Writing Prompt SCP profiles

Jan 9, 2019

Deleted member 58005

I found this random template. Not sure if it's how it's actually supposed to be written :blobreading:

Item #: SCP-7358

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: There are currently no surefire methods to capture SCP-7358.

REVISION 3/11/2023: The Foundation continues to pursue the subject through various worlds, but the subject has always managed to remain one step ahead.

Description: SCP-7358, the "Watcher Of Worlds," is the moniker given to Elio Cormac, one of many World Hoppers said to be able to enter the worlds of various novels and stories by simply reading them.

While known to take many forms, SCP-7358 is often seen donning his original skin. Witnesses often reported the subject to be somewhere between 5 '10 and 5' 12 in height, sporting long blonde hair tied amateurish enough to resemble a ponytail.

The Foundation finds the subject to be especially adept in its adaptability. When it enters a world, the subject's body reportedly undergoes a metamorphosis. Once the process has finished, the subject will have adapted to its surroundings, and be capable of using certain powers or items unique to the world it is in proficiently. For this reason, the subject's danger level varies greatly depending on the world it is in.


More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023
I want to do this but I know practically nothing about SCPs… so uh let’s just make stuff up!

SCP-3504 (I have no idea if this is already as SCP)

Readable Name: Azure Fog

Capture Method: No : )

Description: SCP-3504 “Azure Fog” has been spotted on numerous occasions between the hours of 22:00 and 04:00. All incident reports have noticed her to be drinking the blood of some otherworldly creature. From this it can be concluded that she has the ability to transfer between worlds.

When approached, SCP-3504 looked curiously at all agents (what do you call people that work at the foundation thing). Upon attempts to capture her, all nets phased through her body. SCP-3504 appears to be incorporeal. Following this incident, she grew twin black leathery wings and flew into the floor.

Subsequent attempts to capture SCP-3504 resulted in similar results for the first 5 attempts. Attempts after that, surviving recordings stated tgat she smiled at the agents before stringing them up with red strings. Recordings from that point are mostly filled with screams. Security camera footage records her “smiling” as she kills her prey.

Mutilated “corpses“ were the only remains on the site. On average, limbs and internal organs were spread throughout the site. Claw marks could be seen in the remains. Oddly enough, there was no blood. Camera recordings show SCP-3504 “bending“ the blood out of corpses.

Note to agents: If you encounter a semi-translucent waist length silver with purple highlights haired girl with fangs and glowing red eyes, possibly with twin black wings, it is recommended to leave the premises as soon as possible. SCP-3504 currently has a mortality rate on encounter of 110%.

(Hmmmm… maybe I went a bit too hard on the “insane”part. Ah well. I guess I’m using this as my forum character now xD)


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
Capture Method: No : )
Containment measure not found.
All incident reports have noticed her to be drinking the blood of some otherworldly creature. From this it can be concluded that she has the ability to transfer between worlds.
It's more probable that she can summon blood of different creatures from there body's or that she can create blood that has high similarity to other scp's.
SCP-3504 appears to be incorporeal. Following this incident, she grew twin black leathery wings and flew into the floor.
The conclusion of its incorporeal nature is accepted.
Subsequent attempts to capture SCP-3504 resulted in similar results for the first 5 attempts. Attempts after that, surviving recordings stated tgat she smiled at the agents before stringing them up with red strings. Recordings from that point are mostly filled with screams. Security camera footage records her “smiling” as she kills her prey.
It has proven hostile at a confrontation, more data on her needs to be collected. From the footage it's assumable that she can control blood.
Note to agents: If you encounter a semi-translucent waist length silver with purple highlights haired girl with fangs and glowing red eyes, possibly with twin black wings, it is recommended to leave the premises as soon as possible. SCP-3504 currently has a mortality rate on encounter of 110%.
MTF Beta-777 should be called on sight of the entity.
(Hmmmm… maybe I went a bit too hard on the “insane”part. Ah well. I guess I’m using this as my forum character now xD)
That is a really tame scp.


More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023
It's more probable that she can summon blood of different creatures from there body's or that she can create blood that has high similarity to other scp's.
I was thinking more fantastical creatures, like agents show up and she’s just eating a dragon from who-knows-where.

MTF Beta-777 should be called on sight of the entity.
What is MTF Beta-777?

That is a really tame scp.
… Okay then. Note to self: Don’t look up SCPs.


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023


More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023
Okay, take two. I did research this time. @Voidiris how’d I do?

Item #: SCP-3504

Object Class: Keter or Apollyon or Archon

Special Containment Procedures: Containment measure not found.

Description: SCP-3504 “Azure Fog” has been spotted on numerous occasions between the hours of 22:00 and 04:00. All incident reports have noticed her to be drinking the blood of various deities. Researchers have also received transmissions from other planes of the existence of SCP-3504.

When approached, SCP-3504 looked curiously at all agents. Upon attempts to capture her, all nets phased through her body. SCP-3504 appears to be incorporeal. Following this incident, she grew twin black leathery wings and flew into the floor.

Subsequent attempts to capture SCP-3504 resulted in similar results for the first 5 attempts. Attempts after that, surviving recordings stated tgat she smiled at the agents before stringing them up with red strings. Recordings from that point are mostly filled with bloodcurdling screams. Security camera footage records her “smiling” as she kills her prey.

Mutilated “corpses“ were the only remains on the site. On average, limbs and internal organs were spread throughout the site. Claw marks could be seen in the remains. Average particle size is between 3-8cm. There was no blood on any of these sites.. Camera recordings show SCP-3504 “bending“ the blood out of corpses. However, after demonstrating this fact 3 times, SCP-3504 disappeared from all recordings.

Further attempts were made to capture SCP-3504, however after the 78th attempt something changed within the entity’s response. Upon being apprehended in the upper atmosphere, she cause a rift in reality to encompass the entire planet. Agents were forced to retreat in order to avoid world destruction as the entity had summoned a rapidly growing black hole in their hand.

Addendum: Agents that encounter a semi-translucent entity that takes the form of a silver with purple highlights haired girl with fangs and glowing red eyes and possible twin black leather wings should evacuate the premises immediately. If leaving is not an option, agents are expected to take their own lives if spotted in order to avoid angering the entity. SCP-3504 currently has a mortality rate on encounter of 110%.


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
Write a SCP porfolio for your favorite characters (your original characters included).
September 15, 2019:
A man by the name of Kevin Kyle was going to buy some milk from the groceries, until his eye caught on a disturbing sight. Seeing what looked like a little child chained by the neck to the wrist a tall man, he promptly called the police. According to his description, the child was in long strips of rags, which, as he put it, were "...colored the grey of my grandmama's wedding photos...". The man was odder still. According to Kevin Kyle, he wore a tall brown cloak that was "...extremely edgy and something his kids probably thought would be cool to wear...". As he walked away quickly, he looked over his shoulder as he called the police, seeing the tall man turn around. Continuing with the "...disappointing man-child behavior...", the tall man wore a white mask with a flaking red half-star painted on it.
When the police arrived, they found the man bleeding to death.
While in the hospital, the man [redacted] fingernails [redacted] eyes and scribbled [redacted] on the [redacted] which caused others to [redacted] bones and [redacted] dust, as well as [redacted] all [redacted]. [Redacted] buttcracks with bright shiny Yellow [redacted]. [Redacted]. [Redacted]. The red flag bears similarities to [redacted], [redacted] human centipede [redacted].
What can thus be extrapolated from the incident, after the SCP arrived onto the warped city of [Redacted], a wild wonderland of colors, is that the entire surrounding county must be razed to the ground and removed with the aid of vast amounts of antimatter explosives, and then the remains should be teleported to ongoing containment breaches of other SCPs to aid in neutralization.
January 1 billion and 1999 1, 2020:
Online, numerous individuals found themselves compelled to type in the words "The Monotone Puppet." Upon finding a fiction called "The Red Marionette", they were compelled to give it a half-star rating. Those that followed the compulsion were eventually tortured over the course of the next three years. Generally far too much blood was found on the scene upon investigation by the SCP to come from the torture victims, though the blood was determined quickly under dissection to be from each victim's cuts regardless of the actual capability. As far as can be determined, the blood did not decay, did not deoxygenate in containment - similar to carbon monoxide poisoning in that it remained the same vivid shade of red -, nor did it appear to follow the conservation of mass.
None of the victims died. The SCP took the victims in and used the endless source of blood via unstoppable hemorrhaging, which was quickly deemed to be harmless to others, for a variety of purposes. Such as [redacted] and [redacted]. Many scientists appreciated the source of fresh blood, as have blood-sucking SCPs.
One woman, by the name of [redacted as her name ruined the surrounding paperwork with its blood], described a doll eagerly dragging a tall man in a chunni trench coat from house to house. With a stitched grin, and rags trailing behind it, she said its demeanor was reminscent of a Girl Scout selling cookies. She described the grey as "a color that gave her a sense of hope that, by its very nature, drained her of her of the will to live..." The SCP used brainwashing techniques to get the necessary information after further inquiry incited post-traumatic stress disorder in the hemorhaging, permanently seizing woman. The doll scissored open her waist, and laid the loop-end of a person-sized sewing needle on her guts, which promptly unraveled into intestinal string that gushed blood all along its miles of length. Sewing the bleeding string inside the eye sockets, the uterus, and the ear canals led to the buildup of pressure. The resulting explosion created high-pressure jets serrating open nearby neighbors. The woman is, as of this report, still alive and bleeding.
The containment efforts are ongoing.


The second coming of CheertheDead
Nov 15, 2022
September 15, 2019:
A man by the name of Kevin Kyle was going to buy some milk from the groceries, until his eye caught on a disturbing sight. Seeing what looked like a little child chained by the neck to the wrist a tall man, he promptly called the police. According to his description, the child was in long strips of rags, which, as he put it, were "...colored the grey of my grandmama's wedding photos...". The man was odder still. According to Kevin Kyle, he wore a tall brown cloak that was "...extremely edgy and something his kids probably thought would be cool to wear...". As he walked away quickly, he looked over his shoulder as he called the police, seeing the tall man turn around. Continuing with the "...disappointing man-child behavior...", the tall man wore a white mask with a flaking red half-star painted on it.
When the police arrived, they found the man bleeding to death.
While in the hospital, the man [redacted] fingernails [redacted] eyes and scribbled [redacted] on the [redacted] which caused others to [redacted] bones and [redacted] dust, as well as [redacted] all [redacted]. [Redacted] buttcracks with bright shiny Yellow [redacted]. [Redacted]. [Redacted]. The red flag bears similarities to [redacted], [redacted] human centipede [redacted].
What can thus be extrapolated from the incident, after the SCP arrived onto the warped city of [Redacted], a wild wonderland of colors, is that the entire surrounding county must be razed to the ground and removed with the aid of vast amounts of antimatter explosives, and then the remains should be teleported to ongoing containment breaches of other SCPs to aid in neutralization.
January 1 billion and 1999 1, 2020:
Online, numerous individuals found themselves compelled to type in the words "The Monotone Puppet." Upon finding a fiction called "The Red Marionette", they were compelled to give it a half-star rating. Those that followed the compulsion were eventually tortured over the course of the next three years. Generally far too much blood was found on the scene upon investigation by the SCP to come from the torture victims, though the blood was determined quickly under dissection to be from each victim's cuts regardless of the actual capability. As far as can be determined, the blood did not decay, did not deoxygenate in containment - similar to carbon monoxide poisoning in that it remained the same vivid shade of red -, nor did it appear to follow the conservation of mass.
None of the victims died. The SCP took the victims in and used the endless source of blood via unstoppable hemorrhaging, which was quickly deemed to be harmless to others, for a variety of purposes. Such as [redacted] and [redacted]. Many scientists appreciated the source of fresh blood, as have blood-sucking SCPs.
One woman, by the name of [redacted as her name ruined the surrounding paperwork with its blood], described a doll eagerly dragging a tall man in a chunni trench coat from house to house. With a stitched grin, and rags trailing behind it, she said its demeanor was reminscent of a Girl Scout selling cookies. She described the grey as "a color that gave her a sense of hope that, by its very nature, drained her of her of the will to live..." The SCP used brainwashing techniques to get the necessary information after further inquiry incited post-traumatic stress disorder in the hemorhaging, permanently seizing woman. The doll scissored open her waist, and laid the loop-end of a person-sized sewing needle on her guts, which promptly unraveled into intestinal string that gushed blood all along its miles of length. Sewing the bleeding string inside the eye sockets, the uterus, and the ear canals led to the buildup of pressure. The resulting explosion created high-pressure jets serrating open nearby neighbors. The woman is, as of this report, still alive and bleeding.
The containment efforts are ongoing.

