Would you tell your friend to call the police? (kinda 18+ ish)


Active member
Nov 19, 2019
Isn't Japan one of the countries with the lowest numbers of sexual assaults on minors though? I think their policies were pretty successful, even with the weird art! >.<
Japan is also one of the countries with the lowest birth rates around (and certainly the first one that matters on this list, population sample-size wise) https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/birth-rate-by-country/ notably the positions of taiwan and south korea are having similar problems. That's at least indicative of a problem with people not having very much unprotected sex... but it's also very possibly a problem with people not having very much sex 'at all.' There's a rift between japan's men and women, modernity and family values... and it's lead to all sorts of things that fill the void without the interpersonal struggles that come with having a partner. This is a frightening picture indeed: http://www.ipss.go.jp/pr-ad/e/eng/03.html

A secondary element to that is 'what precisely is regarded as sexual assault', and 'does the state involved record that specific information' (or share it). Not every state is, ah... as forthright as it might otherwise be. None of them are, if they can get away with it... and sometimes even when they can't they still do these things. Japan's 'rape per population' statistic is in the 'absurdly low' category for me. When (according to this probably really sketchy website, which is probably either the CIA's or China's, but is most certainly not Sweden's) the USA gets '27 per 100,000' and Japan gets... '1 per 100,000'? I just cannot find it in me to believe that number without real cause. https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/rape-statistics-by-country/ Consider that South Korea, which follows *the same relative difficulties* with their birth rate (albeit not *quite* as extreme) and happens to be *rather similar in wider artistic style and prevalence of 'certain content'* has '13.5 per 100,000'.

That's fishy. Like Russia and China and alphabet-agencies levels of fishy. Know who else looks pretty fishy on that list? Mexico. Same number of rapes as south korea.... despite being a place where human trafficking by cartels is potentially a state-wide-civil-war level problem that's been waiting to explode since I was born? And that's lower than a (relatively) more stable state like the USA by half?!

At some point: someone somewhere has got to be lying. Like Egypt down there at the bottom, 0.10 per 100,000? XD Who do they think they're kidding? Turkey at 1.5? Russia's 3.4? China isn't even on that list! XD It really makes a person wonder exactly who's hosting that 'world population review', and who exactly decides to accept these clearly made-up statistics XD

Anyways: even if Japan's art was working out in their favor (not information I'm actually aware of, and if you'd like to go in depth I'll gladly hear what you can fluff up in this world full of deceit: I prefer people having the freedom to make art so long as it doesn't infringe on another actual human being, regardless of whether it increases or decreases people's prevalence towards baddie-hood): their society has a sickness around sex (not enough of it) and it is killing them slowly. I had way too much fun looking at that site :sweating_profusely: Didn't write my next chapter like I thought I was gonna >___>


ฅ/ᐠ ̳ .ᆺ. ̳ ᐟ\ฅ ~~ᴺʸᵃᵃ
Jan 15, 2019
The thing is, she could be overreacting BUT if she feels scared, I would most probably tell her to go with her gut instinct. If there are alarm bells ringing, that's not something you reason away. Plus, the fact that she had no idea that he was doing this should be a real cause for alarm. As for calling the police? Maybe not just yet. If we lived anywhere close to each other, I'd probably tell her to come over and check bf's account via her laptop. Then, get evidence. Screenshots, download if we could (which we probably could since it's his own account), and make sure to also check/save account names he shared the files with. THEN, we go to the police. If not the police, maybe a lawyer. If she doesn't want to, and if she insists that she wants to talk to her bf about it, that's fine. BUT, I keep the evidence. Back that shit up and make sure to keep contacting her to know if she's safe.

Other than that, I'd play it by ear.


Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
Isn't Japan one of the countries with the lowest numbers of sexual assaults on minors though? I think their policies were pretty successful, even with the weird art! >.<
but in returns, the cases they do have tend to be pretty hardcore. I've read about a few of them and.... honestly, the scum involved in them should have been put against a wall and shot.

Also in returns, their general sexual assault statistics, as mentioned above, are questionable at best and just absolutely vastly under-reported or madeup in general. That's partly a flaw in their culture, just like in many other asian countries (along with middle-eastern countries and relative crime-riddled dumps like mexico).

On the topic of birth rates, they also tend to be anal about japanese 'purity' (in both virginity but also against foreigners).


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2019
Japan is also one of the countries with the lowest birth rates around (and certainly the first one that matters on this list, population sample-size wise) https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/birth-rate-by-country/ notably the positions of taiwan and south korea are having similar problems. That's at least indicative of a problem with people not having very much unprotected sex... but it's also very possibly a problem with people not having very much sex 'at all.' There's a rift between japan's men and women, modernity and family values... and it's lead to all sorts of things that fill the void without the interpersonal struggles that come with having a partner. This is a frightening picture indeed: http://www.ipss.go.jp/pr-ad/e/eng/03.html

A secondary element to that is 'what precisely is regarded as sexual assault', and 'does the state involved record that specific information' (or share it). Not every state is, ah... as forthright as it might otherwise be. None of them are, if they can get away with it... and sometimes even when they can't they still do these things. Japan's 'rape per population' statistic is in the 'absurdly low' category for me. When (according to this probably really sketchy website, which is probably either the CIA's or China's, but is most certainly not Sweden's) the USA gets '27 per 100,000' and Japan gets... '1 per 100,000'? I just cannot find it in me to believe that number without real cause. https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/rape-statistics-by-country/ Consider that South Korea, which follows *the same relative difficulties* with their birth rate (albeit not *quite* as extreme) and happens to be *rather similar in wider artistic style and prevalence of 'certain content'* has '13.5 per 100,000'.

