Please point out my mistakes


Active member
Sep 6, 2021
Cool idea with the poetic synopsis. Think it could be improved with a bit more information / more lines to draw more readers to the story. At the moment, all I can tell from the synopsis is that MC's been reborn into the entertainment world which doesn't really tell me enough to intrigue me to read (what sets this story apart from the others?, your tags are interesting "yandere" "psychological", perhaps expand in the synopsis how these are included in the story).

Chapter 1 has quite a lot of typos / grammar errors that should be fixed up (e.g., first sentence seems to be lacking commas, "steady income yet the everyone", "for recent news, the reason the cop came to this place." etc.). Descriptions could be better (e.g., "the owner was an old mentality dude").

Then comes the first dialogue, I think it would be helpful here to mention who is talking (e.g., "the barman said", etc.) as it is kind of confusing for me to read at the moment.