This is more like an scp event than a porfolio.


Jul 19, 2023
Item #: SCP - [****] because all numbers are taken

Object Class: Euclid Safe Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP - [****] is contained within the original USB drive stick it is stored on during its discovery, here on referred to as SCP - [****] - 1, stored at site ██████. No attempts on duplicate, temper, or delete its files are permitted by anyone with Level 3 or higher clearance. (See Addendum [****]-B) No attempts on connecting SCP - [****] - 1 and SCP - [****] - 2 are permitted by anyone with Level 3 or higher clearance. Under no circumstances should SCP - [****] be inserted into any personal devices or any server or databases. It is strictly forbidden for SCP - [****] to make contact with SCP - 079.

Description: SCP - [****] is a software program stored on a 2GB USB drive stick from 2004. It was first discovered at ███████████████ on ██-██-████ after the outbreak of mass psychological trauma. (See Addendum [****]-A). When inserted into any electronic devices, regardless of the device's operating system, computing capacity, or even the presence of power supply, the said device will be activated if the following criteria is met: The device has a standard USB port, the device has a screen.

Analysis showed that the USB drive containing the software has a maximum storage capacity of 1.9894 GB, yet the program will always maximize the entire storage capacity of any device it is plugged in. Regardless of the max storage space of the device, the program operate smoothly with no discernable difference in speed or function.

Once activated, the program displays as a chat box with a minimalistic style interface, prompting the user to in put text in order to obtain response from the program.

The program is capable understanding all languages, and it is hypothesized to know all language in existence, as even ancient un translatable languages, once typed into the program via special software, resulted in delivery of proper responses.

The current SCP - [****] is a small part of the original discovery, which has since been mostly neutralized on the spot. The only other component left from the original discovery is SCP - [****] - 2, which is the keyboard that the original computer it came with. The keyboard's can not be described, recorded, videotaped or photographed, in any meaningful ways, as all media containing the detail description of the symbols on the Keyboard would 

When on the SCP - [****] - 2 itself. Perception of those symbols are inconsistent across observers, and prolonged exposure can result in mental damage.

The only known means of displaying those symbols properly is by typing on device that's connected to both SCP - [****] - 1 and SCP - [****] - 2.

Addendum [****]-A: Mass psychogenic illness at ███████████████ :

A computer was found, with tentacle-like appendages and  extending out of its case is discovered. The  has covered the device in near entirety, exposing only the screen visible, they keyboard accessible, and the single USB stick visible for removal.
Detection of extreme level of electromagnetic radiation emitting from the case.
On the screen, a chat box displays 


The electromagnetic radiation range across all spectrums above the visible light, even in wavelength that's beyond the current record for the shortest gamma rays, yet no heat is emitted.

After evacuation of ███████████████, special mobile tasks force were dispatched to retrieve the anomaly. Due to the psychological damage from continuous exposure to the radiation emitted by the device, only the USB stick and the keyboard were salvageable. The rest of the anomaly were neutralized via the use of SCP - 524.

All involved citizens were administered Class C amnestic.

Addendum [****]-B: Observational Record:
SCP - [****] was inserted into an office computer with a standard keyboard and screen. The computer immediately booted on, displaying none of the operating system's UI, and instead only a clean-looking chat box, awaiting in put.

D-0420 was tasked with deleting the file on the USB drive via special external program.
█████████████████████████████████████████████████████genitals were obliterated

Caution: No attempts on duplicate, temper, or delete its files are permitted by anyone with Level 3 or higher clearance.
Dr. ███'s note: "WTF? Just say don't do it! No one with any clearance would want to do that!"


D-6969 was tasked with inputting prepared prompts into the chat box.
All questions, even those of the foundation's highest classified information was displayed.

D-6969 was administered Class C amnestic.

Further experimentation with all questions prompts, even ancient languages currently untranslatable were flawlessly solved via the chat box. A complete translation, elaborating to the ancient civilization's culture were explained in translating the said language.

An example being:
" (Language text can't be displayed) translates roughly to "Hardest poo flies the furthest, but softest poo spreads the widest." Referring to  people's traditional sport of throwing their own excrement, which was a technique that the  people's early ancestors learned from observing primates. The idiom refers to the  people's view on interpersonal relationship, in it that people with a "hard" or tyrannical personality may push towards their goals the furthest, but people who are "soft" or giving, are able to make the widest interpersonal network with others. "

D-6969 was tasked with using SCP - [****] - 2 instead of the standard keyboard.

Dr. ████████: D-6969, press the key on the furthest left
D-6969: what even is this thing? I, I can't! I don't know why, but this thing doesn't have a "left"!

Eventually D-6969 was asked to in-put random symbols into the device, then connect back to the original keyboard to ask for a translation in English.
‘³ÙKzÏ’ˆÂ*aœ…œí ²Éøúj4Ûyˆ ©mÌÙÑ?påJ3çÁR¥p¡H¯aÁ½Ÿbüv0¸ãÒY‹)Vl<z‚B¬&Ï[ú\“0‘%uc••3á½ÑR ÕùÚª)i“‘rß—ÚÇj`ühBU9ÐèÞh5A+H¦"à«(©‹o\P\9¹*I™·9ÂéŠBKhõ•›NBŒ´óÒdm¥ÚøOrD܈ÿOQûvÇ" ú hœ;60ïâ›y'HáZ‡}üÖº¬ê‰áàü‹=P¢˜ècu'Ò%‚ú9¼˜cos.’:§ÁùH—-üaìÃéªÔ)
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Casualty 117%.
Item #: SCP - [****] because all numbers are taken

Object Class: Euclid Safe Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP - [****] is contained within the original UBC drive stick it is stored on during its discovery, here on referred to as SCP - [****] - 1, stored at site ██████. No attempts on duplicate, temper, or delete its files are permitted by anyone with Level 3 or higher clearance. (See Addendum [****]-B) No attempts on connecting SCP - [****] - 1 and SCP - [****] - 2 are permitted by anyone with Level 3 or higher clearance. Under no circumstances should SCP - [****] be inserted into any personal devices or any server or databases. It is strictly forbidden for SCP - [****] to make contact with SCP - 079.

Description: SCP - [****] is a software program stored on a 2GB UBC drive stick from 2004. It was first discovered at ███████████████ on ██-██-████ after the outbreak of mass psychological trauma. (See Addendum [****]-A). When inserted into any electronic devices, regardless of the device's operating system, computing capacity, or even the presence of power supply, the said device will be activated if the following criteria is met: The device has a standard USB port, the device has a screen.

Analysis showed that the USB drive containing the software has a maximum storage capacity of 1.9894 GB, yet the program will always maximize the entire storage capacity of any device it is plugged in. Regardless of the max storage space of the device, the program operate smoothly with no discernable difference in speed or function.

Once activated, the program displays as a chat box with a minimalistic style interface, prompting the user to in put text in order to obtain response from the program.

The program is capable understanding all languages, and it is hypothesized to know all language in existence, as even ancient un translatable languages, once typed into the program via special software, resulted in delivery of proper responses.

