I have a writing game for you

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A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
The rules of the game will go like this, I will give you a starting page and you are to write your follow up page. Tomorrow I will create a new thread where the most liked follow up page is the new starting point, and we repeat. To qualify your follow up must be in between 300min -700max words. I will moderate it so that there is no smut or objectable content (rape, weird age stuff, etc.), implication such as saying these characters slept with each other is fine. If their is a tie I will choose the follow up, assuming the tied players don’t decide which of them goes into the next days post. I will link previous days in new days.


First page:
Yellow green grass is trampled underfoot as my grandpa and I move through the bramble. Cicadas screeched as the early autumn wind blew through the canopy above us.

“Yus, over here.” My grandpa called out and I hurriedly rush to him.

“Pappy what is that?” Before me was a wide patch of grass taller than I was. The top of the grass stalks had a strange corn dog looking thing on the top.

“That’s the cattail plant Yus. It grows near water and is what saved mine and your grammy’s life’s when we were young.

“Wow wow wow, how? Isn’t it grass? How can grass help you two to survive?”

“Woah there Yus, so many questions. Are you doubting your pappy? Bread is made of grass, corn is grass, baskets are usually made of grass too.”

“But how did it help you pappy?”

“Well you see the roots, tips, and sprouts of these things are edible, and their stalks can be weaved into ropes and baskets. You know the Grand War Yus?”

“Yes pappy, the Vern nation and the Yim nations invaded us. We lost almost everything that was not in the mountains until our allies came and helped us out.”

“Well did you know what your pappy and grammy did during the war? No? Well your grammy and I had left our village with all the kids and their moms. We left for the Ytem forest, your pappy and grammy’s old village was too far from the mountains for us to make it.”

“Really, how did you guys survive then? Teacher Ben said the people who didn’t make it to the mountains were attacked by the invaders?” My grandpa patted my head while looking past me.

“Well Yus, we had to be very secretive. We dug our homes in the ground, and kept to the forest. While there were a lot of struggles, your grammy and I managed to survive in the forest. Not only that, we were able to thrive at least more so than most communities that made it to the mountains.”

“How pappy? Isn’t that impossible? How could your village compare to the entire nation?”

“Well that is easy, Yus. We only had to worry about keeping 43 people safe and the nation had to worry about 3 million. By the end of the war everyone with us was full every day.”

“How? Well your grammy would say that it was mostly the adults who came with us, or something. But, seriously the forest most definitely provided quite enough for us all. All we needed to do is know what we were looking for.”

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Unofficial Class President, Author
Jul 1, 2023
What genre are you looking for?

The desire to immediately create a forest deity and turn this folk horror is astounding. The forest which have giveth shall taketh away


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
What genre are you looking for?

The desire to immediately create a forest deity and turn this folk horror is astounding. The forest which have giveth shall taketh away
Any, whichever follow up with the most likes/reactions becomes the next days starting point!


Active member
Oct 5, 2022
Alright, I'll bite.

Yus opened his eyes, a small smirk painted his face as he remembered that conversation with his grandfather all those years ago. Standing up, Yus stretches a bit and looks over the crystal clear lake, its edges surrounded by cattail bushels. He looked away from the lake before quickly grabbing his backpack and running off into the shade of the Y’Tem forest.

Running down the worn dirt trail, wind whistling past his ears, Yus hears the shrill call of a Serpent-Halk as it echoes down the large ravine that Yus was running through.

‘Damn, that was definitely a female, did their mating season start already?’ Yus thinks to himself a bit perturbed, the creature's mating season shouldn't start for another two weeks. ‘I'll need to make sure that Elly and Pinto stay out of the east forest for a while, at least until the female Serpent-Halks go back into hibernation.’

After another few minutes of running in silence, Yus makes it to a larger clearing than the one he was in before. Laughter fills the air as the small village comes into view. The village while on the smaller side, has grown to a population of 137 in the last decade. A dozen children ranging in age from 5 to 12 can be seen playing in the streets as the adult population goes about their business.

Yus quickly makes his way through the village while dodging kids, aiming for the large house near the center. When he reaches the building he opens the door. The door’s hinges squeak loudly, clearly in need of oiling.

“Hey gramps! Are you in here?” Yus shouts in the house.

“I'm in here boy, no need to yell” He hears from a room to the side. Shutting the door behind him, Yus walks over to the side room and sees his grandpa sitting at a desk while writing something down.

“What are you writing?” Yus asks in a curious town, it wasn't very common to need to write anything down where they lived, many people didn't even know how to write.

Gramps sets down his quills and looks up at Yus. “Well, we reserved a letter from a Vern-controlled city to the south, telling us that we need to start giving them a portion of our silt-berry harvest.” He looked a bit worried as he said it. “They said that our settlement has grown large enough that we need to start paying taxes to the city lord.”

“That is no important matter though,” He said matter-of-factly.

“You look a bit worried about something, what is it?” Grandpa asked while looking at Yus.
“It's not that important but while I was running I heard a few Serpent-Halk calls, they sounded female so I thought that their mating season might have started already,” Yus explained. “I just wanted to let you know before I tell the kids to stay out the the eastern woods.”

“Thanks for letting me know boy, they can get very territorial this time of year,” Grandpa said while mostly unconcerned. “Make sure to let Elly and Pinto know to stay clear of the woods, the nine know that they spend too much time in there.” He said with a laugh chuckle.

“Alright gramps, I was already planning on it, see you at dinner,” Yus said before jogging out of the house.
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A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
Just a heads up, today’s submissions end in about 8 hours.