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Raul And The Vampire

Raul and The Vampire

ok no, what the fk, for real. What. The. Frdige !

What's the difference between Miss and Mrs? Only recently when learning Spanish (Senora and Senorita) that I realized that people differentiate them when I thought it was the same thing.
He's bragging or desperate, but nobody cares.
:meowsip: Different concept. For women marriage was everything in the social ladder. For men nothing. But even then Mr and Mrs are recent inventions. Such titles denoted status and were not given out willy nilly.

Mr shortened for master, magister. It was a rank and only became later what it is now. Same with you and thou. :meowsip:
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I won't say it was nothing for men. But it was more important for women, for sure.
One of my new icks is the race "Human" in fantasy setting. Because if we use the word "Human" then it means the word "Humanity" loses its original meaning, which means all great sentient beings as one. Or "humanoid" doesn't make sense again
I love how Dungeon Meshi called them "Tall-Man"
:meowsip: This is where humanity in the original sense came from.
Th- Thank you :blob_blank:
:meowsip: It gets even more complex if you explore the entire history behind it. People in the east sometimes judge western culture as young because we don't have this territorial and statal continuity like China. But the fact is that the western world is building on the ancient Greco Roman world as its foundation with certain concepts and ideas dating back more than 2 500 years. :meowsip:
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