How to run a Magic Academy list


Apr 1, 2023
I am making a How to run a Magic Academy list feel free to add your own opinions let's make the most detailed guide to run a Magic Academy!!! 🙂

How to run a Magic Academy

1. Secure Storage : If I possess an extremely powerful and dangerous item (like a philosopher’s stone), I will not hide it within a secret place in the school. Instead, it will be placed in a high-security vault guarded by a dragon, a sphinx, and at least three retired gym teachers with nothing to lose

2. Proactive Teacher Involvement : Teachers will not mysteriously vanish during crises. They will be proactive and deal with problems rather than leaving them to a group of underqualified teenagers. Any teacher caught disappearing will be subjected to mandatory “How to Stay Visible 101” classes.

3.No Forbidden Forests: Any forest,hill, graveyard labelled as “Forbidden” will be patrolled regularly, cleared of dangerous creatures, and lit with LED lights to avoid any “mysterious disappearances.”

4. Forbidden Areas : similar to rule #3 any forbidden areas, like secret classrooms, will be safely locked and illuminated to prevent dangerous encounters. Countermeasures include Intruders being be met with illusions of their worst fears, including pop quizzes and endless homework assignments.

5. Balanced Curriculum : The curriculum will include the teaching of Dark Arts alongside other subjects to prevent unauthorized learning and misuse. Dark Arts class will be followed by mandatory therapy sessions to discuss students’ newfound penchant for the violence.

6. Clear Communication : Prophecies and messages will be clearly communicated in writing to avoid confusion and ensure preparedness. Any vague prophecies will result in detention deciphering ancient texts written in tongue-twisting riddles.

7. Supervised Activities : Secret societies and clubs like midnight duelling clubs will be officially supervised and integrated into the school schedule. Dueling tournaments will be livestreamed for parental viewing pleasure... especially if one of the participants are from a noble family

8. Transparent Grading : House points will be awarded transparently with explanations, and arbitrary deductions will lead to teacher detentions...such as the curriculum on “Ethics in Potion Brewing.”

9. Accountable Leadership : Headmasters will be accountable and present during critical moments, avoiding mysterious disappearances and secret agendas. Failure to appear will result in the appointment of a new acting headmaster

10. Temporal Stability : Time travel devices will not be issued to students for use in completing homework assignments. Temporal stability outweighs academic success.Violators will experience (stable and approved) time loops where they endlessly repeat mundane tasks like washing cauldrons.

11. Warning Systems : Perilous areas will be marked with clear signage and holographic projections to warn students of dangers.

12. Pet Policy : Only common pets (like cats, owls, or toads) are allowed. No basilisk, dragons, or three-headed dogs. If a pet needs a leash longer than 10 feet, it's a no-go.
12.a) In case of special exception Pet owners will attend mandatory workshops on “How to Handle Your Magical Menagerie Without Setting the School on Fire.”

13. Safe Field Trips : Trips to dangerous locations will include armed chaperones, emergency protocols, and thorough safety briefings and waiver forms signed in triplicate.

14. Artifact Handling : Students must undergo proper training before handling cursed or ancient artifacts to prevent accidents. Mishandlers will be assigned “Haunted Item Duty” where they must appease disgruntled artifacts until they learn respect.

15. Accessible Staff : Professors will maintain open-door policies for student accessibility and safety during office hours. Office hours will be held in rooms with doors that mysteriously change locations every hour, keeping students on their toes.

16. Anti-Bullying Measures : Enchantments against bullying will be in place throughout the school to ensure a safe learning environment. Bullies will be sentenced to “ Dungeon Clean-Up Crew” duty until they learn the true meaning of teamwork.

17. Heroic Moderation : Heroic feats will be celebrated responsibly, ensuring students maintain focus on academics and well-being. Heroic statues will be equipped with enchantments that automatically adjust their volume based on nearby exam schedules.

18. Cafeteria Safety : Food will be clearly labeled and free from magical transformations or harmful enchantments. The cafeteria menu will include cautionary tales about students who underestimated the power of enchanted desserts.

19. Fair Exams : Final exams will be fair and free from life-threatening obstacles, focusing solely on academic knowledge. Cheaters will be subjected to the “Hall of Mirrors” exam, where every reflection has a different exam question.

20. Transparent Policies : All school policies, including hidden passages and unregistered animagi, will be documented and accessible to all staff. Unregistered animagi will receive complimentary “How to Identify Magical Disguise 101” lessons to avoid identity crises.

21. Retirement Planning : Staff members will have clear and mandatory retirement plans to ensure stability and continuity. Retiring staff will be honored with a grand ceremony and a magical retirement wand that never runs out of spell energy.

22. Respect for All : Treat all students with respect, regardless of their background or perceived power level. Underestimating a student might lead to unexpected consequences, like being outwitted by a first-year with a knack for summoning mischievous imps.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2022
5. Balanced Curriculum : The curriculum will include the teaching of Dark Arts alongside other subjects to prevent unauthorized learning and misuse. Dark Arts class will be followed by mandatory therapy sessions to discuss students’ newfound penchant for the violence.
This is the only rule I disagree with here. It's like saying we should teach children how to deal drugs, murder, and evade police effectively. I'd really rather that not be taught to a bunch of teenagers.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Now see, that's why your school will suck.
How are the students going to get XP? If there aren't wandering encounters in the halls and forbidden forests to get lost in, they're NEVER going to level up. That RP bonus SUCKS ASS.


Apr 1, 2023
Now see, that's why your school will suck.
How are the students going to get XP? If there aren't wandering encounters in the halls and forbidden forests to get lost in, they're NEVER going to level up. That RP bonus SUCKS ASS.
That's the entire point of the school I don't care if I suck I just don't want to deal with extra paperwork on why a bunch of students had to risk their lives to defeat a demon lord (conveniently sealed in my school) released by a crazy teacher who I hired
Just for the record the real MC is the school Headmaster


Certfied Super Secret Final Secret Final Boss
Oct 13, 2021
Regular screening for mental health (and personages with extremely heroic/villainous disposition): People claiming to be heroes, villain(esse)s, main characters, or calling other NPCs or other strange things will be filtered out during those sessions and will be forced to take supervised therapy sessions until the problem is solved.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
23. After hours, students are legally allowed to fight to the death in order to weed out the weak and cowardly.

24. Students who regularly hide from combat will be expelled for having weak genes and should consider not adding to the population because their bloodline is sad.


Nemurenu KyĹŤfu
Nov 6, 2021
1. Secure Storage : If I possess an extremely powerful and dangerous item (like a philosopher’s stone), I will not hide it within a secret place in the school. Instead, it will be placed in a high-security vault guarded by a dragon, a sphinx, and at least three retired gym teachers with nothing to lose
I personally think that you should replace the gym teachers with janitors. The gym teachers are almost always overweight and lazy, while janitors are widely known to be some of the greatest workers in the known universe. Only downside is that they often die of old age.


Apr 1, 2023
23. After hours, students are legally allowed to fight to the death in order to weed out the weak and cowardly.

24. Students who regularly hide from combat will be expelled for having weak genes and should consider not adding to the population because their bloodline is sad.
Yeah , this only applies to noble families Who by the way should sign a a blood oath that the school is no way responsible for their children's death but they are free to apply for donation of body to the necromancy club


‼️ dinner demons and upcoming dessert ‼️
Nov 2, 2023
25. The sorting system ends because an academy for everyone shouldn't have a "House Evil."