Interesting news: there is 60% chance ChatGpt is gonna crumble in coming days


Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 🎶
Oct 14, 2023
If you didn't know there is an ongoing coup in open AI where its CEO Sam Altman got ousted with a lot of drama.

Now this might look like every other day in a shareholder company which it is.

But the thing is Altman has a significant influence inside open AI which was proven as More than 500 employees and investors threatened to quit the company and sue the board of directors respectively to pressure them to reinstate Altman.

But despite the best efforts, it didn't happen and now Altman has joined Microsoft, and if the employees follow after their leader the function of Chatgpt will degrade like If 93% of employees quit. There will be huge downtime.

And if Investors pull funds due to distrust open AI will no longer be able to support chatGpt or any Chatbot supported by openAi

Why it is a news here?, well no particular reason I though someone would be interested in it.

But heads up to people who use chatgpt, or depends on Gpt for their story writing. The next coming months will decide the future of openAi and it's chatbot

And The fact that they replaced Altman with the former CEO of Twitch does not raise any confidence either.


Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
huh... kewl
why'd they fire altman
from what little i understand, Altman was working to continue to commercialize to keep OpenAI on top with the rise of many rivals from big tech (google, Amazon, Apple etc) whereas the (non-profit) board is still in the "we must move at turtle pace because AI might turn against us" type of scaremonger thinking. From what i've read, it seems like the board didnt like not having control and influence over what Altman was doing so Altman got the boot, Greg Brockman (the chair) either resigned in protest or got booted as well, Microsoft and a lot of the outside investors are mighty unhappy and tried to get their reinstated, almost the entire workforce is threatening to jump ship, MS hired Altman and Brockman to head up a new AI research division and have made an open offer to any staff to join if they jump from OpenAI. and the board hired a co-founder of Twitch to be the new CEO. also, three top engineers at OpenAI have already resigned.

Of course, none of the board have given an explicit reason why Altman was sacked which has mightily pissed off a hell of a lot of OpenAI's investors. so, yeah, OP isnt too far off. depending on what happens over the next few days and weeks, OpenAI might actually literally collapse in on itself.

Deleted member 133647

from what little i understand, Altman was working to continue to commercialize to keep OpenAI on top with the rise of many rivals from big tech (google, Amazon, Apple etc) whereas the (non-profit) board is still in the "we must move at turtle pace because AI might turn against us" type of scaremonger thinking. From what i've read, it seems like the board didnt like not having control and influence over what Altman was doing so Altman got the boot, Greg Brockman (the chair) either resigned in protest or got booted as well, Microsoft and a lot of the outside investors are mighty unhappy and tried to get their reinstated, almost the entire workforce is threatening to jump ship, MS hired Altman and Brockman to head up a new AI research division and have made an open offer to any staff to join if they jump from OpenAI. and the board hired a co-founder of Twitch to be the new CEO. also, three top engineers at OpenAI have already resigned.

Of course, none of the board have given an explicit reason why Altman was sacked which has mightily pissed off a hell of a lot of OpenAI's investors. so, yeah, OP isnt too far off. depending on what happens over the next few days and weeks, OpenAI might actually literally collapse in on itself.
Haha, rich people are so petty


I need a vacation.
Oct 7, 2022
This is like kindergarten drama.

Nothing will come out of it that impacts us as the ball is already rolling so fast down the hill we won’t feel it.

Hell, if openAI goes up in flames at least fewer nonsense AI assistant ads will come my way. Fucking spams.

Good riddance, get fucked corpo rats.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2021
Im fine with it as long as they actually make their newer models open source, OpenAI and all


Deleteriously devilish, deliciously dumbfounding
Feb 13, 2019
Im fine with it as long as they actually make their newer models open source, OpenAI and all
The gpt architecture is open source afaik. As for the trained model itself, the parameters and all - that would take terrabytes on terrabytes, wouldn't it?


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2021
The gpt architecture is open source afaik. As for the trained model itself, the parameters and all - that would take terrabytes on terrabytes, wouldn't it?
Sorry, that’s what I meant. But if they did publish the trained model, they could prune them and/or release models with less parameters (not entirely sure whether that’s the same), basically like llama or really any other LLM (or diffusers. Also I’m pretty sure the gpus are going to cost more than the storage.)


You have to take out their families...
May 21, 2021
If you didn't know there is an ongoing coup in open AI where its CEO Sam Altman got ousted with a lot of drama.

Now this might look like every other day in a shareholder company which it is.

But the thing is Altman has a significant influence inside open AI which was proven as More than 500 employees and investors threatened to quit the company and sue the board of directors respectively to pressure them to reinstate Altman.

But despite the best efforts, it didn't happen and now Altman has joined Microsoft, and if the employees follow after their leader the function of Chatgpt will degrade like If 93% of employees quit. There will be huge downtime.

And if Investors pull funds due to distrust open AI will no longer be able to support chatGpt or any Chatbot supported by openAi

Why it is a news here?, well no particular reason I though someone would be interested in it.

But heads up to people who use chatgpt, or depends on Gpt for their story writing. The next coming months will decide the future of openAi and it's chatbot

And The fact that they replaced Altman with the former CEO of Twitch does not raise any confidence either.
It should still remain the same. Removing the employees just means that updates will slow down for a while. And like big tech could get like 5000 Indian dudes to come out no where and replace these guys for like a cent of the cost. H1B big corporation lobbies are strong as fuck. And they can definitely force their way through. Unless like the employees go out of their way to deliberately sabatoge Open AI, I doubt that anything really consequential would fuck them over.


Resident solarpunk
May 25, 2023
As Corty said, this drama will become barely a footnote in history - if even that.

These days there are many smaller models that can function in a "garage setup", literally runnable on high-end personal computers. As one leaked internal report at Google stated last year, the innovative space has shifted from big tech to barely a few hundred to a few thousand dollars in terms of investments needed - meaning any wannabe hacktivist in their basement can now participate in AI research, machine learning, model training, and other adjacent fields.

Given how an acquaintance of mine had predicted the right path to follow for AI research - that of simplification, instead of mounting complexity - years ago, back in late 2018, and, coupled with the breakthrough in algorithmic optimization which enabled AI models runnable off CPUs (instead of only GPUs) last year, I'd say big tech is already merely one of the myriad factors in this newest cornerstone socio-technological paradigm shift.

Skynet may still loom over us as a possible civilization-wide halt-state scenario, but the genie is out of the bottle. It's our responsibility to make the best of the current life situation.

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Overworked One
Nov 16, 2021
If it truly implodes, some dudes 100% will leak the source codes, and progress will happen faster. The pandora's box had already opened, so ""AI"" will still advance (probably)