Forum Mafia: Draft League Edition: Mafia Victory


Oct 8, 2020
The registration of this game has ended. You can talk about the game here, join as a substitute or join as a spectator.

Welcome to Scribblehub's first ever Forum Mafia Draft League game!
The game hasn't started yet.
Comment below if you have any questions or if I missed anything.

General rules for this game are

0. Being the God of this game, I can change the rules, bend the rules, delete or add them whenever I want.
1. The day and night lasts for 24 hours.
2.1. Every participant is required to vote, or else they get a warning.
2.2. Every participant is required to post atleast 5 relevant posts per day cycle or else they get a warning.
2.3. On getting 2 consecutive warnings, the player will be mod killed(represented by stuck by lightning) and be replaced by a substitute if available
3. Do not be rude, cocky or based. This will result in instant modkill and be replaced by a substitute if available.
4. It is not allowed to delete or edit your posts. Doing so will result in a warning.
5.1. It is not allowed to discuss about the game outside the relevant PMs.
5.2. It is not allowed to use mechanics other than the ingame mechanics.
6. If you feel like someone broke a rule, tell me on your PM with me.
7. You are also free to opt out of the game any time you want given that you tell me in your PM.
8. Do not post SCREENSHOTS of your PM with me. Or any screenshots. Or quote me! Anything that is in our PM can never get out

The Specific rules(rules applied to this game only) are
1.1. The number of town is 3 and mafia members is 1.
2.1. You each have 10 points in total. Buy the roles you wish for this game and form a team not being bigger than 5 roles
2.2 Your roles are unique. Therefore if anyone buys a role, it is theirs only and is no longer available for sale.
3. Roles will be revealed on death.
5.1. The day ends when the timer runs out or when a majority is reached.
5.2. A majority is defined when more than 50% of members vote for a person.
6.1. Discussion time is not given after an execution and the day immedietly ends.
7.1. Vote by writing the name of the person you want to vote besides your name on the player list or by saying "Vote (playername) @Agentt"
7.2. You are not allowed to vote for no execution till the MisLynch and Lose point.
8. In case of a tie, someone randomly is chosen from the tied people.
9.1 Mafia must kill someone every night, or the mafia member is killed.
9.2 Mafia kills are not assigned.
10.1. A will system has been implemented. You can write your will in your PM with me.
10.2. The wills shall be broadcasted to the players upon your death along with your role.

11. The roles you buy will be made public and then you can privately choose a role to play after which your alignment will me given to you


The roles are

Siblings*2: Two siblings, separated at birth, opposites but connected by soul. One is guaranteed to be town while the other is guaranteed to be mafia. If only one sibling exists from the start of the game, a townie sibling is considered a vanilla townie whereas a mafia sibling is a mafia goon who does not attend mafia meets. If two siblings exist and one dies, the other dies too. (There are two copies of this role available)

Klutz: cannot use any items

Fruit Vendor: gives fruit to a person every night. fruits do nothing but are a good present. The person who recieves the fruit will know they recieved a fruit.

Fall Guy: choose a person once the game. if they are getting voted off you will die instead of them

Stranger: townie who appears as mafia when inspected

Townie: vanilla
Schrizo: choose a person. That person will either be role blocked, protected or killed.

CPR doc: choose a person to protect. if that person isn't threatened, then that person dies

ailurophobe cannot be saved from night kill

impulsively: receives the option to shoot the person who visited them last night

cult*2: appear as mafia when inspected. Have a private chat

broadcaster broadcast a message every morning

agoraphobe hide behind a person once the game. You are now invulnerable. if your shield dies you die too

once per game shooter just as the name says

armour protects someone once the game by giving them armour. does not protect against bullets.

bouncer prevents everyone to visit a person that night. use everynight.

snoop: once a game detective power which reveals yourself as snoop
backup doc replaces doc if he dies

barbie girl reverses the effect of power. protect==kill and kill==protect

sniper choose a person. you cannot change your target once chosen till the target is killed. After 2 days of choosing the target, the target is 100% guaranteed to die no matter effects of role blockers or doctors or bouncers

role blocker

mason*2 has a private convo

author every night, write the will for a player for them

to bomb if killed, kill the killer/if lynched, kill the last voter

cat choose a player every 2 days. this player cannot vote that day and is not allowed to make more than 10 posts. he isn't allowed to quote people either

ghosts when died, or broadcast messages every morning

gramma cannot be night killed

guilty choose a player who was once the top bandwagon. reveal his alignment. once per game.

janitor if alive, and reveal the roles only to him.

a painter marks a person to be detected as mafia by a detective

party hosts a party. no one can use their powers that night

polygraph choose a sentence every night. gets revealed if it's true or not

tagger tags a person every night. your abilities get exchanged

Politicians change a person's vote once in a game

multi-voter votes two people once a game. cannot vote same person twice

vath: visit a person. if they have a bullet, then take one.

PI: choose a person. Know if they were visited or not.
bus driver exchanges two players. the people they target also get exchanged

trance entrance a person. anything directed towards you gets redirected towards the entranced person. once per game. entrance person knows they have been entranced

pollster forces the town to choose between two suspects once a game

stalker once a game stalk a person every other day. their alignment gets revealed to you along with their role. if they die then you die too and vice versa.

framing can manipulate the method of death in records. if alive, choose if a death be shown as bullet wound or mafia kill

planner if no mafia kills happen, then gain a bullet

arms dealer visit a person and give them a bullet

amnesiac can copy the ability of a dead person

mortician can check a dead person and know if the person was shot or killed by a mafia. not effected by frammer.

doctor: choose a person every other night to protect them

thief: visit a person. if they have any kind of gift, steal it

sturdy: if shot or mafia killed, take two days to bleed to death

rancher: choose a person every night. if you die, then that person also does
ninja baker chooses two people and give one's power to another by copy paste

detective every other day, choose a player and reveal their alignment

vig have a bullets. if you kill a townie then you die

word bomber chooses a word. Everyone who says that word dies. Commonly used words and player names aren't allowed.

game host every night chooses a question, answer and a prize. the question is broadcasted in the morning and whoever gets the correct answer gets the prize. the prize is hidden till revealed. Prize must be reasonable

car bomber when lynched, kill top 3 other suspects too

guardian angel once the game, protects all townies from all kills. all townies will receive a message saying they were blessed.

defense attorney reveals yourself. remove all votes from one player. once the game

hustler once game, can shorten the nighttime

ninja is inspected as a townie by the detective.

army veteran kills everyone who visits him

cannoneer: each night get one shot. can store shots and shoot them all any night. if killed then shots are lost
If anyone has any questions, they can ask now.

Roles bought:
Anon: Army Veteran, Bouncer.
Hasty: Game Host, Once per game shooter
Aaqil: Broadcaster, Word Bomber
Mello: Granma, politician, and trance
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Magic 8-ball they say
Dec 9, 2021
2.1. You each have 10 points in total. Buy the roles you wish for this game and form a team not being bigger than 5 roles
You can do all the actions from the roles you chose? :blob_no:


Jan 4, 2021
@Aaqil where are thee