Crazy, REAL Yandere Stories

  • Thread starter Deleted member 54065
  • Start date

Deleted member 54065

Got inspired by another thread asking about yanderes, so I thought making another thread on our close encounters with yanderes.

Yanderes? You know, that guy/gal who keeps showering you with affection (sometimes overbearing), and would do everything to keep you together...even harming someone in the process.

I'll start.

You see, there's this time when in my first school where there is a pair of students who keeps on giving me with gifts. Sometimes, as small as a hand-crafted doll, or a big bear (which I had a problem bringing home coz I drive a motorcycle). School policies discourage teachers from accepting monetary gifts; still, I feel guilty whenever my students spend money on me simply because I'm doing my responsibilities to them (they love how I teach).

Our guidance counselor told me to just accept them, so I did. Then, one time, both of them confessed to me. Girl A is a quiet type, while Girl B is the outgoing one, just like your typical JPN virgin MC school setting...though I'm a teacher. Gave them my thanks for appreciating what I did, and rejected their feelings, coz yeah, I'm a teacher.

I know both got hurt, but they're okay with it. And I still treated them the same as before, as like my other students. (I treat them as my best friends)

This is where things got nasty.

After the confession (Teachers' Day in October), Girl B became overbearingly possessive. As in, like, every girl student I talked to, she would ask about from me. What did we talk about? Who is that girl?

At first, I thought those were just innocent questions. Then, it came to the time that she would cry whenever I do that. And fuck, she'd also feel jealousy whenever I talk to my female co-teachers.

Then, there's this one time she pulled me in one of our empty classrooms (since it was a day with few students) and confronted me about 'making her jealous'. I reminded her that we're not even in an intimate relationship, yet she kept on crying, till her friend Girl A saw us and intervened.

I thought it was over, but days later, I learned that Girl B fought with Girl A, basically accussing the latter of taking me away from her. I brought it up to our guidance and she reassured me she'd do something about it.

After that episode, it stopped. She stopped. I could finally breathe easy, and they graduated my level (Grade 8) without further incidents...

...till she reached the 10th Grade. One night in August (while I was playing PSO2 SEA), she sent me a nude picture of herself through Messenger. I was shocked, and quickly notified my guidance and a lawyer friend about it.

Long story short, Girl B ended transferring schools. And I deleted my FB account just to be safe.

So, uh, what's your 'yandere' experience?


You have to take out their families...
May 21, 2021
I do actually have yanderes from both sexes. But I have done a tactical rename.
Got inspired by another thread asking about yanderes, so I thought making another thread on our close encounters with yanderes.

Yanderes? You know, that guy/gal who keeps showering you with affection (sometimes overbearing), and would do everything to keep you together...even harming someone in the process.

I'll start.

You see, there's this time when in my first school where there is a pair of students who keeps on giving me with gifts. Sometimes, as small as a hand-crafted doll, or a big bear (which I had a problem bringing home coz I drive a motorcycle). School policies discourage teachers from accepting monetary gifts; still, I feel guilty whenever my students spend money on me simply because I'm doing my responsibilities to them (they love how I teach).

Our guidance counselor told me to just accept them, so I did. Then, one time, both of them confessed to me. Girl A is a quiet type, while Girl B is the outgoing one, just like your typical JPN virgin MC school setting...though I'm a teacher. Gave them my thanks for appreciating what I did, and rejected their feelings, coz yeah, I'm a teacher.

I know both got hurt, but they're okay with it. And I still treated them the same as before, as like my other students. (I treat them as my best friends)

This is where things got nasty.

After the confession (Teachers' Day in October), Girl B became overbearingly possessive. As in, like, every girl student I talked to, she would ask about from me. What did we talk about? Who is that girl?

At first, I thought those were just innocent questions. Then, it came to the time that she would cry whenever I do that. And fuck, she'd also feel jealousy whenever I talk to my female co-teachers.

Then, there's this one time she pulled me in one of our empty classrooms (since it was a day with few students) and confronted me about 'making her jealous'. I reminded her that we're not even in an intimate relationship, yet she kept on crying, till her friend Girl A saw us and intervened.

I thought it was over, but days later, I learned that Girl B fought with Girl A, basically accussing the latter of taking me away from her. I brought it up to our guidance and she reassured me she'd do something about it.

After that episode, it stopped. She stopped. I could finally breathe easy, and they graduated my level (Grade 8) without further incidents...

...till she reached the 10th Grade. One night in August (while I was playing PSO2 SEA), she sent me a nude picture of herself through Messenger. I was shocked, and quickly notified my guidance and a lawyer friend about it.

Long story short, Girl B ended transferring schools. And I deleted my FB account just to be safe.

So, uh, what's your 'yandere' experience?
Literal MC


NO, U.
Oct 7, 2022
Luckily I missed any crazy girls in my life. Instead I had some crazy "friends." But those are not yandere stories but simple examples of human retardation.

Deleted member 54065

The worst that happened to me was somebody just annoying me on social media.
Yeah. Especially if one is girl. Lots of disrespectful incels in socmed. (I'm an incel, too, but I have my limits and try to respect personal space)
As for people I know? Well a friend of mine got bullied in school after he rejected someone by the one crushing
This is like my issue on forcing someone to 'like' a post or work on SocMed, even though I don't want to.

Hope your friend is fine. I always make sure bullies get what they deserve in my classroom.

Luckily I missed any crazy girls in my life. Instead I had some crazy "friends." But those are not yandere stories but simple examples of human retardation.
Inside the classroom, I'm the one who does the crazy stuff.

And I'm the teacher. 😆
I do actually have yanderes from both sexes. But I have done a tactical rename.
Yeah, both are creepy too.

Literal MC
Except, I'm ugly, I'm fat and I'm the teacher.

Oh wait...that's an NTR MC! 😱😩


NO, U.
Oct 7, 2022
Oh yeah, do tell
For example, there was a classmate of mine back in high school. Come last year he went off the deep end. This was in 2008, the good old MSN messenger days. Anyway, he started to tell us his account was hacked, and he already knows who did it. One of our other classmates. So he started to threaten her. Like, truly threaten her not just call her a bitch or something.

I told him to don't be a dick and stop it so I became the "mastermind" and then my closest friends, then soon the whole class until he had a mental breakdown. He was admitted to a hospital and administered drugs because one day he came to school with Pitbulls. And a screwdriver he wanted to stab me with. Why not a knife? By his words, it would be illegal to carry a knife around but not a screwdriver.

By the end, he was threatening the whole class with conspiracy against him, etc. I last saw him when we were having graduation and he was drugged out of his mind with prescription drugs. He acted like nothing ever happened and we were still "friends". It was weird.


Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
This is way better than most student and teacher harem yandere shit I've read


What is a custom title?
May 2, 2021
The only one I know of is Yuka Takaoka.

Though I'm sure anyone who is a fan of Yandere knows her story.


Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
My high school boyfriend (mtf trans, my best friend after transition) married a yandere who talked her out of attending my wedding. They're divorced now, but the yandere sent me some nasty FB messages while I was planning my wedding. I showed my husband, my parents, wedding officiant, and another friend. They all told me to not respond, but the messages kept rolling in, so I blocked the yandere. Now, the yandere has a kid from a cis male she cheated on my best friend with.


New member
Dec 23, 2022
I did, after I escape the clutches of the fire nation or as it is more formally known the pyro nation. this chick kept hunting me down