existed, then he wouldn't have hated people for being born the way he created them.

This thread is not a shame thread, but just my amazement that such people, people who would hate blindly, exist.

If that makes me a bigot, then I will proudly wear that title.
Well, as someone who believes in god, I believe my god doesn't hate the people he created. He gives them chances again and again. He doesn't punish people the second they commit a crime. He gives them time (until they die I suppose) and also he gives them conscience to realize their faults and come back to him. If anyone doesn't realize the sins they had committed, yeah, they are fugged up.
(I'm NOT trying to impose my belief on you. It's just MY religious belief.)


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
I woke up to this thing as a chapter comment:
I have always known that there are people like that, but, honestly, I never even dreamed that I will be faced with such a person. And the commenter could have been meaner, I guess.

But it still irks me that he tried to force his religious belief on me.
Well I wouldn't call that true homophobia, that would be more I identify as an attack helicopter, but that's just some Catholic person trying to spread the idea of their religion into your head.
Everybody needs Jesus regardless of what their sin may be.
Well if being gay is a sin and warrants hell, we are free to sin so much more and really what is in heaven a gay person would ever want?
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