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Just done with Vietnamese final student life exam, when the results are back I'm tempted to F12 and changed my score to be a fail score and post it online for shit and giggles
Praise Steam Summer Sale, bought Shadow Of Mordor and Shadow Of War for three dollars :blobsip:
The horny is a powerful feeling. It compels me to do things I would otherwise not do with a sound mind.
Freud believed that the id was the only part of personality present from birth. The id, he suggested, was a reservoir of unconscious, primal energy.2
Boag S. Ego, drives, and the dynamics of internal objects. Front Psychol. 2014;5:666. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00666
The id seeks pleasure and demands the immediate satisfaction of its desires. The id serves as the source of our wants and impulses.
Never truly believed this stuff.
But now i do.

I mean. Look asian countries development vs West.
Look at jp art.
Look at famous creators/artists/inventor in history. (or some with multiple conquests/harem)

or look at me, i created a big fanfic on @Simple_Russian_Boi bc of being horni
also now i thnik of it,
the fanfic is basically completed

1) Its basically like a movie, its short and simple. and i already explained/told : begin - mid -some events - end
2) Its like the plot trope of "carry and protect the girl/princess/information to safe zone"
3) Its "intel" style of story telling. Or "fragmented story"
4) less of a fanfic but more of a "military report" recap story, everyone misunderstood
I've got the lucky opportunity to be in the same work place as Indians, and my experience is they're quite demanding and entitled which is very strange.
I used to be an advocate for symmetry but have come to realize a bit of assymetry is kinda fire too
The venus of Milo is the biggest example.

She is popular, mostly bc of its broken arms.
Its possible that people would kill anyone that would find back the arms.

Oops "assymetry" not "imperfection"