How do you get over writers block?

Jan 15, 2019
I just write something I find worthy my time and effort. Something that's fun, fresh and probably meaningful. I don't really use much common sense and logic while I'm at it. I just focus on the process and try to enjoy the ride while it lasts.

pretty long...

Even if it made no sense, I just have to remember--surrealism exists.

I don't really force it and just go at my own pace. I don't like to think as writing as a job. To me, it's more of a fun hobby. I can even equate it to games where I have a ton of freedom on how to go around it.

I find it better to just screw around and add random ideas, making a stockpile of some sort. I could always edit and add stuff later. As the result, I often come across some fun ideas even if I didn't really have writing on my mind. I love to imagine lots of ideas and scenarios. My dreams also tend to be on the adventurous side, I don't really try to control it--I just go with the flow and only when things go the way I didn't want, I 'correct' stuff.

I think that writing has a lot to do with experience. By having lots of them, or having ways to accumulate many kinds of meaningful experiences on your own--be it in real life, fictional as in your imagination, through your dreams, etc. Or it could also be from the stories, articles, textbooks--many forms of entertainment and information is readily available nowadays. I also find it really nice to communicate and express my ideas, through the discord server I am in, for example. Being able to share my ideas with others was a nice experience in itself, that helps me in writing.

Most of my blocks came from starting a story format that actually doesn't mesh well with how I write. It makes me feel rather stressed out. I didn't enjoy it, I just wanna finish it quick and write something else. Then after a while, I kinda give up on prioritizing a novel.

It doesn't really matter much, as compared to writing in a way that makes me enjoy it the most. Nowadays, I didn't really stress myself out trying to write a chapter. I'm happy with the way things are going. If it's really the thing I can end up doing, so be it. It may be too early to say whether I can actually start a new novel, but well--I don't think of much about it anymore.

I no longer pay any attention to how well written it was, or how much thought was poured in to make it presentable.

I just want to always have fun while I'm at it. Even if no one likes it--fine. I can no longer bother with pushing the boundaries or anything like that, I guess.

Being a Good or Bad Author, in the end, is just a subjective thing that limits me. I have my own standard, they have theirs. So I was just like, you do you man. I just chill, write, and enjoy life. I guess that's how it goes for me.


Bad Fiction Author
Apr 16, 2019
Take a break from writing and spend a few days just observing things around you. Go out in public if you can and just notice how people interact with each other while imagining ways those interactions could be interrupted.