How to take over a kingdom in a scifi fantasy world setting


Horny on main
Jan 22, 2023
This is a weird one and I will not use any ideas I get from this on my work domination scheme. Although you'll be credited in manifesto.

Okay, now to get to the problem while scheming through my plot points that by this point look more like an insane thread of incoherent points that I'm basically throwing at my board.

I have no idea how to take back the Kingdom that I'm going to be gunning for for the next 2 or 3 volumes for my book.
I don't even know how'd I begin planning for characters to overthrow the government and reclaim power for the rightful heir to it.

Any ideas of what I should do to move forward with this?


2024 Shovel Duel Champion
Mar 6, 2022
Gain the people's trust. Make the government look bad and oppressive(even if that requires a little trickery) then throw several thousand peasants at the capital


🐉Burns you with his Love🐉
Aug 23, 2022
Focus on the elites more, and less on the public. The people with power are the ones who will decide who rules, usually. Even when public rises up, there are elites involved. Nobles, military generals, influential merchants. You're going to need their backing in order to rule.

If their current ruler has taken a sour taste and you appeal to them they will replace him. Inner politics of elites will have multiple factions with conflicting interests.

Here's a video that may help.


Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
Just build up and wait until the perfect moment to strike. Just look at the only successful take over in the modern era that was done without CIA involvement, the Taliban take over of Afghanistan. They were on that grind for 20 years before an opportunity presented itself.


Horny on main
Jan 22, 2023
Focus on the elites more, and less on the public. The people with power are the ones who will decide who rules, usually. Even when public rises up, there are elites involved. Nobles, military generals, influential merchants. You're going to need their backing in order to rule.

If their current ruler has taken a sour taste and you appeal to them they will replace him. Inner politics of elites will have multiple factions with conflicting interests.

Here's a video that may help.
I was planning to use coaxing of power figures and elites within the kingdom along with a huge company filled with mercenary and soldiers that have deserted their duty die to the coupe.

The thing I'll be focusing on right now though is the military force via the company which would be going swimmingly till the first MC's attendant informs her of what you mentioned and she ain't having any of it due to what transpired at the capital.
Just build up and wait until the perfect moment to strike. Just look at the only successful take over in the modern era that was done without CIA involvement, the Taliban take over of Afghanistan. They were on that grind for 20 years before an opportunity presented itself.
Yeah... They can't wait that long, the entire series isn't focused on the takeover of the kingdom, but rather on the world abd how each Kingdom interacts with each other as a whole.


Bluetooth 7 Enabled Holy Blade w/ Red Dot Sight
Jul 17, 2019
Lots of ways.

1. Corruption in the higher ups. Buy them out. Let them start advocating for change or meddle with internal affairs.
2. Become a hero. Win the people over.
3. Create artificial problems and be the only one who can solve them. Use this to undermine their image and boost yours.
4. Force. Good old revolution or strong-arming.
5. Sabotage, sabotage, sabotage. This was a method Mobsters used to thwart urban development. Probably get people pissed though.
6. In the same vein as the Mob, why not put higher ups in your debt? You scratch my back I scratch yours kind of thing.
7. Why not create a new kingdom or join another? Vassal the old, either through strong arming, diplomacy, protection or since it's Sci Fi, why not through some access to much needed Tech? Preferably for a problem the MC committed in the first place: e.g. a proxy war caused by the MC.


Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
Focus on the elites more, and less on the public. The people with power are the ones who will decide who rules, usually. Even when public rises up, there are elites involved. Nobles, military generals, influential merchants. You're going to need their backing in order to rule.

If their current ruler has taken a sour taste and you appeal to them they will replace him. Inner politics of elites will have multiple factions with conflicting interests.

Here's a video that may help.

I was planning to use coaxing of power figures and elites within the kingdom along with a huge company filled with mercenary and soldiers that have deserted their duty die to the coupe.

The thing I'll be focusing on right now though is the military force via the company which would be going swimmingly till the first MC's attendant informs her of what you mentioned and she ain't having any of it due to what transpired at the capital.

Yeah... They can't wait that long, the entire series isn't focused on the takeover of the kingdom, but rather on the world abd how each Kingdom interacts with each other as a whole.
You just have to make the key moment happen sooner then. The more chaotic the better.


Horny on main
Jan 22, 2023
Lots of ways.

