SHF High-school Fanfic


Lovestruck Chocolate Villain
Sep 25, 2023
You can slide into my DMs to ask if you want, no need to be shy

I based that comment on your explanation. Villainess' Declaration uses reasoning to neutralize the effects of absurd powers. If Seymour can prove the attack can be blocked, then she can simplify it and use less effort to achieve the same outcome. Coupled with the fact that she provided it, I thought the deduction would have made sense.

Yeah, I originally wanted to base it a character with green hair that matches her savior complex, but I couldn't find a good image on danbooru. So I just used Koishi as my avi.

On page 370 I foreshadowed:


She isn't lying when she says she's Ssemouy. She's just a version that should be impossible, but exists anyway thanks to her power(I'll explain later).

In this context an arbiter is one with authority to judge. She has judged Watcha as an anomaly to be purged. As for who she is judging for? Who knows?

Not to mention Sophisms are totally in character for her to propose.

She did not lie, someone did call out for her.

Seymour may have also done something in the past. Remember that if it is very far back, her memories of it would have already been erased.

Note: My glitched text can be decoded.

No, it's just her true nature, her actual power is:

She can make the impossible into something possible. It was what allowed her to exist in the first place. If something has a 0% chance to occur, she can make it 100%, if someting cannot fail, she can make it fail. Even if it contradicts something that already exists, she ignores that. As long as she can concieve of it.

Her personality is quite childish though since she doesn't have the same experience as a regular Ssemouy or Seymour. So her imagination would lack complexity unless she observes others. Which she likes to do as with Mary Sue basically her copying Scarlet Apple and mashing Midnight's abilities with it.

Does this bypass defensive abilities like Imagine Breaker from Toaru?
Though it would definitely fail against Seymour. Villainess' Declaration has clear restrictions and downsides, and is basically a more detailed version of game balancement.

You've been very generous with the hint.
So sad and beatiful...
It was definitely worth all the time I spent on the puzzle!
I'm shocked and moved; I need to process this.
The revelation has shaken me, and I need a moment to reflect.
Thank you because you've reignited my desire to write.

EDIT: I am so shaken that I even quoted the wrong post. The right one is this one.


Lovestruck Chocolate Villain
Sep 25, 2023
That day better come fast, once I canonize the Villainess chapter, I'll DM you myself to discuss future chapters lol.

She has, but she sees no reason to use them as:
A. It would go against her principle to use the declaration as it explicitly states that a Villainess is the one using it.
B. She believes that she can do anything the Declaration can do anyways.
C. The power is too complex for her to use effectively.

She has access to all of regular Ssemouy and Seymour's knowledge. And I do mean all. This includes anything the two have forgotten. Rule of thumb is to basically consider her omniscient in everything pertaining to Ssemouy's lore. Emotions involving the memories are interpreted by her as purely facts, even if she would say otherwise.

I learned from the best (Certain VNs and JRPGs are really good at meta narratives) 😎

You can, but do note that for the sake of the narrative, she is a "possibility" independent from time and dimensions, and she can thus occupy all possible timelines and dimensions where Ssemouy exists in. Otherwise she would be easily denied and erased by the Villainess' Declaration.

Answering your second question without spoiling things for everyone else is hard, but all I can say is that by all respects, they already do co-exist.

That turned out to be a fun coincidence, lol.

Her original existence was the very idea of a "Just Heroine", she clinged to Seymour, who is inherently selfish, therefore true justice to her is prioritizing the happiness of one individual over all others, since you are the only one capable of providing that individual happiness.

To her, she is the only path for Seymour and Matcha to achieve a 'true happy ending', whatever that may be. Whereas with Watcha's mission, his goal is plausibly achieved without him. The just thing to do would therefore be to prioritize Matcha's happiness by bringing him back into existence.

As for why Watcha's existence is not 'rightful'. For one, he came from the same place as her, so she knows how "wrong" the idea of him existing is. Two, she has bias(note that there is no malice behind this) against heroes, since in her mind self-sacrifice is their prerogative, go figure.

Also, she does have issues with eliminating him, else she would have simply attacked Watcha from the get go. She considers him eliminating himself out of own free will(even under duress) as the most 'ethical' method of going about what is necessary.

Yes, you could consider her a yandere on the same vein as Sato from Happy Sugar Life. Everything she does is justified by her fucked up logic in some way.

Sure. Here's a hint: It's not really meant to be solved by a human.

Yes, even those that have ceased to exist. She just has to imagine them living again. Though in the case of total erasure, you can argue that it wouldn't be true resurrection as what's brought back is Ssemouy's interpretation of them.

Ssemouy would interpret this literally, so yes, she can define the word "life" pretty easily.

She can travel even before the big bang, whatever that is

She could make it so that the big bang isn't even an existing theory.

She could redefine logical truths to make so universes wouldn't form in the first place, leaving everything as pure nothingness. And then create a universe anyways, because said logic can't dictate what she can do.

I think my previous responses answered this well enough, but her power can apply to pretty much everything as long as she can conceptualize it. Really, she is more plot device than actual character. Not really meant to be an 'alt form' to tap into like Seymour. Not to mention she convinces herself that she doesn't abuse her powers unless absolutely necessary.

Even though she actually abuses it on the regular, such as when she poured two types of tea from the same teapot, and using it to recite 10 thousand prayers daily while still keeping a schedule lax enough to waste several hours on games.

Huh, if what if Heroine Ssemouy put an absurd drawback like, "this can't actually kill and will cause the user to disappear from existence", and then used her powers to make the drawbacks trivial anyways. Would game balance nullify the rapier still? What if she infused a mundane object like a brick with her power to make it a sure-kill by some means? Would he be guarded against that?
Is game balance rigid or does it depend entirely on Watcha's perspective of "balance"?

Honestly, since both powers don't really have an effect by themself, it would just be a fistfight.
I am so shaken that I even quoted the wrong post. The right one is this one.


Bittersweet Cranberry Flavored Euphoria
May 29, 2022

You've been very generous with the hint.
So sad and beatiful...
It was definitely worth all the time I spent on the puzzle!
I'm shocked and moved; I need to process this.
The revelation has shaken me, and I need a moment to reflect.
Thank you because you've reignited my desire to write.

EDIT: I am so shaken that I even quoted the wrong post. The right one is this one.


... you're very welcome?

Did you figure it out though?

Is this a game?
You posted a screenshot of needy streamer overload


Lovestruck Chocolate Villain
Sep 25, 2023
Matcha-kun :blob_reach: We are for certain long lost siblings that only found each other thanks to Tony and SHHS :blob_uwu:
Goddess daikon and Lord Matcha both have green hair, so it makes a lot of sense! :blob_evil:

Hmm, maybe I should dye my hair green too for uniformity :blob_hide:
We are both beautiful/handsome, we are known conquerors of maidens hearts, we are both top tier villains :blob_uwu: Matcha-kun, we are so perfect! This school can't handle us :blob_uwu:
Indeed, Ane-san!


Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
Imma roll 2 dice of 6, if I get a double anything imma be a god loving no sexualizing man for the next week


Bittersweet Cranberry Flavored Euphoria
May 29, 2022
BTW I'm not being ironic, it really moved me. It could also be the delirium of having had little sleep, but still it affected me.
I didn't really know what to say in response, so I just memed out of reflex. I'm honestly touched you pondered so much on that one line I nearly threw away since I thought no one was going to bother deciphering it anyways :blob_aww: