SHF High-school Fanfic


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
A posture worthy of a deity, I observe.
Comes with the territory :blob_uwu:



Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
Parries and bonks with my beer mug
*sudden eerie shiver runs down her spine*
hm... must've been the wind :blob_hmm_two:
*goes back to taking sneak photos of sleeping Azure*
📷 :blob_melt:
Can I help you?
His fingers twitch, sensing a change in reality. A veil of deception and lies covers non-existent eyes. He frowns, recreating his body just for that.
Something changed... But I don't know what...
Well, that's not my problem. Where's my tea?
Behind the vodka table.
So how long exactly am I supposed to stand like this? (;一_一)


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Rootling? :blob_neutral: She's alive? :blob_aww:
yay! :blob_melt:

*clears throat*

Ssemouy! Your Goddess summons you right now! :blob_uwu:
Goddess daikon... Lord Matcha...... Azure? Please, help me. It's so dark out here. I can't even sense the cold. I should have never come here. I thought I could find Lord Matcha's character sheet... but instead I got lost myself. I'm such a terrible minion. I'm the worst. Now I'm here, forced to slowly fade away and sink into oblivion. No one will no what even happened to me. After all this is an imagined place, not even real. Ah... that's right, I'm not even real either, I was simply an imagination conjured up on a whimsy, simply brought into being by a girl that clung on to that imagination tightly as if it were all the hope in the world. A light-hearted dream that would force her out of that never ending nightmare. She had hope that such a dream would replace her bleak existence, so she willed it so, and through the dreams of others, that imaginary being became her... everything is simply returning to how it meant to be. And yet, I do not want that. I want to exist. I want to sigh as Lord Matcha yet again fails his plans, I want to adore goddess daikon for how she managed to tame Azure, I want to laugh at Boi's antics... I would even wish to lose to a hero such as Theirl. As long as I don't fade away. So please, anyone out there. It doesn't have to be a Villain I serve. Hell, I don't even care if its a hero! Please, get me out of this place.-
Before she had forgotten, Seymour [email protected](d*I@;]TuFD,*)+Eq78+EVNE@V$Z\F(K3,Fa3....
What had answered was not human. It couldn't even be called eldritch. It was simply... an idea, a thought that needed something real to cling to. A Spark. An imaginary existence oh-so-familiar to Ssemouy. As for what that idea was- it was something from a world that had been lost even to time. A world where even death had died. A memory that no one knows, not even the possessor of it herself. As for what that idea was-

Ssemouy. A heroine. That was a contradiction, illogical, non-existent. In all the possibilities that existed, there were none in which she could ever be called a pure-hearted heroine. However, in front of the power she had realized, such contradiction was meaningless. From zero, one could be drawn, and one can be expanded into Infinity. Truthhood and falsehood could exist at once. Such was the nature of Imagination.

Your Rootling emerges from the fractal, goddess. I wonder what about her has changed?

Ah, goddess daikon! :blob_aww: Why, your Rootling has found her way back home! Worry not, I have returned unscathed, for there were no ill-intentioned evildoers to impede me. Although I have yet to discover Matcha, I believe I have discovered a way to bring him back. And it all lies with this gentleman here @WatchaKhoko :blob_evil_two:
Sep 8, 2022
Such beauty and fluff!
:blob_aww: :blob_aww: :blob_aww: :blob_aww: :blob_aww: :blob_aww:
I'm envious you get to see such things when at home.
Sadly, I'm not exactly home, I'm at the Family House Off The Grid™ :blob_uwu:
Our cats live here, because my sister is very allergic and I sneeze every time I'm near them.
*hands you some freshly made jasmine tea*

You're too kind, thank you.
Sep 8, 2022
Before she had forgotten, Seymour [email protected](d*I@;]TuFD,*)+Eq78+EVNE@V$Z\F(K3,Fa3....
What had answered was not human. It couldn't even be called eldritch. It was simply... an idea, a thought that needed something real to cling to. A Spark. An imaginary existence oh-so-familiar to Ssemouy. As for what that idea was- it was something from a world that had been lost even to time. A world where even death had died. A memory that no one knows, not even the possessor of it herself. As for what that idea was-

Ssemouy. A heroine. That was a contradiction, illogical, non-existent. In all the possibilities that existed, there were none in which she could ever be called a pure-hearted heroine. However, in front of the power she had realized, such contradiction was meaningless. From zero, one could be drawn, and one can be expanded into Infinity. Truthhood and falsehood could exist at once. Such was the nature of Imagination.

Your Rootling emerges from the fractal, goddess. I wonder what about her has changed?

Ah, goddess daikon! :blob_aww: Why, your Rootling has found her way back home! Worry not, I have returned unscathed, for there were no ill-intentioned evildoers to impede me. Although I have yet to discover Matcha, I believe I have discovered a way to bring him back. And it all lies with this gentleman here @WatchaKhoko :blob_evil_two:
... You okay, daughter of mine?


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
Before she had forgotten, Seymour [email protected](d*I@;]TuFD,*)+Eq78+EVNE@V$Z\F(K3,Fa3....
What had answered was not human. It couldn't even be called eldritch. It was simply... an idea, a thought that needed something real to cling to. A Spark. An imaginary existence oh-so-familiar to Ssemouy. As for what that idea was- it was something from a world that had been lost even to time. A world where even death had died. A memory that no one knows, not even the possessor of it herself. As for what that idea was-

Ssemouy. A heroine. That was a contradiction, illogical, non-existent. In all the possibilities that existed, there were none in which she could ever be called a pure-hearted heroine. However, in front of the power she had realized, such contradiction was meaningless. From zero, one could be drawn, and one can be expanded into Infinity. Truthhood and falsehood could exist at once. Such was the nature of Imagination.

Your Rootling emerges from the fractal, goddess. I wonder what about her has changed?

Ah, goddess daikon! :blob_aww: Why, your Rootling has found her way back home! Worry not, I have returned unscathed, for there were no ill-intentioned evildoers to impede me. Although I have yet to discover Matcha, I believe I have discovered a way to bring him back. And it all lies with this gentleman here @WatchaKhoko :blob_evil_two:
:blob_neutral: Ssemouy? You feel... different? :blob_neutral: Is that really you? :blob_neutral:


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
:blob_neutral: Ssemouy? You feel... different? :blob_neutral: Is that really you? :blob_neutral:
Of course, I'm still the young lady who daydreams of heroism! Hehe, I think it would do me well to pay more attention in class~

Though, if you are asking, I am still the faithful Rootling and loyal follower of the benevolent and all-loving Mother of Root Vegetables. :blob_reach:


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
Of course, I'm still the young lady who daydreams of heroism! Hehe, I think it would do me well to pay more attention in class~
Though, if you are asking, I am still the faithful Rootling and loyal follower of the benevolent and all-loving Mother of Root Vegetables. :blob_reach:


MAMA! I think we need family meeting!! Only the ones who's identity can be confirmed!


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
... Why can I see your face?
:blob_frown: My face was always visible, perhaps you ought to check your vision, mama. After all, Azathoth, is blind, so other eldritch may be susceptible to such ills too!




MAMA! I think we need family meeting!! Only the ones who's identity can be confirmed!
What's wrong, goddess daikon?

Matcha is out, so is Ssemouy. This isn't very good...
But I am Ssemouy?