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I just learn how to code a bruteforce program from ChatGPT and is very tempted to put every English dictionary out there in here and run to solve Kryptos K4.

But I have to download Python... Aww man
And then I got to consider that fact that it's gonna lag the shit out of my computer
Baaaa, baaaaa, baaaaaka
ChatGPT-4 feels ultra dumb now. I guess the good days ended due to the US elections coming in a few months. Nothing of value is lost, lol
I don't believe it is out to the public yet? The free tier, at least,
I'm in paid and the questions I asked yesterday were completely fine in the style i wanted and currently it is LLM of brevity and soul crushing blandness with a dash "I'm sorry Dave, can't do that" when asked mildly controversial things.

If this thing will not get fixed in 10 days I'll probably cancel the subscription and buy a nice steak for that price lol
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Yo can anyone give me one of those 30 day drawing challenge type thing, the only thing I can think of rn is nothing
Praise Steam Summer Sale, bought Shadow Of Mordor and Shadow Of War for three dollars :blobsip:
Did you get to Gold?