1. Corruption in the higher ups. Buy them out. Let them start advocating for change or meddle with internal affairs.
2. Become a hero. Win the people over.
3. Create artificial problems and be the only one who can solve them. Use this to undermine their image and boost yours.
4. Force. Good old revolution or strong-arming.
5. Sabotage, sabotage, sabotage. This was a method Mobsters used to thwart urban development. Probably get people pissed though.
6. In the same vein as the Mob, why not put higher ups in your debt? You scratch my back I scratch yours kind of thing.
7. Why not create a new kingdom or join another? Vassal the old, either through strong arming, diplomacy, protection or since it's Sci Fi, why not through some access to much needed Tech? Preferably for a problem the MC committed in the first place: e.g. a proxy war caused by the MC.
I love your 7th one, but unfortunately that won't work the setting for the Kingdom is in the deser not a lot of people would be running to some random kingdom started by a brat, plus the kingdom is actively out to kill the first mc so that wouldn't work at all. Not to mention she would never deface her kingdom by creating a second one within it.
As for the tech my characters aren't that smart to have some godsent tech that the current government would be in their debt for.

#4 would cause problems that I view would be too unchangeable to even consider

For #5 sorta, but not entirely so, cause the mc's aren't exactly the heroing type they are more self serving than saving someone cause they are in trouble unless it disrupts their core morals.

#6 could work, but I'll have to make characters be in a position the higher ups would even consider giving them the time of day.

#3 Don't know how to write, might dip my hand into that though, or it you have some information on that I'd love to hear it

#1 I have some ideas for that actually I mean they wouldn't be exactly swimming in money cause of their situation, but that is part of my plan, plus the leaders would do a good job of that themselves.


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
This is a weird one and I will not use any ideas I get from this on my work domination scheme. Although you'll be credited in manifesto.

Okay, now to get to the problem while scheming through my plot points that by this point look more like an insane thread of incoherent points that I'm basically throwing at my board.

I have no idea how to take back the Kingdom that I'm going to be gunning for for the next 2 or 3 volumes for my book.
I don't even know how'd I begin planning for characters to overthrow the government and reclaim power for the rightful heir to it.

Any ideas of what I should do to move forward with this?
This is assuming that this is based off of a mid evil kingdom.

1.Artificially create a famine, while stirring up unrest in the state, with both the nobles and peasantry.
2.Have a subordinate use high tech to preform miracles and claim that they are a prophet. The subordinate claims that you are the chosen ruler/emperor, who will soon rule the world. Do this while hijacking the style of the local religion(s).
3.Teach your side how to make and mass produce rifles/muskets, cannons, and ammunition or magic if applicable (Optional), while simultaneously telling them your mission, every man will have freedom if you become emperor. No more nobility and their weird rules, the citizens will elect senators that will work with you to create a constitution that will enshrine the rites of the people, before they are dismissed and you start your rule. (Think of Napoleon, who ruled with a constitution)
4.Provoke the nobility to rebel, while you are gathering reputation with the peasantry. The nobility is able to replace the king after 1 month of fighting. Their forces are exhausted.
5. The peasantry rebels, and your forces join them.
6. Your forces use guerrilla tactics and are more successful than the unorganized peasantry.
7. More and more peasants join your forces as you succeed, if there is an organized church ally with them for the next step.
8. Take the capital and declare yourself emperor.
9. Eliminate famine in your controlled territory .

At this point you just need to take care of the population while destroying the remaining noble forces. You will want to wait 3-5 years to consolidate your victory before conquering the surrounding territories.
Perhaps this could help you on designing how the remaining noble forces were destroyed. It definitely won’t be a 1-1 comparison because there had yet to be industrialization in my scenario, but it is a good starting point.
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Coffee lover (addict)
Aug 8, 2021
Since it is a Sci-Fi world. Information war, fake news maybe.

You could feed targeted people of relevance wrong information through the internet (or your sci Fi version of it). Corrupt their commonly used sources until they start doubting themselves on what is true and what not, leading them on to make the wrong choices, or even choices in your favour and slowly destroy the kingdom from within by weakening it and finally taking it over.


Horny on main
Jan 22, 2023
This is assuming that this is based off of a mid evil kingdom.

1.Artificially create a famine, while stirring up unrest in the state, with both the nobles and peasantry.
2.Have a subordinate use high tech to preform miracles and claim that they are a prophet. The subordinate claims that you are the chosen ruler/emperor, who will soon rule the world. Do this while hijacking the style of the local religion(s).
3.Teach your side how to make and mass produce rifles/muskets, cannons, and ammunition or magic if applicable (Optional), while simultaneously telling them your mission, every man will have freedom if you become emperor. No more nobility and their weird rules, the citizens will elect senators that will work with you to create a constitution that will enshrine the rites of the people, before they are dismissed and you start your rule. (Think of Napoleon, who ruled with a constitution)
4.Provoke the nobility to rebel, while you are gathering reputation with the peasantry. The nobility is able to replace the king after 1 month of fighting. Their forces are exhausted.
5. The peasantry rebels, and your forces join them.
6. Your forces use guerrilla tactics and are more successful than the unorganized peasantry.
7. More and more peasants join your forces as you succeed, if there is an organized church ally with them for the next step.
8. Take the capital and declare yourself emperor.
9. Eliminate famine in your controlled territory .

At this point you just need to take care of the population while destroying the remaining noble forces. You will want to wait 3-5 years to consolidate your victory before conquering the surrounding territories.
Perhaps this could help you on designing how the remaining noble forces were destroyed. It definitely won’t be a 1-1 comparison because there had yet to be industrialization in my scenario, but it is a good starting point.
#1 Nicish idea, but this is a scifi fantasy world in the desert that has magic, to sustain themselves for that long they have ways of bypassing such inconveniences so won't go that route.

#2 Absolutely not. I will never consider doing something like this ever. Besides the world I'm creating have already separated religion from state so this won't even hold a candle.

#3 Okay not sure if you think this is some generic back in the ye olde times where there's no weapons and my character is a transmigrater. So no that won't work cause there are guns, most don't use them due to them being short supply 9f resources for guns and there is no need for a gun when everyone has magic.
For the second part that's not how I want to take my story no emperor ruling with senate, i still would like nobility to rule in this world, but it's more of you earnings it instead of you getting given it.

#4 Good idea sorta except the people of this world aren't going to jump on any bandwagon to over throw the government without reason which I'll provide and reward for doing so. As for the nobility I'll think of some reason for them to betray the current ruler and join the MC's cause.

#5 No, that is dumb beyond belief for a number of reasons, the rules aren't brainless they aren't going to be so bad at running a country that the citizens rebel

#6 Sounds good on paper, bust still, no.

#7 Again I need to give them reason to even consider rebelling instead of just following the current ruler.

#8 That is, I mean that isn't an answer that's more of a statement.

#9 Famine isn't much of a problem I'm this world, there is no point to this.
Since it is a Sci-Fi world. Information war, fake news maybe.

You could feed targeted people of relevance wrong information through the internet (or your sci Fi version of it). Corrupt their commonly used sources until they start doubting themselves on what is true and what not, leading them on to make the wrong choices, or even choices in your favour and slowly destroy the kingdom from within by weakening it and finally taking it over.
This sounds good actually I'll maybe use, not sure yet, I mean it all relies on things they have no way of knowing or gaining access to so probably not


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2020
If you want a real world example, check Liechtenstein for an example. Otherwise you need the government to fail badly enough, for the people to want a despot back in power.


Horny on main
Jan 22, 2023
Honey trapping?

Well, it would give you more opportunities to write lewd scenes.
Hmm, good idea, but it's a world with heavy sex everywhere. Nobody will be moved with sleeping with the MC who herself will only do it with people she fancies, not necessarily romantically into and she is very proud and stubborn so she'll probably never do this.
If you want a real world example, check Liechtenstein for an example. Otherwise you need the government to fail badly enough, for the people to want a despot back in power.
Can't find much on it, mind giving so e info.
As for the government, ehh not so much I mean if they were bad at it then they won't have successfully taken over.
This is a reclaiming of throne story so not possible.
Although I will make the current ruler focus more on work conquest than helping thy people, so maybe


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Uh... need more details. Explain the government in question.

Failing details, murder everyone and rule with an iron fist.
What I mean Is: Every government in the real world has collapsed at some point or another. America is the single longest running government in human history. Nobody else has lasted as long. Yes, there has been a Rome for thousands of years, but the government ruling Rome collapsed and was replaced several times.

You say SCIENCE/FANTASY. Well, I need goddamn details about your government. Does everyone have implants in their brain to have Twitter available all day in their heads? is it ruled by a magic using elite? Is it a nation of techno-barbarians using humans as parts to assemble apocalyptic war-borgs?


Otherwise, chop up your enemies and reprogram their brains to make an army of slave war-borgs.
Get your H.R.Geiger on.
You know, if you got magic, you could use lightning magic to refine bauxite into refined aluminum. Then you could powder it and mix it with pure Ethanol. Use Air magic to get maximum air dispersal, then fire magic to ignite your Hyper-thermobaric fuel-air explosive. Set up six of these around the center of government, set them off at the same time. The fires will grow together and the flow of oxygen will push it towards the center, thus preventing the complete destruction of the city.

