Forum Rules

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Staff member
Dec 21, 2018
Forum Rules
  1. General Forum Rules

Violation of Forum Rules
Violators of the forum rules will be given warning points (WP) and possibly have their post deleted. There are no "verbal warnings." Warnings points will serve as their name suggests, a warning. Warning points can accumulate into a ban.

User can't view warning points, but a notification will be given every time the user receives warning points. Duration of bans varies, depending on warning points accumulated.

Sometimes a ban could be issued without notification (usually for serious offenses), in this case, warning points notification serve as banning notification.

Serious offenses:
  • using information on the forums to dig out personal information (privacy infringement, "doxing")
  • posting suicidal*, terrorism, and or anything related to criminal activity.
  • constantly targeting and insulting a user
  • threatening the mods or a user, in a way that tries to intimidate or ends up scaring the receiver
User that disagree with locking/deleting thread are welcomed to PM moderator that performed the action.

Reporting Violation of Rules

There are report button for post and comment. If you happen to encounter a violation of rules, report them instead of directly replying to the thread/status as it would often lead to off-topic discussion. For the same reason, summoning a mod to lock/delete/edit is not recommended either. Simply report or ignore the post content.

*In the case you are feeling depressed or down, you are welcomed to make a thread in general so another user could cheer you up.

  • Please report all violators via the report button. Tagging a moderator to report a violator is not the correct way to report it.
  • If you have complaints towards a mod, send them a PM. Don't post on their profile or make a thread about it. There is absolutely no need to make it a public affair.
  • Ban evasion will result in your clone being banned and will increase the time on the original ban.
  • Don't ask for or give links to pirated content.
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Staff member
Dec 21, 2018
This is general rules for the forum, applicable for every thread and post. There might be additional specific rules in sub-forum.

The general rules for posting:
  1. No NSFW/racist/propaganda posts. Be nice and polite. Respect others and think before posting.
  2. Cursing is allowed as long as it's not excessive.
  3. Double posting is tolerated, but within moderation.
    - What is double posting? Double posting refer to posting in a thread twice or more in a row.
    - Is there a case when double posting is allowed? There are several case when double posting are allowed, for example: In original creation and original composition thread. The first poster of a thread might also post two or more post in to better organize their thread.
  4. Respect other member's privacy.
  5. Posts should be kept English only, as managing multiple languages would require an extraneous amount of resources.
  6. Do not request or share licensed novel in threads and/or status post. Similary, do not ask or give link to aggregator site.
  7. Any spoiler should be placed inside spoiler tag or within spoiler thread.
  8. Do not hijack/ derailed from topic from thread with 'serious' or 'no-hijacking' tag. Even without the tag, you could still differentiate which thread is serious or not. This means do not hijack subforums such as Scribble Hub Discussion, Annoucements, Feature Requests, etc... Do not hijack any serious discussion, especially if the original poster already give warning to not go off topic. Yes, this apply even in the infamous general -> general section.
  9. A post consisted of nothing but @ to summon user is considered as SPAM. If you want to summon someone, please add your reason to summon them too.
  10. Do not necro threads if the thread has been dead for 3 months. Simply make a new one. An exception to this rule would be the thread cannot be remade for reasons or you have a good reason to necro the thread.
  11. Threads and posts related to religion and politics are banned. The topic is too volatile.
Making a thread:
  1. Title of the thread should be representing the content of thread. Blank title ".....", misleading, or ambiguous title is not recommended. Similarly, the thread must at least contain an idea to discuss. Thread that is made for SPAM posting will be locked.

    How to know if the thread is made for SPAM posting? It generally follow several patterns:
    - No clear main idea/ general direction, with 2 or more change in topic within 3 pages
    - User only post picture/ video/ link without any discussion/ comment

  2. Thread with mature content (gore, explicit/detailed torture or sexual description) should be tagged 18+
  3. Post the thread in the correct place.
  1. Self-reporting will resulted in warning.
  2. Useless threads with no purpose will result in warning.
  3. Do not harass other users.
  4. No NSFW profile or signature pictures (even if hidden under a spoiler).
  5. No Videos and GIF's in your signature unless under a spoiler. Picture in signature should not be bigger than 200 px in height. Total height of your signature should not exceed 10 lines of 15px text.
  6. Do not spam/cheat the likes system.
  7. Do not use the platform to contact and coerce users.
  8. No homework help threads
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