That's fishy. Like Russia and China and alphabet-agencies levels of fishy. Know who else looks pretty fishy on that list? Mexico. Same number of rapes as south korea.... despite being a place where human trafficking by cartels is potentially a state-wide-civil-war level problem that's been waiting to explode since I was born? And that's lower than a (relatively) more stable state like the USA by half?!

At some point: someone somewhere has got to be lying. Like Egypt down there at the bottom, 0.10 per 100,000? XD Who do they think they're kidding? Turkey at 1.5? Russia's 3.4? China isn't even on that list! XD It really makes a person wonder exactly who's hosting that 'world population review', and who exactly decides to accept these clearly made-up statistics XD

Anyways: even if Japan's art was working out in their favor (not information I'm actually aware of, and if you'd like to go in depth I'll gladly hear what you can fluff up in this world full of deceit: I prefer people having the freedom to make art so long as it doesn't infringe on another actual human being, regardless of whether it increases or decreases people's prevalence towards baddie-hood): their society has a sickness around sex (not enough of it) and it is killing them slowly. I had way too much fun looking at that site :sweating_profusely: Didn't write my next chapter like I thought I was gonna >___>

There was a fucked up case some time ago in japan where a women had to fight for years in court win? The offender didnt get sentenced because the women didnt actively resist for the whole time. Court/his lawyer argued that there was consent when she mostly stopped.

Fucked up law and weird logic. Its not like there could have been various reasons for that wich dont speak in favour for the accused, like not being able to defend herself physically anymore 🤷‍♂️

but in returns, the cases they do have tend to be pretty hardcore. I've read about a few of them and.... honestly, the scum involved in them should have been put against a wall and shot.

Also in returns, their general sexual assault statistics, as mentioned above, are questionable at best and just absolutely vastly under-reported or madeup in general. That's partly a flaw in their culture, just like in many other asian countries (along with middle-eastern countries and relative crime-riddled dumps like mexico).

On the topic of birth rates, they also tend to be anal about japanese 'purity' (in both virginity but also against foreigners).

A friend of mine who just wanted to work for a year in japan somehow managed to marry someone there after 8 months. Dont know how that happend exactly or so fast but it kinda goes against what you normally hear from there.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Japan is also one of the countries with the lowest birth rates around (and certainly the first one that matters on this list, population sample-size wise) https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/birth-rate-by-country/ notably the positions of taiwan and south korea are having similar problems. That's at least indicative of a problem with people not having very much unprotected sex... but it's also very possibly a problem with people not having very much sex 'at all.' There's a rift between japan's men and women, modernity and family values... and it's lead to all sorts of things that fill the void without the interpersonal struggles that come with having a partner. This is a frightening picture indeed: http://www.ipss.go.jp/pr-ad/e/eng/03.html

A secondary element to that is 'what precisely is regarded as sexual assault', and 'does the state involved record that specific information' (or share it). Not every state is, ah... as forthright as it might otherwise be. None of them are, if they can get away with it... and sometimes even when they can't they still do these things. Japan's 'rape per population' statistic is in the 'absurdly low' category for me. When (according to this probably really sketchy website, which is probably either the CIA's or China's, but is most certainly not Sweden's) the USA gets '27 per 100,000' and Japan gets... '1 per 100,000'? I just cannot find it in me to believe that number without real cause. https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/rape-statistics-by-country/ Consider that South Korea, which follows *the same relative difficulties* with their birth rate (albeit not *quite* as extreme) and happens to be *rather similar in wider artistic style and prevalence of 'certain content'* has '13.5 per 100,000'.

That's fishy. Like Russia and China and alphabet-agencies levels of fishy. Know who else looks pretty fishy on that list? Mexico. Same number of rapes as south korea.... despite being a place where human trafficking by cartels is potentially a state-wide-civil-war level problem that's been waiting to explode since I was born? And that's lower than a (relatively) more stable state like the USA by half?!

At some point: someone somewhere has got to be lying. Like Egypt down there at the bottom, 0.10 per 100,000? XD Who do they think they're kidding? Turkey at 1.5? Russia's 3.4? China isn't even on that list! XD It really makes a person wonder exactly who's hosting that 'world population review', and who exactly decides to accept these clearly made-up statistics XD

Anyways: even if Japan's art was working out in their favor (not information I'm actually aware of, and if you'd like to go in depth I'll gladly hear what you can fluff up in this world full of deceit: I prefer people having the freedom to make art so long as it doesn't infringe on another actual human being, regardless of whether it increases or decreases people's prevalence towards baddie-hood): their society has a sickness around sex (not enough of it) and it is killing them slowly. I had way too much fun looking at that site :sweating_profusely: Didn't write my next chapter like I thought I was gonna >___>
Good point about the statistics probably being false... *shivers*

And yeah, the low birthrate is a terrifying projection for the future...
but in returns, the cases they do have tend to be pretty hardcore.
That's a silly argument, the "hardcore" cases happen everywhere. You just don't give it too much attention to them because you're used to hearing about messed up things happening in the more complicated places.


Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
That's a silly argument, the "hardcore" cases happen everywhere. You just don't give it too much attention to them because you're used to hearing about messed up things happening in the more complicated places.
Yes, bad cases happen everywhere. That's not my point. My point is that, according to cases i've read up on, a lot of the real pedo cases are real high level stuff you sometimes hear about in other countries but on a seemingly concentrated scale due to the smaller numbers and less knowledge. I'm talking rape, torture, dismemberment and other really sick shit.