Of course, you might get a fire tornado which might rain burning ash all over the city, but you know what they say, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few of the Geneva conventions!
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A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
#1 Nicish idea, but this is a scifi fantasy world in the desert that has magic, to sustain themselves for that long they have ways of bypassing such inconveniences so won't go that route.

#2 Absolutely not. I will never consider doing something like this ever. Besides the world I'm creating have already separated religion from state so this won't even hold a candle.

#3 Okay not sure if you think this is some generic back in the ye olde times where there's no weapons and my character is a transmigrater. So no that won't work cause there are guns, most don't use them due to them being short supply 9f resources for guns and there is no need for a gun when everyone has magic.
For the second part that's not how I want to take my story no emperor ruling with senate, i still would like nobility to rule in this world, but it's more of you earnings it instead of you getting given it.

#4 Good idea sorta except the people of this world aren't going to jump on any bandwagon to over throw the government without reason which I'll provide and reward for doing so. As for the nobility I'll think of some reason for them to betray the current ruler and join the MC's cause.

#5 No, that is dumb beyond belief for a number of reasons, the rules aren't brainless they aren't going to be so bad at running a country that the citizens rebel

#6 Sounds good on paper, bust still, no.

#7 Again I need to give them reason to even consider rebelling instead of just following the current ruler.

#8 That is, I mean that isn't an answer that's more of a statement.

#9 Famine isn't much of a problem I'm this world, there is no point to this.

This sounds good actually I'll maybe use, not sure yet, I mean it all relies on things they have no way of knowing or gaining access to so probably not
I assumed the story was about an alien general trying to conquer many underdeveloped worlds, not a transmigration one, my bad.


Horny on main
Jan 22, 2023
I assumed the story was about an alien general trying to conquer many underdeveloped worlds, not a transmigration one, my bad.
It's not about an alien general either, maybe I shoulda been more clear with this.

Picture earth, just regular old modern day. Now picture it more advanced with elites having access to flying vehicles, we have gone back to countries in a sorta monarchial sorta way, there is magic, humans are existinct and replaced with fantasy monsters of my design as the new dominant race, cybernetics is more common, androids everywhere.

And that's the bare bones of my world, no Isekai, no one has much knowledge of how we lived life in the here and now.
Uh... need more details. Explain the government in question.

Failing details, murder everyone and rule with an iron fist.
What I mean Is: Every government in the real world has collapsed at some point or another. America is the single longest running government in human history. Nobody else has lasted as long. Yes, there has been a Rome for thousands of years, but the government ruling Rome collapsed and was replaced several times.

You say SCIENCE/FANTASY. Well, I need goddamn details about your government. Does everyone have implants in their brain to have Twitter available all day in their heads? is it ruled by a magic using elite? Is it a nation of techno-barbarians using humans as parts to assemble apocalyptic war-borgs?


Otherwise, chop up your enemies and reprogram their brains to make an army of slave war-borgs.
Get your H.R.Geiger on.
You know, if you got magic, you could use lightning magic to refine bauxite into refined aluminum. Then you could powder it and mix it with pure Ethanol. Use Air magic to get maximum air dispersal, then fire magic to ignite your Hyper-thermobaric fuel-air explosive. Set up six of these around the center of government, set them off at the same time. The fires will grow together and the flow of oxygen will push it towards the center, thus preventing the complete destruction of the city.

Of course, you might get a fire tornado which might rain burning ash all over the city, but you know what they say, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few of the Geneva conventions!
This might seem fun, but no I won't do anything that crazy or insane, I do want it to be dark, but nothing this morbid.

As for the world there are no humans in this world, just fantasy races, as for the chips no, most don't have a chip for obvious reasons.

As for how the government I'm focusing on right nows failings, hmm I'd say not much to be honest. The world is run like a monarch with people of power ruling it and yes it is run by magic using elites (I mean everyone can use magic, so they aren't exactly special), I guess that they do use an iron fist to rule the people, but they are real hush-hush about such things only getting more openly violet to the people later on.

As for the failings I would say that they are too focused on war efforts than running the kingdom so the mc takes advantage of that somehow.

As for how the kingdom works, I was thinking that they'd do in a fashion of the ruler giving out orders and letting the people choose their nobles as well as proving themself to the ruler, so there is no way some incompetent can come to power.
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A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
It's not about an alien general either, maybe I shoulda been more clear with this.

