Forgotten Title So I forgot the title and my tabs got deleted


May 7, 2023
So my whole tab list of stories I was gonna read in like a year got deleted and I remembered most of the ones I was currently reading but the one I am about to describe so I’ll get on with that, any help would be nice.

So the story started with the MC getting created by a bunch of refugees that just settled in a valley, I think then there was a few fights also a quest from a “lord of the valley” thing that also happened to be an ent, that quest was for the purification of I believe whe was a dryad anyway further along there was a meeting of the lords and after that there was some elemental storm thing and after that I think a side story about survival In the winter type deal and after that there was this humanoid frog war and in that arc some people found a dragon and that was as far as I got before waiting a while for new chapters, also just remembered this part while making this, there was this whole auction are where the MC befriended a living song type god, oh and she is some sort of lesser divine being.

some info on the weirdly specific details I remember, the lords were the MC the ent a half snake Medusa thing a harpy that sealed dragon(wasn’t able to attend because he was sealed) and another that I don’t remember, during the first part of the story right after the MC was ”created” she went to the village and almost killed a dude by accident was then thrown into a cell somehow escaped and ran into a secluded lake/pond place where she almost or did name a bird the proceeded to get attacked by one of those humanoid frog things(I think their names started with the letter k,m,u) then while running from that she brought it back to the village/settlement thing then i think made friends with the refugees, so during the elemental storm arc they we learned that the storm was something that would only happen every few years(Centuries I think, possibly millennia) and the MC and the squad found some giant elemental summoning thing that they had to kill to un a line some dimensions or something, don’t think it was an arc so I didn’t say it up top but there was this whole beast man tribe assimilation deal as well, so the frog war with the sealed dragon for starters this whole thing was because the dragon kept the frog things for food but only became a problem when he somehow got sealed anyway the snake valley lord made the request for the MC’s help she then accepted after a while and then they had a war meeting after which they went to a different part of the valley and had a prolonged battle in which the perspective switched between the MC the snake lord and the exploration team that found the dragon, also there was this whole side quest where the MC explored a cave behind a waterfall with like some really old “entities“ “guarding” some sort of artifact and I think there was this ”mysterious” part during the whole thing that hinted at here being like “the one true godess” or something but anyway and I think this was during the elemental storm but I can’t be sure of the when, during the auction arc she got an invitation to the auction for a certain range of deity after accepting she got teleported to some pocket dimension thing where she walked on a floating road into a structure where she met the living song thing then proceeded into the auction room where she met a water entity type deity and a few others after the auction she visited the living songs domain, and that’s all I can remember.

P.S I know I’m not good with sentencing and comma‘s and other things like that so sorry for my bad writing


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2020
No idea about the novel, but let this be a lesson to bookmark everything on your browser. Create folders for things you are interested in, like novels and manga you read(Especially manga as aggregator sites are as unreliable as they can get in terms of longevity), music you listen to on youtube (Shit gets deleted all the time so it helps to have bookmarks of your music playlists in the exact order it would be in youtube etc., just takes a bit of extra effort each time you are saving something), you can also take the extra step to even keep boomarks of the anime/movies/shows you would like to watch or games you would like to play etc.

Anyways, over the years i learned that nothing else can be trusted, other than your own memory, which generally ain't that reliable in the first place lol. Sites can go down, stuff can get deleted, browser can bug, your brain can fart, don't even trust your hard drive and periodically keep a backup of your bookmarks in another one(Yeaaaa, that sure happened to me. Thankfully i was able to extract the bookmarks from the failing drive with some effort, but yea it was a scare that i sure don't want to go through again haha!)
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Lady with a Caws.
Jan 2, 2024
Sounds somewhat like Saga of Ebonheim, but I'm not sure since I just started reading that one.
This is definitely it. The Kungwan(?) war at the end of book 1 involves fighting a bunch of frog men and finding a dragon, the lords of the valley are as described, and everything else checks out.


Active member
Feb 28, 2022
sounds like saga of ebonheim might want to read that one soon the first book (ch 1-79) are marked for stubbing. i read it after the stubbing was pushed back the first time just in time for the pushed back date but it seems like it was pushed back again.


May 7, 2023
Yup it was saga of ebonheim I feel like such a doofus for not remembering now.


Intruding Person's account, yes.
Aug 10, 2023
Skill Issue

Nah, fam. You're experiencing minor D- amnesia.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
For reference, there is a thing called "browser history". If you searched it on your browser and you don't cleanse your history every time you close it, it'll be in there.


Your toes are now forklift. Get licensed now!
Jan 5, 2022
So my whole tab list of stories I was gonna read in like a year got deleted and I remembered most of the ones I was currently reading but the one I am about to describe so I’ll get on with that, any help would be nice.
painful, truly. more so when your on Safari and somehow EXCEED the cap by 200 tabs somehow (how tf do they not notice I'm at 700 tabs for 2 months, when the limits 500)
Yup it was saga of ebonheim I feel like such a doofus for not remembering now.
remember to edit the thread and make it resolved