How do you comment on chapters without sounding like an idiot or writing something almost meaningless?


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2019
no. honestly, i didn't. ive felt like the OP for a long time. also there's that nagging feeling after a while that ppl are just buttkissing and id like to not take part of it. i get it, i realize its more for the writer than myself but after seeing several "tHiS iS tHe GrEaTeSt StOrY eVeR tOlD!!&*^%"'s in the comment section, my little "thanks for the chapter~" seems worthless and id rather keep it to myself.

the other half of that is when i do leave a thoughtful comment about the story or speculation on the plot or even a reply to somebody else's theorycrafting, when it gets taken as a personal assault (as it sometimes does) like, im not a writer (anymore) and i have no ability whatsoever to phrase things in a way that's harmless to children and puppies, so i just speak my mind. but boy, does that land me in awkward situations. i figure i just as well not say anything at all, most of the times.
Buttkissing is just people wanting to see the author take their story to greater heights.
Theorycrafting is .. well, I can see how it can be a problem. Lets say, someone's fan vision for the story goes against the authors; if they deny this, they risk aggravating an unknowable amount of people. If they don't, then it'll feel like radio silence. I personally love talking to people about my work, but I can see why most would definitely not.
As for commentary, you could just say something alongside that thanks for the chapter stuff people keep posting, which I'll agree has no real benefit. Its basically the equivalent of an 'approving smile' given to people by their parents. It makes you happy when you see it for the first time, but quickly you realize its their only method of communication besides yelling at you~ (oof projecting much here but it shares the feeling from my point of view well enough)
With all this said, I can't say I disagree with you nor will I tell you to throw caution at the wind and continue commenting in spite of potential 'bad events' that might arise simply because I know many people take critique very badly.
This. 100% this. I rarely, rarely get comments so when I get one saying I misplaced a comment, it's just depressing since I want to talk about my story (I spent countless hours on this thing. so sue me if I want to talk about it). I love questions about the story or characters, theories about what's going to happen next, people venting about how much they despise my villain or that random asshole character, pretty much anything that shows you read the story is appreciated. Even if it's just to say that you loved the chapter and can't wait to read more. If you really want to stand out as a commenter, pick one part of the chapter that stood out to you and write about that. Like maybe a character said a line and you thought it was really funny, or that one thing the villain did that seemed creepy

I've had the opposite experience. Got a one star vote when just the first three chapters were out. So far, I haven't gotten much feedback and of what I got, only the review on Royal Road was positive. Even my friend sent me a message yesterday saying she thought it was boring (which I don't get with how much mystery and action is involved). If I wasn't so stubborn, if I wasn't so invested, if I didn't love my story as much as I do, I probably would have stopped writing it by now. Only positive reviews may have hid your flaws from you but they kept you writing and by writing more you've improved. Only negative reviews don't do anything good.

As for the questions, I like some questions and not others. A lot of the time I get questions that I can only answer with 'it's a mystery, you'll find out later' and those are kinda annoying but I do like that they're invested. My favorite questions are the one about the characters, what they like and don't like, backstory, etc. and if anyone asks me about world lore that probably won't make it into the story... I might die of happiness and then talk them to death
Holy fucking shit man

"I misplaced a comment." this is ruinous levels of damage for an author LMAO

A well-crafted, expertly presented 0.5 star review would do less damage to me than seeing that like Jesus Christ calm down Satan
Thank you all for responding :)

I’ll try my best to start commenting from now on more or less based on how you suggested, I just need to ignore the nagging in my mind that I’ll look like an idiot every other word.
eyy man

People are just people.

The guy whose work you're commenting on is just as human and just an anxious to see your comment as you might feel while writing it.
Take the paranoia in stride and never let it dissuade you!


<First Dragon of SHF> <Pokemon Goddess of NuF>
Dec 23, 2018
I mean most stories that make me want to comment has some cool plot going in them and I want to share my theory on what is gonna happen in future or on the mystery or something.
That or when the chapter focuses on the best girl.

Either way, those combined with the usual Thanks and grammar corrections tend to make for mostly an okay comment section.


Sep 9, 2020
I know it’s a stupid question but how do you write a meaningful comment on chapters that aren’t a climax without sounding like an idiot for trying to make comments with literally just fluff for content?
Comment on the parts of the fluff you like? Or just fangirl on the characters :blob_hmm: