We Need to Invent A New Word


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2019
Why invent, when you can.... what was the word.... make it a fad/furor?.... Lost my enthusiasm now.

Anyhow, there's a thing called thesauruses, that helps you look up similar words, yeah?
What I got from it:
1. Flag -- I'm using an older definition: verb; to fall off in vigor, energy, activity, interest, etc.
2. Weary
3. Enervate
4. Devitalize

If you want to coin a term...
1. Bedraggled. Since people, or at least me, tend to read in bed.
2. fag (verb; to work until wearied -- Note, not sure I'm using it right, but here goes: You read so many novels, you fagged. / You fagged from reading too many novels.)

Ps. I wonder if the definition of flag and fag have a similar origin.
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