Picture earth, just regular old modern day. Now picture it more advanced with elites having access to flying vehicles, we have gone back to countries in a sorta monarchial sorta way, there is magic, humans are existinct and replaced with fantasy monsters of my design as the new dominant race, cybernetics is more common, androids everywhere.

And that's the bare bones of my world, no Isekai, no one has much knowledge of how we lived life in the here and now.

This might seem fun, but no I won't do anything that crazy or insane, I do want it to be dark, but nothing this morbid.

As for the world there are no humans in this world, just fantasy races, as for the chips no, most don't have a chip for obvious reasons.

As for how the government I'm focusing on right nows failings, hmm I'd say not much to be honest. The world is run like a monarch with people of power ruling it and yes it is run by magic using elites (I mean everyone can use magic, so they aren't exactly special), I guess that they do use an iron fist to rule the people, but they are real hush-hush about such things only getting more openly violet to the people later on.

As for the failings I would say that they are too focused on war efforts than running the kingdom so the mc takes advantage of that somehow.

As for how the kingdom works, I was thinking that they'd do in a fashion of the ruler giving out orders and letting the people choose their nobles as well as proving themself to the ruler, so there is no way some incompetent can come to power.

Okay. Step One: HISTORY. Study the planet's history. How was the government overthrown the last time? Do that.

You have a modern world with a monarchy. The reason monarchies don't work in the modern world is that the top town feudalism system only really works when the system is stressed. if you have constant war, then it is a simple matter of proving the current leaders are corrupt or failures of some sort and get all the generals to agree to replace the old leader. That's how it basically happens in communist countries.

If you are in a more peaceful world, the feudalism style system is unsustainable. Simply move into the economic sector and form an oligarchy of very rich corporate types. Once you have control over the economic sector, propaganda will spread the message of the need for representation. Get a few uprisings going by creating artificial scarcity and blame the current government. Basically what caused the reformation of the UK.

So either go the CCP method of just getting in good with the party and having the generals install you into power, or the England route if you want a more peaceful transition.

Deleted member 54065

This is a weird one and I will not use any ideas I get from this on my work domination scheme. Although you'll be credited in manifesto.

Okay, now to get to the problem while scheming through my plot points that by this point look more like an insane thread of incoherent points that I'm basically throwing at my board.

I have no idea how to take back the Kingdom that I'm going to be gunning for for the next 2 or 3 volumes for my book.
I don't even know how'd I begin planning for characters to overthrow the government and reclaim power for the rightful heir to it.

Any ideas of what I should do to move forward with this?
I believe that sci-fi or not, the blueprints in overthrowing a government is the same, even in real life.

1) Gather support of the populace, military and religious community. The populace is for passive resistance, disseminating propaganda (either they are aware or not) and other kinds of support, like hiding places, food, clothing, etc. Military is...well, for more power (and weapons) once the struggle turns from cold to hot. And religious community for 'legitimizing' your character's claim (this is important for monarchs). Coups and revolutions don't happen overnight.

2) While gathering support, your character has to stay low. You have to make it obvious to the opposing forces that he's no threat (or his group), otherwise your readers will find that he has a thick armor made of plot.

3) A good measure of tactics and strategy is also needed, either coming from him, or from other characters.

4) Other sources of money for the 'movement' is optional, but is welcome addition to make it believeable/plausible.

5) A bit of propaganda on the side of the character for convincing people (refer back to point 1) to his side.

For example, let me cite how I wrote mine. The Arc 2 of my main work (The Beastman Saint is H*rny) deals with how a kingdom was founded by the main character. To do this, first, I made him gather the support of the populace. He also has to 'stay low' and 'appear weak', while convincing people to side with him. For tactics and strategy, I brought along other characters to help him (I don't want my MC to be a Mary Sue) formulate plans in overthrowing authority (militarily). Point 4, I had my MC's side create sources of income (like selling utensils made of iron-mithril alloys) to finance their movement. And finally, point 5 is where the leaders of the communities that sided with him spread words about his deeds, so they are convinced to join him.

For the climactic event, I just played on their tactics and strategy, as what they laid out in Point 3.

So if I elaborate:

-In Volume 6, I showed the problem to the readers through the eyes of the protag.
-In Volume 7, I made the MC save a few people that will become his core supporters.
-In Volume 8, I showed the readers how the MC slowly gathered a formidable force through economics, propaganda and diplomacy.
-In Volume 9 (the end of the arc), I used all that I built up from the three previous volumes to eventually get the MC to his goal.
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Horny on main
Jan 22, 2023
Okay. Step One: HISTORY. Study the planet's history. How was the government overthrown the last time? Do that.

