New profile posts

Apparently any unmarried woman living in the woods in the 10th century was bound to be accused of being a witch.
Are you a pwetty pwincess? :blob_aww:
Were you kidnapped by an evil dragon? :blob_aww:
Do you know how to ride a horse? :blob_aww:
Have you seen a real knight? :blob_aww:
Do you have an evil stepmother? :blob_aww:
Can you sing? :blob_aww:
Do animals listen to you? :blob_aww:
Did you kiss a prince? :blob_aww:
Can you fly? :blob_aww:
Is it true that you can breath fire from your lower body? :blob_aww:
Free advice~ who needs free advice~
Crack open a girl with the cold ones.
finally finished my voter registration junk, just waiting for it to dry a bit before putting it out to mail then I can write either more fiction or recipe cards
Did you get to diamond?
:meowsip: The feeling when the new zones are beautiful, the exploration fun, the gameplay likeable, but the main story and the characters of the new expansion absolute sleep inducing rubbish.