The current SCP - [****] is a small part of the original discovery, which has since been mostly neutralized on the spot. The only other component left from the original discovery is SCP - [****] - 2, which is the keyboard that the original computer it came with. The keyboard's can not be described, recorded, videotaped or photographed, in any meaningful ways, as all media containing the detail description of the symbols on the Keyboard would 

When on the SCP - [****] - 2 itself. Perception of those symbols are inconsistent across observers, and prolonged exposure can result in mental damage.

The only known means of displaying those symbols properly is by typing on device that's connected to both SCP - [****] - 1 and SCP - [****] - 2.

Addendum [****]-A: Mass psychogenic illness at ███████████████ :

A computer was found, with tentacle-like appendages and  extending out of its case is discovered. The  has covered the device in near entirety, exposing only the screen visible, they keyboard accessible, and the single UBC stick visible for removal.
Detection of extreme level of electromagnetic radiation emitting from the case.
On the screen, a chat box displays 


The electromagnetic radiation range across all spectrums above the visible light, even in wavelength that's beyond the current record for the shortest gamma rays, yet no heat is emitted.

After evacuation of ███████████████, special mobile tasks force were dispatched to retrieve the anomaly. Due to the psychological damage from continuous exposure to the radiation emitted by the device, only the UBC stick and the keyboard were salvageable. The rest of the anomaly were neutralized via the use of SCP - 524.

All involved citizens were administered Class C amnestic.

Addendum [****]-B: Observational Record:
SCP - [****] was inserted into an office computer with a standard keyboard and screen. The computer immediately booted on, displaying none of the operating system's UI, and instead only a clean-looking chat box, awaiting in put.

D-420 was tasked with deleting the file on the UBS drive via special external program.
█████████████████████████████████████████████████████genitals were obliterated

Caution: No attempts on duplicate, temper, or delete its files are permitted by anyone with Level 3 or higher clearance.
Dr. ███'s note: "WTF? Just say don't do it! No one with any clearance would want to do that!"


D-6969 was tasked with inputting prepared prompts into the chat box.
All questions, even those of the foundation's highest classified information was displayed.

D-6969 was administered Class C amnestic.

Further experimentation with all questions prompts, even ancient languages currently untranslatable were flawlessly solved via the chat box. A complete translation, elaborating to the ancient civilization's culture were explained in translating the said language.

An example being:
" (Language text can't be displayed) translates roughly to "Hardest poo flies the furthest, but softest poo spreads the widest." Referring to  people's traditional sport of throwing their own excrement, which was a technique that the  people's early ancestors learned from observing primates. The idiom refers to the  people's view on interpersonal relationship, in it that people with a "hard" or tyrannical personality may push towards their goals the furthest, but people who are "soft" or giving, are able to make the widest interpersonal network with others. "

D-6969 was tasked with using SCP - [****] - 2 instead of the standard keyboard.

Dr. ████████: D-6969, press the key on the furthest left
D-6969: what even is this thing? I, I can't! I don't know why, but this thing doesn't have a "left"!

Eventually D-6969 was asked to in-put random symbols into the device, then connect back to the original keyboard to ask for a translation in English.
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Casualty 117%.
I forgot the "favorite characters" part, kinda just make one based on AI. oops.
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Aug 16, 2023
Item #: SCP-∞

Object Class: Thaumiel Euclid Apollyon

Special Containment Procedures: "So far all known means of containment have failed, we are getting desperate, I don't think this universe will last much longer, she killed 682, she destroyed Dr. Bright, she even made the Scarlet king stop existing, oh why did we summon her, Dr. Black signing off for the final time."

This was the message written by an alternate universe version of the SCP Foundation, all known ways of figuring out who "Her" is have turned up nothing, Dr. Bright has been sent to psychological evaluation at the thought of being destroyed completely in another universe.

Addendum: We have discovered the possible source of information the separate universe used to summon this "Her" Figure, studies have discovered an ancient primordial goddess of all Evil name Nyxia is at fault, the Book is to be sealed within a 3 meter think titanium Vault and never to be opened under any circumstance, I would rather the world end due to hell fire rather than an evil goddess.
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