How much do you like smut?


Jun 6, 2021
About smut active readers, I think it depends on the place where you market your work.

This is my personal experience, not a general opinion, so please be careful if you want to use it as a reference.

Place A: general writing community

Most comment i received:

"Damn author! We will go to other site if smut is what we are looking for."

"Why did you put this shit in this place?"

"Hope you become a gangrape victim."


Place B: smut writing community

Most comment i received:

"Author, why doesn't K give BL to M?"

"Author, pussy is super elastis, you can put XXXL dildo to N's pussy, or C's rear entry."

"Author, why is there romance here? We only need easy meals, you know. Give us action or magpie plus (NTR slang at that time) is okay, but no romance as center of shit.

"Author, Good work!"


Now I don't enter the smut business, so I don't know the taste of the market or why writing smut has become a complex job.

But in my day, smut is the easiest money. Even a goof who doesn't know what it is plot, pacing, character development, etc, will get tons of money if he/she has a pinch of creativity.

For example, someone write about actress F who become populer recently (real character), she get ambush and gang rape in elevator. Then, before she is able to get up, a second group enters and screws her despite her begging for mercy.

On the way to the hospital, she got another gangrape. The medic crew even stop in a quiet place so they can enjoy her for a longer time. In the hospital, she got another one.

Next morning, when the sun rose to the east horizon, she jumped from the window of her room (69th floor) and died. Then, in the afterlife she gets an eternal gangrape.

So the plot basically is gangbang - gangbang - gangbang - suicide - eternal gangbang, but this shitty plot deliver to the author a few hundreds buck.

Using a real actress as a character was popular for some time before some author entered jail because the actress he used as character succeeded in tracking him. The trend then shift to using JAV Actress as a character.

But then, in the city where i work, at late 2010 there are incident where three junior high students gang rape a highschool girl. The junior high students said that they did the deed because they lost control after reading some smut stuff.

So, my team and I decided to stop writing smut, and we need two years to hunt and take down every single one of our published smut work.

What we don't expect is, after another similar rape incident happen again, National Police put serious effort in hunting smutt writer. While, there are national projects to shut down every local smut site and block foreign smut sites. The effort was not fully successful, but was able to limit the access to the lowest level.

My suggestion is, don't publish anything that someday will make you drown in regret, or you can't say it to your closest people proudly.

For example, my team leader is a successful writer for a Kid Story. Then, some people discover his smut work, and that is the end of his career for Kid Story, a work that he loves with every single fiber and soul of his existence.


ps: i don't read other comments, so please forgive me if there are some of my comments that sound like an offense.
It occurs to me that nobody defined the Smut tag in this thread. I was surprised when I read it, because everybody uses it like 'fetishes and rape and horror + sex'. The Smut tag on Scribblehub is "Erotic work of fiction that’s mainly targeted toward females. Smut stories often gives heavy focus on love and relationships between the main characters."

What you're describing, something that could ruin an author's career, isn't smut(by SH's standards). In fact, it's not allowed on Scribblehub. Rape and 'porn without plot' can both be reported for violating guidelines.

From movies and tv shows when I used to watch those things, I would have called Smut 'Adult Romance', or just Romance. It's the kind of thing that girls get embarrassed when they're seen reading it; those books with the badly edited covers with the hugging/kissing couple, probably with a fiery or rose petal motif. Well, guys get embarrassed being seen reading them too, I think because it's seen as girly.


Pedagogical Cannibalism?
Jun 20, 2020
This is so terribly stupid and naive, I'm not even sure where to begin. Sex isn't always about love, pleasure, or procreation. It could also be used for validation, empowerment, demeaning others, and a lot more. Do people only eat because they're hungry? No, they also eat because they're anxious, uncomfortable, worried. Sex is not an endpoint or an objective; it's an essential element to any physical relationship. It doesn't always have to be explicitly mentioned, but almost always should be present.
Now, onto the children portion, which somehow managed to sound even more stupid. You're saying characters having children, becoming mothers and fathers, is a distraction to the story? Realizing the responsibilities and struggles of being a parent has no purpose or effect? I'm genuinely confused. I'm not sure what stories you've been reading, but parenthood is the biggest responsibility a person can have and should always have a major impact on the characters and story.
Firstly, you are simplifying pleasure to be merely physical. Emotional pleasure is a thing. All that you mentioned is generally nice to experience. Next, you are right. Parenthood is a big part of life. It's just that to accurately write about it you would be playing the long game. If you write about it, and don't shove it off to the side(which you shouldn't) then it becomes a large part of the story. If that is what the literature is about then by all means go ahead, but usually that's not what a book is about. It's about big events. The world ending is a big event. The big bad evil trying to end us all is a big event, and to a couple, having a child is a big event. A story should have a focus. While it's not impossible to implement more than one l life changing event if done incorrectly it gets muddled.
Feb 6, 2021
Firstly, you are simplifying pleasure to be merely physical. Emotional pleasure is a thing. All that you mentioned is generally nice to experience.
This is incorrect. You did that actually not me.
If you write about it, and don't shove it off to the side(which you shouldn't) then it becomes a large part of the story. If that is what the literature is about then by all means go ahead, but usually that's not what a book is about. It's about big events. The world ending is a big event. The big bad evil trying to end us all is a big event, and to a couple, having a child is a big event. A story should have a focus. While it's not impossible to implement more than one l life changing event if done incorrectly it gets muddled.
This is also wrong. The world ending isn't anywhere on par with having a child, but I get what you're trying to say. It's very 1 dimensional though.


Chaotic lewd enby bunny. They/them
Feb 10, 2020
Serious question lol.

I've written lots of smut, although I always try to include an actual story with character development, and play with other themes during such endeavors. Recently I've taken the time to write more clean romance, and adventure stuff as well. One thing I've noticed, my smut always gets hundreds of views every day, although few followers and active readers. while my romance gets maybe a hundred views at most a day, sometimes much less, but a lot more active readers? Maybe my smut just isn't good lol, or it's not smut enough? I'm just wondering if people actually enjoy reading smut, and how down and dirty are readers expecting it to be?

thank you.
Yes but the problem is most people like the emotions behind like with people in a relationship, but smut for smuts sake isn't really interesting to read not to say people who do this as non romantics is any less interesting it's more of make it enjoyable for all parties emotionally and less of just pleasing the sexual tensions, making people who aren't romantically attracted to each other but are sexually attracted is much easier that people think also the non sexual scenes can be good it's more of the tone of the scene you are trying to write that will entice readers
Hot blooded Romance is always the best for me. The intense passion of having intimacy through an act is what drives me to enjoy smut. Though smut for the sake of it is just plain. And for me, romance without smut can also be very plain. *This is preference though. There are people who don't like smut in their stories. This is heresy, though!* :blob_catflip:

Like we like to believe we would wait for intimacy, but in reality when people are in love. They will do it. Sooner than later. Usually. And to me, that is what smut allows me to see. I don't care about the dirty bits, just the emotions involved. This is where smut can fail at too. It can be dirty yet not connect enough for the people to stay.:blob_aww: So the plot is very important too.
For me like love smut but smut isn't always important or fit some characters so making characters that like occasional smut but heated romance can be hotter and more or smut with deep emotion during smut but non romantic relationships can be more enjoyable than smut for smut sake


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2021
Serious question lol.

I've written lots of smut, although I always try to include an actual story with character development, and play with other themes during such endeavors. Recently I've taken the time to write more clean romance, and adventure stuff as well. One thing I've noticed, my smut always gets hundreds of views every day, although few followers and active readers. while my romance gets maybe a hundred views at most a day, sometimes much less, but a lot more active readers? Maybe my smut just isn't good lol, or it's not smut enough? I'm just wondering if people actually enjoy reading smut, and how down and dirty are readers expecting it to be?

thank you.
Smut with no story behind feels empty to me. It’s like watching porn that starts right in the middle of the session. It just doesn’t make me feel anything.

Imagine you suddenly stumble upon strangers having sex, it won’t make you feel anything other than embarrassment an awkwardness, right?

So for me, a good smut that makes me feel something need to have a character that doesn’t feel like a stranger. Meaning, let me get to know the character first and then bang!

As for your story doesn’t have much active readers. I don’t know, maybe most readers don’t want to reveal themself and leave a comment when reading a smut?


Pedagogical Cannibalism?
Jun 20, 2020
This is incorrect. You did that actually not me.

This is also wrong. The world ending isn't anywhere on par with having a child, but I get what you're trying to say. It's very 1 dimensional though.
*note* I'd like to apologize if I'm annoying you. Two things I love are learning, and debating. When you questioned me I got excited, because the best way for me to learn is questions. You question my thoughts, and I question yours. It's beautiful. *end note*

To start off, the only thing I mentioned about pleasure was it is best in person. That's it. Next, lets say the birth of a child represents life, and the end of the world represents death. If I were to measure life events against each other I would use the amount of people it impacts, along with how hard it impacts them. Child birth would impact the parents, the child it self, and everyone the child interacts with. As for how hard it impacts everything. It is safe to say the longer you know someone the more of an impact they make. So the death of a child would affect anyone they are friends with. It would also effect people that are close to one's who where close with this child. It would plague good memories with a feeling of loss. Now let's look at the end of the world. It would affect everyone. Ok, now let's look at how hard it impacts them. Well it's safe to say death is pretty high up there on the scale of impact.


Well-known member
May 27, 2021
Why's that smut so damn aggressive and painful damn...
Like jesus you can write sensual or better yet, female led smut too. It doesn't have to be something that if people tried to imitate in real life would lead to an arrest, but just a good time.
Well, I thought SMUT: Sex and Mindbreak Under Torture.

For something that if people tried to imitate it in real life would lead to an arrest, i think a lot of work other then brutal sex enter the category, such as work with brutal killing, violance, or indiferent masacre.


Well-known member
May 27, 2021
It occurs to me that nobody defined the Smut tag in this thread. I was surprised when I read it, because everybody uses it like 'fetishes and rape and horror + sex'. The Smut tag on Scribblehub is "Erotic work of fiction that’s mainly targeted toward females. Smut stories often gives heavy focus on love and relationships between the main characters."

What you're describing, something that could ruin an author's career, isn't smut(by SH's standards). In fact, it's not allowed on Scribblehub. Rape and 'porn without plot' can both be reported for violating guidelines.

From movies and tv shows when I used to watch those things, I would have called Smut 'Adult Romance', or just Romance. It's the kind of thing that girls get embarrassed when they're seen reading it; those books with the badly edited covers with the hugging/kissing couple, probably with a fiery or rose petal motif. Well, guys get embarrassed being seen reading them too, I think because it's seen as girly.
Well, i thought smut: Sadist Masochist Unrestraint & Torture.
Feb 6, 2021
*note* I'd like to apologize if I'm annoying you. Two things I love are learning, and debating. When you questioned me I got excited, because the best way for me to learn is questions. You question my thoughts, and I question yours. It's beautiful. *end note*

To start off, the only thing I mentioned about pleasure was it is best in person. That's it. Next, lets say the birth of a child represents life, and the end of the world represents death. If I were to measure life events against each other I would use the amount of people it impacts, along with how hard it impacts them. Child birth would impact the parents, the child it self, and everyone the child interacts with. As for how hard it impacts everything. It is safe to say the longer you know someone the more of an impact they make. So the death of a child would affect anyone they are friends with. It would also effect people that are close to one's who where close with this child. It would plague good memories with a feeling of loss. Now let's look at the end of the world. It would affect everyone. Ok, now let's look at how hard it impacts them. Well it's safe to say death is pretty high up there on the scale of impact.
I don't mind talking. If I'm annoyed I'd stop replying. Other than that I'd ask you to read everything you typed in reverse chronological order because I think you're either confused or had forgotten what you wrote.
And on your current reply, I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say. The world ending is incomparable to a child birthed in the sense that the child is completely insignificant to the entire life on the planet ending. That's what I meant at least.


Pedagogical Cannibalism?
Jun 20, 2020
I don't mind talking. If I'm annoyed I'd stop replying. Other than that I'd ask you to read everything you typed in reverse chronological order because I think you're either confused or had forgotten what you wrote.
And on your current reply, I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say. The world ending is incomparable to a child birthed in the sense that the child is completely insignificant to the entire life on the planet ending. That's what I meant at least.
Ah. I thought you meant the opposite. You put "the world ending isn't anywhere near on par with having a child." By putting the world ending first you basically said "the world ending isn't nearly as important as having a child." I thought it was a bit weird, but turns out l miss interpreted it. It was a bit odd I even bothered making that point though. The size of the event compared to another is irrelevant as long as they are large parts of the story. Besides, what makes it big event isn't how much it would affects the world, but rather how much it affects the protagonist. I also did check back before I told you I didn't say anything else about pleasure. It seems I said that little bit, and moved on to the next point.
Feb 6, 2021
Ah. I thought you meant the opposite. You put "the world ending isn't anywhere near on par with having a child." By putting the world ending first you basically said "the world ending isn't nearly as important as having a child." I thought it was a bit weird, but turns out l miss interpreted it. It was a bit odd I even bothered making that point though. The size of the event compared to another is irrelevant as long as they are large parts of the story. Besides, what makes it big event isn't how much it would affects the world, but rather how much it affects the protagonist. I also did check back before I told you I didn't say anything else about pleasure. It seems I said that little bit, and moved on to the next point.
It's my fault for the bad wording, sorry about that. Honestly, I don't think there's much left to talk about. You've already added to what I had said before. The only thing I can point out is that you keep jumping between two perspectives: the world in general and the MC's. Judging events relative to how a protagonist perceives them is very short-sighed. I also still think having a child is anywhere on par with the literal destruction of the entire world, no matter whichever perspective it is. (fixed it)


Active member
Jul 15, 2020
Well, I thought SMUT: Sex and Mindbreak Under Torture.

For something that if people tried to imitate it in real life would lead to an arrest, i think a lot of work other then brutal sex enter the category, such as work with brutal killing, violance, or indiferent masacre.

Well, i thought smut: Sadist Masochist Unrestraint & Torture.
No, it just means written erotic content.