Why Cultivation xianxia MC tends to avoid women like plague ?


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2019
I just don't understand their core reasoning behind that, or how they even got the thought in first place.

And even their main idea of "avoiding women" didn't even have proper plan or clear reasoning behind it, i.e politic rival, bad personality, etc.

Not to mention they almost never talk properly to those women, or at least having proper measure against them.

And even then, they also barely have good relationship with other males like friends, partner, or subordinate.
It's not really about the woman specifically, it's more mechanical. A lot of Cultivator novels focus on an mc with an insane cheat or growth rate, so it feels unnatural to have the friends and family the mc meet along the way stay relevant for extended periods. Monster integration tries to do this, but it always feels like the novel is diminishing the mcs own struggles because he's almost dying every minute while everyone else is will still be on his level after getting the care package off screen.
That's why most of these novels the mc will make friends but then you won't see them for a couple hundred chapters as the mc needs to continue his murder hobo life.
these novels also usually have a lot of fighting, and it's simply an easier structure to write a lot of times if you only have to focus on one characters move set extensively.


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2019
Reading an MC "resist" a woman's "seduction" in Chinese WNs always just makes me cringe. It's some sort of red pill thing where if someone is desired then they're a badass but if someone desires others then they're a weak-willed simp or something.