Introverts vs extroverts: Who make the best protagonists?


Mostly formless
Mar 27, 2022
What world do you live in?

I ain't met an extrovert yet who thought about other people. They just do things and couldn't care less about anyone else.
I admit I worded it poorly, but what I mean is that an extrovert by definition interacts with a lot of people, and will inevitably end up thinking about those interactions.

Introverts are usually more focused on themselves.


More Gasoline 🎶
Jun 6, 2021
Worth repeating: It depends on the story.

If you want a story with lots of thinking and character growth... It's still not one or the other.
It would be interesting to have an extravert who usually just blows through life stop and suddenly consider their actions, the people they hang out with, and how they can be better.
It would be easy for an introvert to spend time thinking, since that's natural for someone who doesn't like company. Their growth might be them deciding to push forward in interactions with a particular person(making it great for romance).

If you want a story about companions moving forward with their friends to achieve Objective... There's room for either.
It would be easy for an extravert to gather a following, collecting a party of individuals perfectly suited to the challenge. They could win over enemies, mold the political landscape, and make you laugh while doing it.
It would be interesting to have an introvert who can barely get a word in forced to gather an elite party... Just to fail miserably. Instead, they have a group of volunteers who are there for personal reasons, and then the MC has to slowly open up to them, turn them into the people capable of succeeding.

So, you can choose between easy and interesting. Naturally, it's better to go with easy unless you want this to be one of the main hurdles the MC has to get over.

No such thing as an introvert, anyone who says that they are one was just improperly socialized as a child.

With that out of the way, extroverts are a lot more interesting to write. They act, they're not acted upon. It makes things more dynamic.
I tried so hard, but I just can't let this go. My response:
"There's no such thing as Americans, just Brits who don't have enough respect for the Queen."
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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
A character who is more willing to interact with others is more fun to me, so extrovert~
Aug 14, 2022
I like hot blooded extroverted protagonists since introverts don't usually end up so smart in the long term anyway.


Active member
Aug 18, 2022
I've been reading dozens of reviews on web-novels across multiple sites, and the general consuses, or perhaps the most vocal of them all tend to dislike introverts.
Reason being, majority of readers themselves are quite introverted. Thus, when they read a story that's set in another reality, dimension, world, they want a MC that will explore and live life in ways they can't in real life.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2020
I've been reading dozens of reviews on web-novels across multiple sites, and the general consuses, or perhaps the most vocal of them all tend to dislike introverts.
Reason being, majority of readers themselves are quite introverted. Thus, when they read a story that's set in another reality, dimension, world, they want a MC that will explore and live life in ways they can't in real life.
An introvert can do that. I've got two examples in mind, Zorian from Mother of Learning, and Dr Dire from the Dire saga. They're introverted but that doesn’t mean they can't interact with friends and connect to them in interesting and exciting ways, it means they're more confortable alone and the majority of their thoughts is turned inwards. Or outwards but not in a social way.

Those two characters could never be qualified as "losers" like a lot of introverts are. Maybe Zorian in the beginning, but it's as he learns to accept himself that he loses the loser title, not as he interacts more.
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