Help me pick my next story

Help me, ay.

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2023
Hey, I finally finished my current project, though I haven't translate it to English yet. But I want to prepare for my next project first, help me with it will ya?
Just pick the one with the description you find interesting :blob_aww: (I legit spend thirty minutes trying to figure out the voting system)

Option #1- Flames In Her Icy Heart
The story is about a young princess in a snow covered, cold and dry kingdom.
Fleeing from the castle to the forest, the kingdom which was covered in snow before, are in flames. Most of her family were killed, so the young princess tried to run away. The enemy goons too, chases her, trying to eliminate her and the threat inside her heart. In the shower rain of arrows, she flee to the white woods, leading her to meet a traveler. The traveler hides her under the thick snow, then deceive the enemies. Now the goons are gone, they talk to each other. It turns out that the Traveler is in need some kind of herbs that only grow in the cold mountains of this kingdom. The young princess know about it and they agree to a cooperation. It's a start of their journey to fulfill each other objective while surviving.

Option #2 - The Background Guy
The Student Council, one of the most authoritative beings in the High School of X Town. Our ML and FML are close friends or better call them "Childhood Friends". The FML is vocal, she conveys everything she wants to say, while the ML is just a typical guy. But, they made a promise in the past, to never leave each other behind and always help each other. The FML is trying her debut as the President of this high-up organization and requested ML to assist her. Meanwhile, our ML insisted that he just want to chill and be a librarian. This cracks up their relationship and FML sees this as he doesn't want to keep his promise. But, in reality, he just doesn't want to stand in front of the mass, doesn't want being shot by the lights of the stage. Unknowingly, in her struggles as a member of the Student Council, he is always there to support her from the background.

Option #3 - Time Is Unbound
A couple of husband and wife live in the depth of the forest. They are married but does not have an offspring yet. Its because the wife had an illness that made her very weak. The husband doesn't want to burden her body with having a life inside her belly while being so weak. Hence, they live a quiet life, only two of them. Until death comes for the wife. In her last moments, holding a flower in her chest, she said, "I love the flowers you grew, it calms me down even in death. So, if fates are kind enough to make us meet again, let's breathe in the scent of this flowers again. May it be known that us were requited before."
The final words of his wife captivate the husband. He spends the rest of his life growing the flowers his wife loved. Until, death comes for him, too. In his last moment, he wish for fate to let him continue his duty.
"Ah, how wishful I am to be reborn, watching a field full of sweet scent. Those flowers does not have anyone caring for them. But surely, they'll grow on their own."

Option #4 - A Paper Piece of Her
A camera. What does one define the result of those?
Memories? Trophies? Money? Or rather, a piece of paper?
All of them, our ML thinks. He is a the Chief of the Photography Club, which consist of only him as the member. Though he is the only one, but the creation of this club is also because of his effort. Winning three gold medals of Photography competition is enough for the school to let him do so. Our ML loves taking picture, it seems the apple does not fall from the tree because his father is a professional photographer.
One night, ML is hunting for a good streets photography. A spot is found not far from a bridge in his prefecture, close to the shore of the river. The moon shines bright behind the bridge, revealing a figure standing outside of the bridge concrete fences. The wind shove it long hairs. Captivated by the moment, our ML take the shot. A flash of light came from the camera. The silhouette notices the light came down to the shore of the river. It's a girl. In a rather curious look, she asked, "Was that a good suicide photo?"

Edit 1 (30 December) :
Hey, I'm back after a few days preparing all the stuff because we clearly has a winner.
A Paper Piece of Her will be my next project. Though, it was a closer tie a few days ago, which is a surprise since I kinda expect that A Paper Piece of Her would be taken a liking by everyone, not to that extend. I actually thought the winner was gonna be Option #1 - Flames In Her Icy Heart.

Well, now that I completed 80% most of the stuff for the project, this might be released on January 1st 2024. Really excited, actually.
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Yandere’s Lover Corpse Collector
Jun 13, 2020
Option 4 sounds like something I would read.

but option 2.. hmm idk man.. it doesn’t sound fun to read at all. It’s the kind of misunderstandings that doesn’t sound fun


Jun 17, 2022
Option 1 sounds like it has the capacity to be some grand journey/adventure like Spice and Wolf.

Option 2? No thank you. While it could be an interesting drama or romcom, I wouldn't read it unless the characters are really lovable.

Option 3 would be good as a short story.

Option 4 could be a good story but there's not enough details here. Maybe if you fleshed it out more I could give a proper answer. That's a good hook though.


New member
Mar 27, 2023
Option 4 would be a great one i guess.

I like option 1 too, but unless it doesn't have that typical shy, good for nothing princess.

About option 2... i Like the trope but only if the whole story is super short like 10 or 15 chapters. You know, misunderstanding is bad for health.

About option upstairs said, it has a great potential for a good short story. I will definitely read it. Even though your description itself feels like a story.

You have great story ideas though.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2023
Option 4 would be a great one i guess.

I like option 1 too, but unless it doesn't have that typical shy, good for nothing princess.

About option 2... i Like the trope but only if the whole story is super short like 10 or 15 chapters. You know, misunderstanding is bad for health.

About option upstairs said, it has a great potential for a good short story. I will definitely read it. Even though your description itself feels like a story.

You have great story ideas though.
Actually, option #1 will mainly focus on the princess how she trying to become strong to retake her kingdom with the Traveler help (really should point this out in the description, duh). Its her story, after all.

Thanks for the vote, these percentage actually help me sort the priorities for my project. :blob_aww: