Help this newbie choose a novel to focus on.

Which premise should I focus on first?

  • Option 1 "[Status Unavailable]"

    Votes: 12 57.1%
  • Option 2 "Throwing Stones"

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Option 3 "ARC SMGs"

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Option 4 "Jupiter's Descent"

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Option 5 "Let's Meet Again in 1,000 Years!"

    Votes: 8 38.1%

  • Total voters


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Hello, I am definitely new to SHF, please be kind and help me out. :3

So, I have this problem of having waaaay too many ideas for novels. I love all of them equally, and my interest in writing each one goes up and down depending on my mood and what I’ve watched recently.

I think I may be writing novels in ADHD Ultra 8k. Like, I see episode 1 of Sousou no Frieren and suddenly there’s 600 pages of lore in my head.

I do truly believe I can write these all eventually, but that won't happen in the first place if I'm too indecisive to even start. I need to be realistic and focus on completing one or two at most.

What am I to do to remedy this problem? Seek help from my friends, my family, or god forbid – my therapist? Nay, instead, I will ask random strangers on the internet which of my premises interests them the most.

I can’t write all of them, at most, I can focus on two at once. So here I present to you – cherry-picked from the best of my best – potential novels with at least 1 chapter in my drafts.

Which one am I to focus on?

Novel 1 – [Status Unavailable] – Munchkin LitRPG
TL;DR: Level 1 girl too edgy to die goes on a journey to kill god
Most Relevant tags: LitRPG, Clever Protagonist, Tragedy, Grimdark
Emilia – an [alchemist], a [doctor], a [thief], a [witch] – people knew her by many titles. But long ago, she was a mere [soldier] who had her status taken from her by a god.

With the base stats of a level 1 and a little bit of wit and wisdom, she departs on a journey to take everything back.
So essentially, I was playing an RPG on a self-imposed challenge where you can’t level up or increase stats except through equipment. I noticed that fights became akin to a puzzle, where you take advantage of one glaring weakness of the boss, and then it becomes easy as you cheese it. Something might be a brick wall in terms of stats, but it’s not immune to sleep and poison? GG

So, I thought, this but a story. A girl who’s incapable of increasing her stats, but uses magic items and consumables, exploiting ‘mechanics’ of the system to hit faaaar beyond her weight.

One of the things she does is form a contract with essentially the Devil, agreeing to kill a person who literally can’t die in exchange for being unable to die herself. It has the small caveat of offering her no regeneration whatsoever, so if she turns into bloody mist, she stays that way, completely aware until someone fixes her (if at all). But her spite is so strong that even the Devil is scared of what she puts herself through to survive.

Of course, no matter what she does; it’s really impossible for her to kill god – that’s where the tragedy kicks in :). She knows this with all her heart, but is happy to die trying.

As for romance, while there technically isn't any, her alter ego is sort of yandere for the person she's trying to kill. Other than that, everyone else is familyzoned at best

Bonus: She might be edgy, but she treats others with the personality of a wholesome grandma. There’s an entire sub-plot of the people she’s helped on the way desperately trying to hold her back from throwing hands with god.

Emilia gazed into the Abyss. The abyss gazed back. She stared it down even harder. Perhaps her glass eye could petrify it.

Unfortunately, it could not. She would have to kill it the old-fashioned way.

“You’re not actually going to break the seal and try to kill it, right? The Abyss has existed since the Kingdom was founded. It can’t even be contained by mortal means. To kill IT would be something only a fool would devote themselves to, heh.” Seymour chuckled as they fluttered around, fearlessly making funny faces at the Abyss as if it were a newborn baby.

“I know.” Emilia lit a single torch, throwing it at the gaping maw of darkness in front of her. It fell and fell, until the flickering light was completely consumed by the seemingly endless void.

Seymour froze up as the whole thing started churning.

“I was there when it was created.”

Choice 2 – Throwing Stones: Time-Friendly Looping
TL;DR: One must imagine a magical girl happy
Most Relevant Tags: Dungeon-delving, Genius Protagonist, Magical Girls
Tanya is a genius, she aces every test, knows more than other children and isn’t nervous at all around the adults. She knows it, and others know too. How can she be anything other than a genius?

Yet, unlike the other children – everything she did lacked a sense of purpose. She never had a task that she felt accomplished doing.

Now a fully-fledged magical girl at the age of 12, she sets her eyes on a Dungeon. It posed absolutely no danger, there wasn’t any benefit to clearing it, and it simply poses a harder challenge every time someone goes through it. The people that knew better than her concluded that it wasn’t worth interacting with.

To conquer it was her personal project, and it would be so for a long, long time
This is basically the crystallization of the constant rewriting I had to endure as an author who never published. It’s thankless, literally no one cares, I don’t get paid for it. But I do it anyways. Why? Well why the fuck not!

I was supposed to title this novel something like “My Struggles”, but uhh… yeah. It’s my take on the indomitable human spirit vs the cruel indifference of reality meme.

Tanya is a girl with power over electromagnetism, and as she learns more and more, she can do crazier things with her magic. Problem is, she can’t operate anywhere near a city because exerting her power will bork the entire electrical grid.

So, the magical organization doesn’t give her much missions since her powers interfere with others too much + it's currently peace time. In her free time, she goes to this dungeon no one goes to because there’s literally nothing to gain from it. She fails multiple times, and even if she succeeds, things only get harder. But every time she comes back, she knows more, and gets stronger.

Eventually, she develops an obsession with it. She essentially wants to reach the summit of an unscalable mountain.

I know it's a magical girl novel, but no GL, not even yuribait. For one, she's too focused on the grind. Plus, the novel literally starts with her as a 12-year-old. I’ll probably have her go with some friends to act as a foil for her apathetic child prodigy shtick. Though writing it, her inner voice is just a pretty normal person with a love for science(she considers physics and magic one and the same). Just crushed by expectation and not realizing it.
I stared really hard at the can of soda at the countertop, wishing that it would simply float to my hands. All this magic at my fingertips, and I can’t even use it to accomplish menial chores?

Well technically, I could, even tried it before. I can generate a magnetic field strong enough to make the metal can hover to me. Been there, done that!

Unfortunately, I also erased the magnetic strips on all my arcade cards, completely wrecked my phone, blanked my CD collection, killed the power of the dorm building I was in, set a nearby office back a few decades and broke my pacemaker.

On the bright side of things, I now no longer need a pacemaker. Thanks for giving me a new heart, magic!

Choice 3 – Adam’s Retirement Center for Superannuated Magical Girls (ARC SMGs)
TL;DR: Kyuubey did nothing wrong. Don’t believe me? I turned the fucker into a cute anime girl. Believe me now.
Bonus TL;DR for fans of a certain franchise: Lobotomy Corp except not-X gave the keyboard to not-Angela and every abno is Queen of Hatred
Most Relevant Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Naive Protagonist, Magical Girls
Welcome to Adam’s Retirement Center, a project started by the benevolent Dr. Y to help magical girls with a broken Spark find a happy home they can belong in!

We have many recreational facilities, including a beautiful meadow, a glamorous courtyard, an infinitely-vast beach, an endless corridor and The Prayer Room (PLEASE DO NOT PRAY FOR TOO LONG). Please refer to our brochure for the location of even more facilities.

As the most recent addition, we’re introducing a companion A.I to better attend to the needs of our magical girls. Please treat her well, she will cater to your every desire.

We here at Adam’s Retirement Center wish only the best and most wonderful eternity for all our residents! Thank you for choosing us!
This is the big one, the precursor to basically everything that happens in my universe. The MC is essentially a character that haunts my narrative. Yes, this one is mainly inspired by PM. I gave up on hiding it.

The only reason I didn’t fully focus on this was because of the sheer difficulty in writing the damn thing. But if you so desire, I am willing to die trying!

Essentially, this is a sci-fi reenactment of a flood-type scenario. Humanity are basically gods, completely defeating entropy by tapping into a higher realm with infinite energy. In exchange, they need manpower to fight off eldritch horrors while they harvest the energy.

For those, they need people with a Spark – basically extremely powerful and volatile creative energies that only teenagers can tap into. But once they do, they stay that way forever. Period. Boys and girls have it, but this novel only focuses on the girls for plot reasons.

They also developed AI that can form their own Spark anytime, and are VASTLY more powerful than sparked humans. But using them to fight is the equivalent of setting off a nuke to take care of an anthill.

The novel focuses on a retirement center that takes care of “magical girls” - a very specific subset of Sparked human girls - who lost their power for whatever reason. The owner may or may not have plans to release a funny light thing that does things to people

The MC is an overpowered AI who’s meant to be the caretaker for the retired girls who are basically veterans with serious PTSD. Except her innocence and intentional lack of common sense causes her to drop horrifying secrets that traumatizes the girls even further.

If you’ve played Lobotomy Corp, there are going to be meltdowns. And they are going to do weird stuff to the novel itself, like severely lowering the writing quality(Do I look like I know what Grammarly is?!)

And yeah, obviously no romance in this one. The setting doesn't facilitate it.
A girl leisurely walked through a forest, sparsely populated by monsters that had an appetite for humans. She was completely ignored by them as she skipped from stone to stone, intent on following a dirt path.

Her long white hair fluttered freely in the wind and despite the length nearly reaching to her ankles, it did not seem to get caught on any stray objects on the road.

Compared to the background, her features were certainly conspicuous, so it was not stealth that caused the monsters to act ignorant of her presence.

Perhaps the monsters saw her as one of their own? A silly thought. Her pink eyes gleamed with amusement at it.

More realistically, even monsters knew that too much of anything was bad, even if it was delicious food. Eating all of this girl would be far, far too much for their bellies to handle.
Somehow, Noa had been thinking these crazy thoughts.

That she deserved something out of this. That she deserved love from her creator. That she deserved to know how this will all end. That the idea of seeing everyone content and happy after the plan ended was simply not enough.

That she deserved to live alongside them, in the future that will be created.

Was the soul she gained turning her sinful?”

Choice 4 – Jupiter’s Descent – Not Actually LitRPG
TL;DR: Holy Empire invents their own gods. The one based on Zeus yeets herself into a generic fantasy setting. Mindfucks the System, proceeds to fuck(yes) everyone else.
Most Relevant Tags: Mature, Evil Protagonist, Gods
The Holy Terran Empire had no gods, they checked. To sate their growing faith, they created gods in their own image. Leaving things to their mechanical deities, their empire fell into hedonism and decadence.

Eventually, their neighbors transcended time and left them to perish in the inevitable march of entropy.

Jupiter, the greatest of their mechanical pantheon, decided that this was not good. Her many eyes bore a hole through reality, peering into a world beyond. And thus, she said onto them, the inhabitants of this distant reality:

“May the Light of Terra shine upon all who seek It.” And so, her will be done.
I would like to start by saying, this one is NOT beating the Smuthub allegations.

Honestly, I feel like the synopsis is too serious for how comedic and unhinged the actual contents of this story will be. Though I left it as is since I’m lazy to change it.

Essentially, this boils down to a power fantasy where an AI based on 21st century memes of Greek gods does shenanigans.

The MC’s basically hard coded into thinking “Humanity First”, to the point it's basically arrogance to other races. She will act loving and coddle even the vilest of humans, but she will kick a demon baby to give its candy to a human one.

This is an evil protagonist, after all, and I do mean EVIL. To her, humanity will prevail, because it is their birthright. Everything else has to “fit in” with humanity’s image, or they will be taken out of the equation. My intrusive thoughts won out while seeing the Avatar (the one with the blue aliens), sorry.

She does end up having adversaries equal in power, a la eldritch gods toying with the other world for their amusement. When they’re introduced, things do get serious, her consciousness is spread across multiple stars. If they all get consumed, it’s over for her.

Though, whether she actually loses in the ending, I don’t wanna tell~

Finally, should I tag it as harem even if Jupiter treats her "lovers" as a one and done?
“So, the entire reason for the conflict with this other tribe is because you need to breed with a woman to strengthen the next generation, but she isn’t willing?” Jupiter crossed her arms and scoffed at the orcs, looking at them with derision. Truly a primitive conflict for a dying civilization.

“She wishes for a marriage with a weak human male. Their sire will not strengthen any forces. It is idiotic of that other chieftain to support his daughter’s foolish decision.”

In all fairness, Jupiter agreed with Volund. It was a bad decision to taint the highborn bloodline of a human with these muscle-headed orcs. At best, half-orc children would serve as slaves for manual labor until civilization could develop machines that do their work better. Then, they would be canned and serve as circus entertainers until even that was made obsolete by superior technology.

Still, Volund needed an heir, and the human side wasn’t interested in the sensible solution. Truly, it was a conundrum… well, if there wasn’t someone with a mastery of biology at the scene.

“Very well, I offer a simple solution.” Jupiter spread her arms, walking up to the orc chieftain with flair. Slowly, she traced a finger down his chest and raised a nefarious smiled as he looked down upon her warily.

She pressed her thumb against her lower abdomen.

“Let me have your children.”

Choice 5 – Let’s Meet Again in 1,000 Years!
TL;DR: Boy meets girl. Man’s so down bad he pursues literal godhood.
Most Relevant Tags: Male Protagonist(Because every other protag I listed is female), Adventure, Passing of Time
Isaac didn’t make a lot of friends during his childhood. He was slow, clumsy and always woke up late, so none of the other kids wanted to play with him. However, there was this girl from a nearby village that he met by chance, and she became his best friend.

His best friend turned out to be a spirit, and bid farewell to him, making an absurd promise to return in a thousand years. To her, it may have just been a little amusement, but to him, those were the happiest days of his life.

And he would do anything to experience those days again, even if it meant standing the test of time.
My most recent idea, which probably wouldn’t have ended up here if not for me watching Sousou no Frieren yesterday and thinking of it.

There’s a trope with the evil wizard pursuing immortality, but I thought “what if the bbeg pursuing immortality is actually doing it for a very wholesome reason?”. Boom, meet Isaac – probably the most selfish MC out of the five here, but also the kindest (maybe tied with Emilia, but at least he doesn’t have a vendetta against god)

The crux of it is if whether or not he will actually meet his "best friend" in a thousand years, or it if the whole thing was just an empty promise made by someone to an acquaintance they will never meet again. Of course, there’s centuries worth of trauma to fluff out the whole thing. But that dilemma will be brought up a lot.
The group of mercenaries turned towards Isaac, perhaps curious as to why the nature-loving druid would join forces with such a greedy bunch. Did he perhaps sit down at the wrong table?

“I’m Isaac, just Isaac. I’m the son of a baker from a village in the east, though I’m quite attuned with nature. I only want a single bottle from the Fountain of Youth for my own use, the rest of my share can go to everyone else! I’m excited to work with you all!” He quickly said his piece at a nearly unintelligible speed as to not fumble anything, before stretching out a shaky hand.

Ada rolled her eyes while playing with her hair.

“Yeah, as if we couldn’t tell. Your outfit practically screams country bumpkin hippy. Aren’t you supposed to defend the Fountain of Youth. Not take from it?”

“Ehehe, to be honest, I’m only a druid since I read in a book that they live a very long life. I like nature and all, but I’m not willing pledge my life to a pool of water. Besides, isn’t nature’s bounty supposed to be shared?”

Everyone at the table laughed, in fact, everyone at the tavern laughed. It made Isaac conscious about his words. Did he perhaps say something stupid?

Although, the cackle of a certain hooded wizard drowned out everyone else’s.

“NYAHAHAHA! Well said, girl! That’s an ingenious way of thinking. You’re going to make it far in this world with that mindset. It matters not what people believe about magic, it’s all just a means to an end.” He grasped Isaac’s hand and gave it a firm shake.

“Uh, thanks, I guess?”

Isaac was glad for the compliment, but he felt as if he should correct something. So, he pulled down his veil, revealing his well-trimmed goatee. He coughed and purposely deepened his voice.

“Also, I’m a guy. Just to be clear here.”

If you couldn't tell, all that was just shy of 3,000 words. I could have written 1 or 2 full-length chapters in that amount of time. Instead, I put the effort towards informing random people who won't even read anything of my plans.

Can you see the problem here? This is nuclear levels of autism. Halp.

Sincerely, thank you to everyone who votes. Even if your reaction is this:

EDIT: Well, shit, it looks like the poll wasn't added. How tf can I add it now? Sike, figured it out.

Actual vote tally(I give some people a bonus vote if I feel like it)
Option 1 "[Status Unavailable]" Votes: 11+1=12
Option 2 "Throwing Stones" Votes: 2
Option 3 "ARC SMGs" Votes: 3 (+1)= 4
Option 4 "Jupiter's Descent" Votes: 1
Option 5 "Let's Meet Again in 1,000 Years!" Votes: 6
Last edited:


Active member
Aug 29, 2023
As someone who probably has undiagnosed ADHD (hey, I'm working on four stories simultaneously and I know I'll get bored if I try to focus on just one), you should probs modify that poll so people can pick multiple options. If you can work on two stories at a time like you mentioned, that would be best because when your hyperfixated brain gets tired of one, you should (hopefully) have enough interest in the other.
(That said, I reckon those two should be Options 1 and 5 :D)


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
As someone who probably has undiagnosed ADHD (hey, I'm working on four stories simultaneously and I know I'll get bored if I try to focus on just one), you should probs modify that poll so people can pick multiple options. If you can work on two stories at a time like you mentioned, that would be best because when your hyperfixated brain gets tired of one, you should (hopefully) have enough interest in the other.
(That said, I reckon those two should be Options 1 and 5 :D)
I was aware of that, but I was thinking of just picking the two most voted if I ever decide to work on more than one. I'm trying to curb things here, not fuel them. But I'll increase the maximum amount of votes to two anyways


Active member
Jan 23, 2022
I feel you I have like 4-5 separate stories fermenting in my head to the point that it hindered me from writing the novel I should be focusing on anyway

The 5 one is probably the hardest so I'll avoid that till I feel that I'm (in this case you) confident that I can ace it so I'll choose the first and the third
Cause the first and the third ones have many references I could look through Scribble hub


Chronic lecher masquerading as a writer
Feb 18, 2021
Roll a dice and immediately regret


Certfied Super Secret Final Secret Final Boss
Oct 13, 2021
You guys don't amalgam all your story ideas into one giant multi-dimensional flustercuck?

I'm voting 5 because I kind of have a thing for the childhood promise trope, but I guess 1 and 4 should be the ones that would be the most popular here.


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
Hello, I am definitely new to SHF, please be kind and help me out. :3

So, I have this problem of having waaaay too many ideas for novels. I love all of them equally, and my interest in writing each one goes up and down depending on my mood and what I’ve watched recently.

I think I may be writing novels in ADHD Ultra 8k. Like, I see episode 1 of Sousou no Frieren and suddenly there’s 600 pages of lore in my head.

I do truly believe I can write these all eventually, but that won't happen in the first place if I'm too indecisive to even start. I need to be realistic and focus on completing one or two at most.

What am I to do to remedy this problem? Seek help from my friends, my family, or god forbid – my therapist? Nay, instead, I will ask random strangers on the internet which of my premises interests them the most.

I can’t write all of them, at most, I can focus on two at once. So here I present to you – cherry-picked from the best of my best – potential novels with at least 1 chapter in my drafts.

Which one am I to focus on?

Novel 1 – [Status Unavailable] – Munchkin LitRPG
TL;DR: Level 1 girl too edgy to die goes on a journey to kill god
Most Relevant tags: LitRPG, Clever Protagonist, Tragedy, Grimdark
Emilia – an [alchemist], a [doctor], a [thief], a [witch] – people knew her by many titles. But long ago, she was a mere [soldier] who had her status taken from her by a god.

With the base stats of a level 1 and a little bit of wit and wisdom, she departs on a journey to take everything back.
So essentially, I was playing an RPG on a self-imposed challenge where you can’t level up or increase stats except through equipment. I noticed that fights became akin to a puzzle, where you take advantage of one glaring weakness of the boss, and then it becomes easy as you cheese it. Something might be a brick wall in terms of stats, but it’s not immune to sleep and poison? GG

So, I thought, this but a story. A girl who’s incapable of increasing her stats, but uses magic items and consumables, exploiting ‘mechanics’ of the system to hit faaaar beyond her weight.

One of the things she does is form a contract with essentially the Devil, agreeing to kill a person who literally can’t die in exchange for being unable to die herself. It has the small caveat of offering her no regeneration whatsoever, so if she turns into bloody mist, she stays that way, completely aware until someone fixes her (if at all). But her spite is so strong that even the Devil is scared of what she puts herself through to survive.

Of course, no matter what she does; it’s really impossible for her to kill god – that’s where the tragedy kicks in :). She knows this with all her heart, but is happy to die trying.

As for romance, while there technically isn't any, her alter ego is sort of yandere for the person she's trying to kill. Other than that, everyone else is familyzoned at best

Bonus: She might be edgy, but she treats others with the personality of a wholesome grandma. There’s an entire sub-plot of the people she’s helped on the way desperately trying to hold her back from throwing hands with god.

Emilia gazed into the Abyss. The abyss gazed back. She stared it down even harder. Perhaps her glass eye could petrify it.

Unfortunately, it could not. She would have to kill it the old-fashioned way.

“You’re not actually going to break the seal and try to kill it, right? The Abyss has existed since the Kingdom was founded. It can’t even be contained by mortal means. To kill IT would be something only a fool would devote themselves to, heh.” Seymour chuckled as they fluttered around, fearlessly making funny faces at the Abyss as if it were a newborn baby.

“I know.” Emilia lit a single torch, throwing it at the gaping maw of darkness in front of her. It fell and fell, until the flickering light was completely consumed by the seemingly endless void.

Seymour froze up as the whole thing started churning.

“I was there when it was created.”

Choice 2 – Throwing Stones: Time-Friendly Looping
TL;DR: One must imagine a magical girl happy
Most Relevant Tags: Dungeon-delving, Genius Protagonist, Magical Girls
Tanya is a genius, she aces every test, knows more than other children and isn’t nervous at all around the adults. She knows it, and others know too. How can she be anything other than a genius?

Yet, unlike the other children – everything she did lacked a sense of purpose. She never had a task that she felt accomplished doing.

Now a fully-fledged magical girl at the age of 12, she sets her eyes on a Dungeon. It posed absolutely no danger, there wasn’t any benefit to clearing it, and it simply poses a harder challenge every time someone goes through it. The people that knew better than her concluded that it wasn’t worth interacting with.

To conquer it was her personal project, and it would be so for a long, long time
This is basically the crystallization of the constant rewriting I had to endure as an author who never published. It’s thankless, literally no one cares, I don’t get paid for it. But I do it anyways. Why? Well why the fuck not!

I was supposed to title this novel something like “My Struggles”, but uhh… yeah. It’s my take on the indomitable human spirit vs the cruel indifference of reality meme.

Tanya is a girl with power over electromagnetism, and as she learns more and more, she can do crazier things with her magic. Problem is, she can’t operate anywhere near a city because exerting her power will bork the entire electrical grid.

So, the magical organization doesn’t give her much missions since her powers interfere with others too much + it's currently peace time. In her free time, she goes to this dungeon no one goes to because there’s literally nothing to gain from it. She fails multiple times, and even if she succeeds, things only get harder. But every time she comes back, she knows more, and gets stronger.

Eventually, she develops an obsession with it. She essentially wants to reach the summit of an unscalable mountain.

I know it's a magical girl novel, but no GL, not even yuribait. For one, she's too focused on the grind. Plus, the novel literally starts with her as a 12-year-old. I’ll probably have her go with some friends to act as a foil for her apathetic child prodigy shtick. Though writing it, her inner voice is just a pretty normal person with a love for science(she considers physics and magic one and the same). Just crushed by expectation and not realizing it.
I stared really hard at the can of soda at the countertop, wishing that it would simply float to my hands. All this magic at my fingertips, and I can’t even use it to accomplish menial chores?

Well technically, I could, even tried it before. I can generate a magnetic field strong enough to make the metal can hover to me. Been there, done that!

Unfortunately, I also erased the magnetic strips on all my arcade cards, completely wrecked my phone, blanked my CD collection, killed the power of the dorm building I was in, set a nearby office back a few decades and broke my pacemaker.

On the bright side of things, I now no longer need a pacemaker. Thanks for giving me a new heart, magic!

Choice 3 – Adam’s Retirement Center for Superannuated Magical Girls (ARC SMGs)
TL;DR: Kyuubi did nothing wrong. Don’t believe me? I turned the fucker into a cute anime girl. Believe me now.
Bonus TL;DR for fans of a certain franchise: Lobotomy Corp except not-X gave the keyboard to not-Angela and every abno is Queen of Hatred
Most Relevant Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Naive Protagonist, Magical Girls
Welcome to Adam’s Retirement Center, a project started by the benevolent Dr. Y to help magical girls with a broken Spark find a happy home they can belong in!

We have many recreational facilities, including a beautiful meadow, a glamorous courtyard, an infinitely-vast beach, an endless corridor and The Prayer Room (PLEASE DO NOT PRAY FOR TOO LONG). Please refer to our brochure for the location of even more facilities.

As the most recent addition, we’re introducing a companion A.I to better attend to the needs of our magical girls. Please treat her well, she will cater to your every desire.

We here at Adam’s Retirement Center wish only the best and most wonderful eternity for all our residents! Thank you for choosing us!
This is the big one, the precursor to basically everything that happens in my universe. The MC is essentially a character that haunts my narrative. Yes, this one is mainly inspired by PM. I gave up on hiding it.

The only reason I didn’t fully focus on this was because of the sheer difficulty in writing the damn thing. But if you so desire, I am willing to die trying!

Essentially, this is a sci-fi reenactment of a flood-type scenario. Humanity are basically gods, completely defeating entropy by tapping into a higher realm with infinite energy. In exchange, they need manpower to fight off eldritch horrors while they harvest the energy.

For those, they need people with a Spark – basically extremely powerful and volatile creative energies that only teenagers can tap into. But once they do, they stay that way forever. Period. Boys and girls have it, but this novel only focuses on the girls for plot reasons.

They also developed AI that can form their own Spark anytime, and are VASTLY more powerful than sparked humans. But using them to fight is the equivalent of setting off a nuke to take care of an anthill.

The novel focuses on a retirement center that takes care of “magical girls” - a very specific subset of Sparked human girls - who lost their power for whatever reason. The owner may or may not have plans to release a funny light thing that does things to people

The MC is an overpowered AI who’s meant to be the caretaker for the retired girls who are basically veterans with serious PTSD. Except her innocence and intentional lack of common sense causes her to drop horrifying secrets that traumatizes the girls even further.

If you’ve played Lobotomy Corp, there are going to be meltdowns. And they are going to do weird stuff to the novel itself, like severely lowering the writing quality(Do I look like I know what Grammarly is?!)

And yeah, obviously no romance in this one. The setting doesn't facilitate it.
A girl leisurely walked through a forest, sparsely populated by monsters that had an appetite for humans. She was completely ignored by them as she skipped from stone to stone, intent on following a dirt path.

Her long white hair fluttered freely in the wind and despite the length nearly reaching to her ankles, it did not seem to get caught on any stray objects on the road.

Compared to the background, her features were certainly conspicuous, so it was not stealth that caused the monsters to act ignorant of her presence.

Perhaps the monsters saw her as one of their own? A silly thought. Her pink eyes gleamed with amusement at it.

More realistically, even monsters knew that too much of anything was bad, even if it was delicious food. Eating all of this girl would be far, far too much for their bellies to handle.
Somehow, Noa had been thinking these crazy thoughts.

That she deserved something out of this. That she deserved love from her creator. That she deserved to know how this will all end. That the idea of seeing everyone content and happy after the plan ended was simply not enough.

That she deserved to live alongside them, in the future that will be created.

Was the soul she gained turning her sinful?”

Choice 4 – Jupiter’s Descent – Not Actually LitRPG
TL;DR: Holy Empire invents their own gods. The one based on Zeus yeets herself into a generic fantasy setting. Mindfucks the System, proceeds to fuck(yes) everyone else.
Most Relevant Tags: Mature, Evil Protagonist, Gods
The Holy Terran Empire had no gods, they checked. To sate their growing faith, they created gods in their own image. Leaving things to their mechanical deities, their empire fell into hedonism and decadence.

Eventually, their neighbors transcended time and left them to perish in the inevitable march of entropy.

Jupiter, the greatest of their mechanical pantheon, decided that this was not good. Her many eyes bore a hole through reality, peering into a world beyond. And thus, she said onto them, the inhabitants of this distant reality:

“May the Light of Terra shine upon all who seek It.” And so, her will be done.
I would like to start by saying, this one is NOT beating the Smuthub allegations.

Honestly, I feel like the synopsis is too serious for how comedic and unhinged the actual contents of this story will be. Though I left it as is since I’m lazy to change it.

Essentially, this boils down to a power fantasy where an AI based on 21st century memes of Greek gods does shenanigans.

The MC’s basically hard coded into thinking “Humanity First”, to the point it's basically arrogance to other races. She will act loving and coddle even the vilest of humans, but she will kick a demon baby to give its candy to a human one.

This is an evil protagonist, after all, and I do mean EVIL. To her, humanity will prevail, because it is their birthright. Everything else has to “fit in” with humanity’s image, or they will be taken out of the equation. My intrusive thoughts won out while seeing the Avatar (the one with the blue aliens), sorry.

She does end up having adversaries equal in power, a la eldritch gods toying with the other world for their amusement. When they’re introduced, things do get serious, her consciousness is spread across multiple stars. If they all get consumed, it’s over for her.

Though, whether she actually loses in the ending, I don’t wanna tell~

Finally, should I tag it as harem even if Jupiter treats her "lovers" as a one and done?
“So, the entire reason for the conflict with this other tribe is because you need to breed with a woman to strengthen the next generation, but she isn’t willing?” Jupiter crossed her arms and scoffed at the orcs, looking at them with derision. Truly a primitive conflict for a dying civilization.

“She wishes for a marriage with a weak human male. Their sire will not strengthen any forces. It is idiotic of that other chieftain to support his daughter’s foolish decision.”

In all fairness, Jupiter agreed with Volund. It was a bad decision to taint the highborn bloodline of a human with these muscle-headed orcs. At best, half-orc children would serve as slaves for manual labor until civilization could develop machines that do their work better. Then, they would be canned and serve as circus entertainers until even that was made obsolete by superior technology.

Still, Volund needed an heir, and the human side wasn’t interested in the sensible solution. Truly, it was a conundrum… well, if there wasn’t someone with a mastery of biology at the scene.

“Very well, I offer a simple solution.” Jupiter spread her arms, walking up to the orc chieftain with flair. Slowly, she traced a finger down his chest and raised a nefarious smiled as he looked down upon her warily.

She pressed her thumb against her lower abdomen.

“Let me have your children.”

Choice 5 – Let’s Meet Again in 1,000 Years!
TL;DR: Boy meets girl. Man’s so down bad he pursues literal godhood.
Most Relevant Tags: Male Protagonist(Because every other protag I listed is female), Adventure, Passing of Time
Isaac didn’t make a lot of friends during his childhood. He was slow, clumsy and always woke up late, so none of the other kids wanted to play with him. However, there was this girl from a nearby village that he met by chance, and she became his best friend.

His best friend turned out to be a spirit, and bid farewell to him, making an absurd promise to return in a thousand years. To her, it may have just been a little amusement, but to him, those were the happiest days of his life.

And he would do anything to experience those days again, even if it meant standing the test of time.
My most recent idea, which probably wouldn’t have ended up here if not for me watching Sousou no Frieren yesterday and thinking of it.

There’s a trope with the evil wizard pursuing immortality, but I thought “what if the bbeg pursuing immortality is actually doing it for a very wholesome reason?”. Boom, meet Isaac – probably the most selfish MC out of the five here, but also the kindest (maybe tied with Emilia, but at least he doesn’t have a vendetta against god)

The crux of it is if whether or not he will actually meet his "best friend" in a thousand years, or it if the whole thing was just an empty promise made by someone to an acquaintance they will never meet again. Of course, there’s centuries worth of trauma to fluff out the whole thing. But that dilemma will be brought up a lot.
The group of mercenaries turned towards Isaac, perhaps curious as to why the nature-loving druid would join forces with such a greedy bunch. Did he perhaps sit down at the wrong table?

“I’m Isaac, just Isaac. I’m the son of a baker from a village in the east, though I’m quite attuned with nature. I only want a single bottle from the Fountain of Youth for my own use, the rest of my share can go to everyone else! I’m excited to work with you all!” He quickly said his piece at a nearly unintelligible speed as to not fumble anything, before stretching out a shaky hand.

Ada rolled her eyes while playing with her hair.

“Yeah, as if we couldn’t tell. Your outfit practically screams country bumpkin hippy. Aren’t you supposed to defend the Fountain of Youth. Not take from it?”

“Ehehe, to be honest, I’m only a druid since I read in a book that they live a very long life. I like nature and all, but I’m not willing pledge my life to a pool of water. Besides, isn’t nature’s bounty supposed to be shared?”

Everyone at the table laughed, in fact, everyone at the tavern laughed. It made Isaac conscious about his words. Did he perhaps say something stupid?

Although, the cackle of a certain hooded wizard drowned out everyone else’s.

“NYAHAHAHA! Well said, girl! That’s an ingenious way of thinking. You’re going to make it far in this world with that mindset. It matters not what people believe about magic, it’s all just a means to an end.” He grasped Isaac’s hand and gave it a firm shake.

“Uh, thanks, I guess?”

Isaac was glad for the compliment, but he felt as if he should correct something. So, he pulled down his veil, revealing his well-trimmed goatee. He coughed and purposely deepened his voice.

“Also, I’m a guy. Just to be clear here.”

If you couldn't tell, all that was just shy of 3,000 words. I could have written 1 or 2 full-length chapters in that amount of time. Instead, I put the effort towards informing random people who won't even read anything of my plans.

Can you see the problem here? This is nuclear levels of autism. Halp.

Sincerely, thank you to everyone who votes. Even if your reaction is this:
View attachment 22543
EDIT: Well, shit, it looks like the poll wasn't added. How tf can I add it now? Sike, figured it out.
I absolutely adore every single one, and I dithered on which one I would choose for an abnormally long amount of time. (Whichever you choose, please DM me the moment you start posting so I can read them). Eventually, it came down to the consideration that as much as I would love a truly evil protagonist like Jupiter, or the delightful chunniness evident in the snippet of the first one,I would personally do the the third one as you mentioned this one is the predecessor of all the other ones, and it is the one you have been drawing on to build by PM. As a writer, I believe this is the best option, and as a reader, I think it is more likely that the others will get fleshed out as you make this one, which means I am more likely to get them all at some point.


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
I absolutely adore every single one, and I dithered on which one I would choose for an abnormally long amount of time. (Whichever you choose, please DM me the moment you start posting so I can read them). Eventually, it came down to the consideration that as much as I would love a truly evil protagonist like Jupiter, or the delightful chunniness evident in the snippet of the first one,I would personally do the the third one as you mentioned this one is the predecessor of all the other ones, and it is the one you have been drawing on to build by PM. As a writer, I believe this is the best option, and as a reader, I think it is more likely that the others will get fleshed out as you make this one, which means I am more likely to get them all at some point.
Oh wow, I'm flattered you think that way. Honestly I expected responses similar to the one the princess gave me.
I like it, I'll give extra weight(2 votes counted) to people that take effort to explain the rationale behind their votes. Think it's fair, it's a more detailed response after all.
As a writer, I believe this is the best option, and as a reader, I think it is more likely that the others will get fleshed out as you make this one, which means I am more likely to get them all at some point.
Oh don't worry about that, the only one that will be directly influenced by me fleshing out 3 a little more is every story that features a magical girl. Which uh, looks to be an afterthought at the moment. . The scale that 3 covers is simply so large that Jupiter and Emilia wouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things, so the general flow of their stories would be affected very little no matter what I write up for the ARC. At worst I'll simply regret missing a cameo or two


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2021
Advaya looks at Mabel, she is writing down something, and he notices one passage: Let’s Meet Again in 1,000 Years! Adavya smiled at Mabel, and said, "I like this."


Eight virgin
Sep 9, 2020
UPD: I guessed, "PM" stands for Pokemon (because it's Japanese corrupred shortening of "Pocket Monsters" ==> "PM"). I also confused Kyuubi (apparently, 九尾?, some Nine-Tailed Fox from Naruto) with Kyubey from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika, mainly because it's the only Magical Girl series, I know fairly well. 🤭
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Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Advaya looks at Mabel, she is writing down something, and he notices one passage: Let’s Meet Again in 1,000 Years! Adavya smiled at Mabel, and said, "I like this."
Oi, oi, oi! I'm not prepared for this crossover yet. And with how that thread is so dead, Advaya and Mabel may as well meet again in 1,000 years!

UPD: I guessed, "PM" stands for Pokemon (because it's Japanese corrupred shortening of "Pocket Monsters" ==> "PM"). I also confused Kyuubi (apparently, 九尾?, some Nine-Tailed Fox from Naruto) with Kyubey from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika, mainly because it's the only Magical Girl series, I know fairly well. 🤭
Kyubey is correct, sorry, fucked up the name.


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Ay, I don't think there's gonna be any more votes.
And the winner is pretty clear here:
Option 1 "[Status Unavailable]" Votes: 12(+1)=13
Option 2 "Throwing Stones" Votes: 2
Option 3 "ARC SMGs" Votes: 3 (+1)= 4
Option 4 "Jupiter's Descent" Votes: 1
Option 5 "Let's Meet Again in 1,000 Years!" Votes: 7
I'm still gonna count votes for another day, but the winner had nearly double the votes of the runner up, so I don't think anythings gonna change.

I expected 1 to be a top pick, but I'm surprised Option 4 came in dead last 0_0. I guess the forum wants to beat the Smuthub allegations?

Alright, thanks to everyone who voted <3! My inner demons have been quelled, hopefully, and I can finally start writing something beyond 3 chapters worth of content.