SHF High-school Fanfic


A Trickster that loves Puppets
Jun 13, 2023
HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA finally finally I— [Connection Lost]
Maybe you drank to much of this fine liquor?
Giving you beer wasn't a very wise choice. :blob_hmm_two:
You good?
*taps the connection line*
I think she's drunk


A Trickster that loves Puppets
Jun 13, 2023
On a side note here's the narrative i came up with in regards to the drink: as my tail was swinging from left to right from excitement i found myself in the school's garden and an idea came to me why not make a liquor that can satisfy My little sister's craving for an alcoholic beverage, so i went and Found Danny and Presented her with some pictures. Not just any pictures however, they were pictures of Azure, The only Currency Danny accepts when you're making a deal with her. Our deal is as follows She plants for me some Maple Trees, Damask Roses and Mastic Trees to experiment with and i provide her with some pictures of Azure (So is the narrative ok?)
Sep 8, 2022
On a side note here's the narrative i came up with in regards to the drink: as my tail was swinging from left to right from excitement i found myself in the school's garden and an idea came to me why not make a liquor that can satisfy My little sister's craving for an alcoholic beverage, so i went and Found Danny and Presented her with some pictures. Not just any pictures however, they were pictures of Azure, The only Currency Danny accepts when you're making a deal with her. Our deal is as follows She plants for me some Maple Trees, Damask Roses and Mastic Trees to experiment with and i provide her with some pictures of Azure (So is the narrative ok?)
It is good, but I think you need more to make a drink.


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
*Is planning to make her super OP secret final boss of the game* :blob_evil:
Wait, but the tutorial boss can't be the hardest! :blob_no:
The showdown was epic, but in the end, you win. You are the cutest. :blob_uwu:
:blob_neutral:<- can't think of words or expressions
It's a combination of factors. Relying on a plethora of zombies who would buy the games regardless, they've always done the bare minimum while the new generations become increasingly uninspired. The audience grew, but they kept targeting children... but I don't think today's kids are interested in Pokémon. The 3D graphics of the latest generations are ridiculous by today's standards, but it's the formula itself that has never evolved, remaining uninteresting. Not that it's a problem for me, as I've said, I've stopped caring and the brand will probably continue to exist by relying on the nostalgia of fanboys, keeping an soulless corpse alive, much like Dragonball Super.

The surprising thing is that those compromising files still exist! :blob_shock: My notebooks of shame, on the other hand, no longer exist; the evidence has been eliminated. 🔥
I've written one fictional work on a piece of paper and it's far higher quality then most things I've done. The word docs technically only exist on my drive now, which is full, but I'm reluctant to delete them since they're a part of my portfolio(that no one shall know about, perhaps until after my death for shock value. Or not, dying is not a part of my life plan)
*takes note that his beloved loves to crush her enemies with overwhelming and OP superiority. It can't even be called a confrontation, but more of a...* ✍️
Number one rule of warfare: If you're in a fair fight, something has gone horribly wrong

Addendum: If you're in unfair fight with the odds against your favor, then a lot of things have gone horribly wrong.
In fact, I was absolving myself as well, especially me. :blob_sweat: What I truly can't forgive him for is allowing others to create the ending of the work of his life and letting them do it so poorly.
Authors don't exactly have full control of what movie adapters show on screen. Not sure if that's true with George but he might've been helpless against it.
I believe that they are terrifying. Dreams, and especially nightmares, as children are terrifying because the brain is still developing, and we are inexperienced and don't know the world or ourselves well. As HPL says, "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear. The oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
I don't know why, but I've never been really afraid of the unknown. Even my kid self found my dreams about suddenly being homeless one day, or someone breaking into our house and robbing us more terrifying.

That might just be half empty half full thing though.
I've tried that too, but what remains of my notes are always incoherent sentences or words without their context. After a short time, they lose all their meaning when I reread them. Perhaps it's better this way. The elusive nature of dreams is what makes them such unique experiences... almost magical. Maybe it's the closest experience to an out-of-reality dimension that we can experience.

It's probably because this way you're inclined to spend a higher amount by purchasing more Lunacy rather than spending the exact amount in real currency for the pass.
There's a pack that gives the exact amount of Lunacy needed for the battlepass, at 10.99 which was the same as when it costed real money. Though it does entice you to "reserve" future battlepasses by buying more Lunacy and getting things for cheaper in the grand scheme of things.

I don't do it though, I'm content in spending every few months, seasons take a loooong time. Last year we only had 3.
I see. I'll pay more attention to the boosters. I was choosing them a bit randomly and partly favoring the scenarios I thought I had faced, even though there are still different opponents in those.
Picking boosters with abnos you've already faced is a good idea. Later enemies inevitably powercreep new ones, and they're a lot more powerful in mirror dungeons. If you see a pack named "Falling Petals"... do not take it.
I don't have well-defined strategies yet, as I'm still learning to play and use the best IDs I have available. But I'll probably need to consider these abilities when building a team for a specific dungeon or boss. The strategic element is always appreciated.
Eh you can clear with any of your favored IDs, they nerf the fights shortly after release... though the newer bosses do favor Sinking. I remember my strategy as a new player was: get the IDs with the most damaging attacks, save those skills until stagger, nuke the boss.
Right now, I need Threads like I need bread. Shards will also be needed later for the IV uptie and, I think, for the EGO as well. So many resources...:blob_no:
I feel bad for newbies, they have to play the catch up game. And Limbus doesn't have reruns so it's either grind Mirror Dungeons or pray to RNGesus on the character banners.

Shards are very important for getting IDs without gacha, so only uptie IV the IDs if you think they really need it. (More status effect count is good, more coin power is good.)
Interesting! What's the name of this game?
...How do I recommend an h-game without making things awkward? :sweat_smile: Black souls II... you don't have to actually play it there's boss fights recorded on youtube. The content is... not for everyone.
There's a lot to think about and reflect on. The idea phase hasn't been surpassed yet, and I probably should focus my mental energy on writing and being more productive.
Good idea, I should try that too.

This pleasantly satisfies me. :blob_evil: I can't wait to see these critters sow terror in all the timelines. A self-fulfilling prophecy. :blob_uwu:
Uhh... how do I get around to genetically modifying sharks anyways? :blob_hmm_two:


A Trickster that loves Puppets
Jun 13, 2023
Uhh... how do I get around to genetically modifying sharks anyways? :blob_hmm_two:
You grab a chainsaw and slice of the sharks front fins then you go ahead and slice of a frogs back feet and use duck tape to tape them onto the shark then you slice of a scorpions tail and pincers and duck tape them onto the shark as well next thing you know it's wreaking havoc in school