Quacky's synopsis review

  • Thread starter Deleted member 139452
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Deleted member 139452

Present me your synopsis and I will review it on a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1= bruh what the f-***,10=perfection...)

I will mostly be reviewing the synopsis on the basis of:-

1. Plot: The synopsis should provide a clear and concise summary of the main plot points, including the setting, the protagonist's goal, and the obstacles they face.

2. Conflict: The synopsis should explain the main source of conflict in the story, which can be an external force or a personal conflict.

3. Characters: The synopsis should introduce the main characters and provide a brief breakdown of their motivations, traits, and relationships with other characters.

4. Tone: The synopsis should indicate the tone of the story, which can be serious, comical, heartfelt, or any other combination of tones.

5. World-building: If the story takes place in a specific world, the synopsis should provide a brief explanation of the setting, including any unique features or rules that govern the world.

6. Ending: The synopsis should provide a brief summary of the resolution of the story, including any major twists, turns, or surprises that occur at the end.

7. Punctuation and spacing: do i need to explain?

[Ask me if you don't understand something from the above]
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Deleted member 139452

I will give Your synopsis synopsis a 7/10
And here is why :-

Your synopsis for "steel and mana" creates an intriguing and well-defined premise, centering around a main character who is given a second chance at life after a tragic end.The synopsis effectively sets up the conflict, in which the character must navigate the challenges of building a new life and avoid repeating the mistakes of his past.

In terms of tone, the synopsis creates a serious and introspective atmosphere, reflecting the character's determination to make the most of this new opportunity and avoid the pitfalls of his previous life. The mention of his anger in his previous life also suggests that there may be a lingering sense of bitterness or regret, which could add depth and complexity to the narrative.

Overall, the given synopsis provides a strong foundation for a compelling and engaging story, featuring a clear conflict and a well-defined character with a strong motivation. With this in mind, the story could be effectively expanded and developed, exploring the character's experiences in the new world and the challenges he will face as he builds his own place and sets his own rules.

If I were to justify why I gave you 7 out of 10 it would becouse of the lack of detail about Leon and the world he found himself in, the absence of these details may leave readers feeling unsatisfied and unable to fully grasp the story's potential. To address this, the synopsis could benefit from additional exploration of the key elements of the story, including the details of the world in which the story is set, the challenges and opportunities that Leon will face, and the depth of his personality and motivations. This additional detail may allow readers to more fully engage with the story and understand the character's actions and decisions throughout the narrative.

Side note : after reading your author's note i think you might already know this


On Vacation, on Uranus
Oct 7, 2022
If I were to justify why I gave you 7 out of 10 it would becouse of the lack of detail about Leon and the world he found himself in, the absence of these details may leave readers feeling unsatisfied and unable to fully grasp the story's potential.
It's why they should read it :blob_cookie: Thanks for the review!

Deleted member 139452

It's why they should read it
Yes but from my experience giving a bit of info about the protagonist's personality improves the chances of a reader getting hooked(just my suggestion nothing else, the descision lie with you)


Owl Who Reads · Hoot Hoot
Apr 8, 2023
Present me your synopsis and I will review it on a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1= bruh what the f-***,10=perfection...)

I will mostly be reviewing the synopsis on the basis of:-

1. Plot: The synopsis should provide a clear and concise summary of the main plot points, including the setting, the protagonist's goal, and the obstacles they face.

2. Conflict: The synopsis should explain the main source of conflict in the story, which can be an external force or a personal conflict.

3. Characters: The synopsis should introduce the main characters and provide a brief breakdown of their motivations, traits, and relationships with other characters.

4. Tone: The synopsis should indicate the tone of the story, which can be serious, comical, heartfelt, or any other combination of tones.

5. World-building: If the story takes place in a specific world, the synopsis should provide a brief explanation of the setting, including any unique features or rules that govern the world.

6. Ending: The synopsis should provide a brief summary of the resolution of the story, including any major twists, turns, or surprises that occur at the end.

7. Punctuation and spacing: do i need to explain?

[Ask me if you don't understand something from the above]


Hound of hell, lover of girls
Mar 30, 2022

Deleted member 139452

Here is my critique of your synopsis for " My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT":

1. Plot: √ it's good

2. Conflict: The main character's goal of gaining strength can provide opportunities for conflict as they face challenges and obstacles during his journey. However I feel that it is important to establish a clear reason for why gaining strength is important to Zero and why the readers should care about his progress.

3. Characters: While Zero is the protagonist and we will primarily follow their journey, it would be helpful to flesh out other characters they encounter on their travels.I recommend the antagonist or some charector who is relevant for a major part of the story as this could add depth to the story and give Zero allies or adversaries to interact with.

4. Tone: The synopsis sets up a high-stakes, action-packed story driven by a drive for personal growth and exploration. Make sure that this tone remains consistent throughout the story in such a way that it aligns with the charectors and such.

5. World-Building: The synopsis introduces the concept of multiple worlds to explore, which could lead to some incredible world-building opportunities. Be sure to flesh out these worlds and create consistency between them.

6. Ending: The synopsis does not provide a clear ending or resolution. While the journey of gaining strength could be an ongoing arc, it may be beneficial to include a sense of where the story is heading and what Zero is ultimately striving for.

7. Grammar: I did not notice any grammatical errors in the synopsis. The sentence structure is clear and concise.

{ I will give the synopsis a 6½/10}

Now here is my critique for "Gazing miraze":

1. Plot: The idea of Yuichi using his knowledge of the future and balancing the moral dilemma of altering history adds a layer of complexity to the story. The potential for exploration of new settings and characters, combined with the looming dangers of the original Bleach timeline, add tension and excitement to the story.

2. Conflict: The challenges Yuichi faces in adapting to this past world, learning the ways of the soul reapers, and dealing with the moral dilemmas of altering history provide opportunities for conflict that serve to drive the story forward. The tension between his personal safety and standing up against evil adds depth to Yuichi's character development. It's important to ensure that these conflicts are consistent throughout the story .

3. Characters: While Yuichi is the protagonist, fleshing out other characters he encounters on his journey can add depth to the story and give the readers a vague idea of the allies or adversaries to interact with. This can provide additional conflict.

4. Tone: The synopsis sets up a thrilling, high-stakes adventure driven by personal growth and exploration. Make sure to keep this consistent.

5. World-Building: The synopsis introduces the concept of a dangerous world set 110 years in the past, offering opportunities to develop unique settings and characters. Ensuring consistency in the world-building and ensuring that it feels real and immersive is essential for a good story

6. Ending: The synopsis provides a sense of direction for the story, exploring Yuichi's moral dilemmas and the prospect of altering the course of history. However, it may be beneficial to include a clear final goal to the protag , providing closure for readers.

7. Grammar: I did not notice any grammatical errors in the synopsis. The sentence structure is clear and concise.

{Overall I will give you a 7.4/10}

(The post merged here )

here's my point-wise critique of your synopsis:

1. Plot: It's interesting

2. Conflict: The presence of an ominous figure who brings forth lifeless bodies adds a sense of tension and danger, giving the boy(and the readers) a compelling reason to explore and figure out what's happening. You've done well in this aspect

3. Character: It's satisfactory but you could have developed the old man's charector a little bit.

4. Tone: The tone I'm feeling from the synopsis is that of a mysterious and slightly foreboding world , which aligns well with the eerie atmosphere of the story. This tone should be sustained throughout the novel to create a consistent mood and atmosphere. You have done this aspect quite well.

5. World building: The patchwork world that the boy is dropped into is a crucial element of the story. Developing the different realms and their characteristics will create a rich and immersive world that will engage readers. Overall you did a descent job in this aspect

6. Ending: The concluding point is open-ended, which can leave readers with the feeling of suspense and uncertainty. While this can create a sense of mystery, it's important to balance this with a satisfying resolution that provides a "vague sense of closure" (not an actual closure).

7. Grammar: The synopsis is free of any obvious grammatical errors so it's good in this aspect.

{I will give you a 7.8 out of ten}
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Active member
Jun 7, 2023
Here you go. I must warn you that the story takes quite of a detour from the MC to introduce the lives of two other character that'll be his future companions. However, it will pick up the pace once I write chapters 7 and 10. I won't be able to do that now, but I hope this is a good introduction to the story.
Also, please forgive me for the formatting. I was gonna upload this as a PDF, but as I've told others already, it still needs work. Thank you.


Active member
Aug 27, 2020
Hey there I would love some feedback on my synopsis. Here's my story:


New member
Mar 27, 2023
Here's my story. I would like to hear from you😊😊