Is It Okay To Be Vague?


Depressed Pervert who loves writing good smut.
Apr 15, 2020
When I watched many apology videos, most people are being reasonable which is a good thing, however, you won't tell if the reasons they said are true. Especially with hard feelings. One apology video that I considered like he is truly feeling remorseful was Carson (YT: CallMeCarson). He was explaining vaguely for some reason, but I totally get what he feels. He fucked many people up with his judgment and sounded like he was so offensive. And now, he cries all the time because he felt so much guilty... (you can look up by yourself, I don't want to be BS about this).

After which, I also sympathized with him.

In speaking and writing, I always tend to be vague because I couldn't think straight enough like getting the feeling out of me. For example, I had an extemporary speech about "electric fan" (which is kinda hilarious) and I always have like umm... uhhh.... and the.... (anything like with pauses). When the teacher warned me to concise what I say, I just straightforwardly draw an electric fan and explain it technically like "ok. This part has a cord, electric outlet and etc,". And in writing, well yeah, you can just look up at my first work of the story which is really vague... and my second work kinda improved but still vague.

I don't know, what do you think about it? If your reasons are vague, then there is something that consciously holds you in guilt.

P.S.. I think my message on this is vague too, so yeah, there is something that holds me too... lulz


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2020
It's fine as long as you can get the basic most point across. That's what I think, at least.


Mar 28, 2020
It depends on what scenario is given. It is okay to be vague in a conversation where you want to hide your intentions. Being vague can turn a long conversation to a short talk(Based on my experiences). Being vague can deter others from knowing your private life. Vagueness can be used in social interactions where they use it as a social function to deal with implicit criticism and endangering camaraderie. Basically, it's just a complicated tool with risks.

But of course, there are some conversations when the other person needs specific information. I think it's obvious that you don't have to be vague.

As for writing, being vague can lead to being unprofessional. It gives the readers a hard time knowing what you want to say in a story. It's best to be somewhat descriptive in some parts of a story. Its the same for other problems such as Essays and formal meetings and presentations. In this case, vagueness is caused by nervousness and pressure of expectations. As for apologies though its best to be precise as to not cause more confusion and anger. Cause the other side might think that your apology is not sincere.

Overall being vague can be a little good or very bad.
As for me though I intend to keep things vague so I can regulate my social life and keep my private life hidden. Cause I'm a person who really appreciates my privacy.

Percentage (Based on my experience)
Good: 9%
Bad: 91%
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Empress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
When I watched many apology videos, most people are being reasonable which is a good thing, however, you won't tell if the reasons they said are true. Especially with hard feelings. One apology video that I considered like he is truly feeling remorseful was Carson (YT: CallMeCarson). He was explaining vaguely for some reason, but I totally get what he feels. He fucked many people up with his judgment and sounded like he was so offensive. And now, he cries all the time because he felt so much guilty... (you can look up by yourself, I don't want to be BS about this).

After which, I also sympathized with him.

In speaking and writing, I always tend to be vague because I couldn't think straight enough like getting the feeling out of me. For example, I had an extemporary speech about "electric fan" (which is kinda hilarious) and I always have like umm... uhhh.... and the.... (anything like with pauses). When the teacher warned me to concise what I say, I just straightforwardly draw an electric fan and explain it technically like "ok. This part has a cord, electric outlet and etc,". And in writing, well yeah, you can just look up at my first work of the story which is really vague... and my second work kinda improved but still vague.

I don't know, what do you think about it? If your reasons are vague, then there is something that consciously holds you in guilt.

P.S.. I think my message on this is vague too, so yeah, there is something that holds me too... lulz

I am not exactly sure what you are talking about, but in terms of guilt. As long as you don't act on intent and purpose, you are guilty of nothing.


Learning about this writing stuff
Mar 10, 2020
Being vague shows lack of confidence in what you want to tell.

Avoid being vague as much as you can, including an apology. Being vague in your apology doesn't improve it.

In writing your characters can be vague, but you as a writer should seek clarity.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
Get to the point. If the point is to be vague, it's fine. But if you don't actually know what you're trying to say, you should take a step back and make sure you know exactly what feeling you're trying to get across before you continue. This is doubly true for an apology. If you don't know why you're apologizing, don't bother since you aren't being sincere.