Overflowing with Ideas


Multiversal Author
Aug 27, 2023
I am currently making a fighting scene and suddenly some random idea came up and made my story rushed.

I don't know what to do, this keeps happening. I intend to make my story a slow paced and it became a fast paced novel...

Maybe I'm just way too excited to write what happens next
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Active member
Jul 30, 2023
I'm not an author, but here's my piece of advice: are you happy with your story? Is your idea cool? Then yeah, you do you!
If you're not happy with the pace, but think the idea is really cool, you can have the protagonist think about it, fail to implement it (either completely or partially) and then spend some time training it, be it by themselves or researching a teacher.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
As someone who has the same issue, you need to be disciplined in your pacing. The future scenes will come. Make notes of your ideas and what you want to do but don't jump, rush, or skip details just to get to what you want. Your readers will notice and your book will take a hit.

I'm hyped for my own story because in about 10 chapters, I get to introduce a spicy new character. But I know there's stuff in between to get me there.

Maintain course. You'll get there eventually.


Multiversal Author
Aug 27, 2023
As someone who has the same issue, you need to be disciplined in your pacing. The future scenes will come. Make notes of your ideas and what you want to do but don't jump, rush, or skip details just to get to what you want. Your readers will notice and your book will take a hit.

I'm hyped for my own story because in about 10 chapters, I get to introduce a spicy new character. But I know there's stuff in between to get me there.

Maintain course. You'll get there eventually.
My story is currently in chap 47 and the Interdimensional chaos already started...

So, I guess I will put the Future Story Arcs in my notes then.


Active member
Dec 17, 2020
It seems to me that you are simply too focused on the main events, and you have nothing to be distracted by. There are many layers of the work in which you can reveal the essence of what is happening. Internal moments of philosophizing on various topics. What actually happens may not always be fully understood by the character or narrator without further thought or action. Also, the story itself may be incomplete. You may now think that everything is about to end, but I think that you have not fully thought through the world around you and the possible events that may still happen.
You can also imagine that you don't like what you write. To do this, you can look for opinions or votes on similar topics that occur in your story. And try to explain to this conditionally negative critic that he is mistaken, through his narrative. For example, some words are tied to society, like the concept of an outcast. Somewhere in an Indian tribe it is normal to sit in a yurt with a spear and eat a caught rabbit, but in the modern world this would be an outcast. In this view, one can present a lot of different material that explains in advance the incorrect view of the critic who does not like outcasts. And instead of pity, evoke empathy or, on the contrary, make you hate the character even more.
Even the fact that you don’t like that the story is moving too quickly, you can reflect in your work through the characters, and talk about this topic through them. This is, in principle, one of the things that should accompany the author when writing - you must experience the events that occur.
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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2020
I am currently making a fighting scene and suddenly some random idea came up and made my story rushed.

I don't know what to do, this keeps happening. I intend to make my story a slow paced and it became a fast paced novel...

Maybe I'm just way too excited to write what happens next
I haven’t tried this myself, but it works in relationships with attachment difficulties so it might work in stories; the “wait” strategy. Whenever you’re gonna explode and do something rash, just wait, make that decision later with a cooler head.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2021
I am currently making a fighting scene and suddenly some random idea came up and made my story rushed.

I don't know what to do, this keeps happening. I intend to make my story a slow paced and it became a fast paced novel...

Maybe I'm just way too excited to write what happens next
I have this problem. What I try to do is try to make the next chapter longer.


I like yuri
Jun 19, 2022
I think this is a powerful boon that you can leverage with the right steps. Instead of rushing to the desired outcome, you can use that idea as a "checkpoint" of sorts and then plan out a well-paced progression to that checkpoint. Give yourself an estimate of how many chapters you want between your current chapter and your checkpoint and then write short one-sentence summaries about the gist of each chapter as they lead closer and closer to your checkpoint.

If those summaries sound well-paced, congratulations! Start writing! If they don't, maybe an increase or reduction in chapters is necessary. It kinda hurts to be banking on a cool scene or idea for ages, but the satisfaction of finally reaching that point properly with all the build-up is pretty nice.