You have a modern world with a monarchy. The reason monarchies don't work in the modern world is that the top town feudalism system only really works when the system is stressed. if you have constant war, then it is a simple matter of proving the current leaders are corrupt or failures of some sort and get all the generals to agree to replace the old leader. That's how it basically happens in communist countries.

If you are in a more peaceful world, the feudalism style system is unsustainable. Simply move into the economic sector and form an oligarchy of very rich corporate types. Once you have control over the economic sector, propaganda will spread the message of the need for representation. Get a few uprisings going by creating artificial scarcity and blame the current government. Basically what caused the reformation of the UK.

So either go the CCP method of just getting in good with the party and having the generals install you into power, or the England route if you want a more peaceful transition.
Okay I should mention that they don't use feudalism in this world It's more of using money and military force and use of getting mass on their side with charisma and less of feudalism.

As much as I'd just love to do this is there are a few problems. The government is actively trying to kill my mc by any and every means possible. She ain't controlling shit out in the open unless she wants to have a visit from death and in a government and setting like this they is barely room for her to place proxies to run it for her.

I think I can go with the general route, but that would be tricky cause I want to make it obvious that the person that took over to be competent and provide for all the people that are in power to stop a revolt from their part.
Unless she's Naruto her talk no jutsu won't do shit to convince them.
I'll have to do something to ensure any form of rebellious act from the elites or for them to even give the thought the time of day.

I would though say that the world isn't exactly peaceful, there are times where there are wars and timed when they are not, so more of flux.

The UK route won't work either cause most won't even pay attention to some baseless rumors so they'd have to actively sabotage the people abd somehow not get caught abd have enough resources and money to keep their company afloat while starting off broke. This is not even possible.
I believe that sci-fi or not, the blueprints in overthrowing a government is the same, even in real life.

1) Gather support of the populace, military and religious community. The populace is for passive resistance, disseminating propaganda (either they are aware or not) and other kinds of support, like hiding places, food, clothing, etc. Military is...well, for more power (and weapons) once the struggle turns from cold to hot. And religious community for 'legitimizing' your character's claim (this is important for monarchs). Coups and revolutions don't happen overnight.

2) While gathering support, your character has to stay low. You have to make it obvious to the opposing forces that he's no threat (or his group), otherwise your readers will find that he has a thick armor made of plot.

3) A good measure of tactics and strategy is also needed, either coming from him, or from other characters.

4) Other sources of money for the 'movement' is optional, but is welcome addition to make it believeable/plausible.

5) A bit of propaganda on the side of the character for convincing people (refer back to point 1) to his side.

For example, let me cite how I wrote mine. The Arc 2 of my main work (The Beastman Saint is H*rny) deals with how a kingdom was founded by the main character. To do this, first, I made him gather the support of the populace. He also has to 'stay low' and 'appear weak', while convincing people to side with him. For tactics and strategy, I brought along other characters to help him (I don't want my MC to be a Mary Sue) formulate plans in overthrowing authority (militarily). Point 4, I had my MC's side create sources of income (like selling utensils made of iron-mithril alloys) to finance their movement. And finally, point 5 is where the leaders of the communities that sided with him spread words about his deeds, so they are convinced to join him.

For the climactic event, I just played on their tactics and strategy, as what they laid out in Point 3.

So if I elaborate:

-In Volume 6, I showed the problem to the readers through the eyes of the protag.
-In Volume 7, I made the MC save a few people that will become his core supporters.
-In Volume 8, I showed the readers how the MC slowly gathered a formidable force through economics, propaganda and diplomacy.
-In Volume 9 (the end of the arc), I used all that I built up from the three previous volumes to eventually get the MC to his goal.
That's all fine all but I hardly doubt that Amy of that would work for my story. This isn't some ancient times kinda deal where the people here would come rushing to my mc cause of what they can provide.
The country can provide for themself they don't need some mystery item or some great hero, there are heroes in this world cause you know... Fantasy means there would adventurers.

As for the populace or religion, first the religious leaders and whatnot have no power over state, not exactly as important as it is in our world so that ain't happening.

The people themselves won't drop their lively good and join the mc cause things are being led more or less the same so not much will change.

I think I can think of something for the money problem that they'd have a problem with.

This is a sci-fi world, propaganda started by sone mystery group wouldn't hold a candle or be given attention.
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