Asking for a certain tips on writing a sexual cultivation technique


Once a horny writer, now a happy writer
Feb 2, 2023
My work contains sexual cultivation technique (tag) that may deem necessary for my magic system based on one of the Seven Deadly Sins... LUST.

So here's my idea,

Each of the seven sins has its variety of abilities that are correlated to a substance of sin.

For example,

PRIDE (kinda unimportant to this thread, but just giving you a sample idea on how I conceptualize an ability based on the Seven Deadly Sins)

- is the strongest among all, but only exclusive to characters with a certain trait.

- has an ability to create any kinds of magic (ETHER) and an ability to break it (VOID), but certain limitations are met based on how they can utilize it. For example, if a certain user tries to abuse his ETHER magic through throwing all they can, then a breakdown of mana will happen which will cause their soul to break and collapse into pieces... like a machine is broken due to overheating.

... and most importantly


- is the most versatile and populous one due to abundance of generations/propagations through time.

- It has three abilities: Aphro, Estro, and Sucu.

  • Found within every Lust Haxe’s aura, hooking every man into their own desire. The scent varies from either jasmine or ginger although they originate from one’s sweat that can dry faster than the average person.

  • With Sucu syncing to Aphro, one can bear herself to be salaciously impenetrable due to overwhelming amounts of Aphro releasing out of one’s body, extremely and swiftly arousing every oppressor in front to be rather psychologically passive and submissive towards their desire.

  • To stop the Aphro from exuding overwhelming, she must be bathed with water for it to be washed away while restarting a production capacity back to square one.

  • Also known as Ex-modified Estrogen(IRL term), which to a sufficient extent forms their body into its perfect ideal. Kind of like a magical protocol/blueprint that will engineer her physical body into its most attractive level.


  • Kind of like abortion magic, wherein instead of fertilizing a baby inside their womb, it will convert it into a certain amount of mana as a sacrifical gift. But to possess that ability, they need to possess a certain ability from the sin of Gluttony (that I will not explain fully here in this thread).

But my only question in regards to these techniques is that... how can I apply them in combat (not in a literal sexual intercourse)? I know there's a thing called "Battlefuck" in H-RPG, but it just seems... inappropriate in a way to call it as 'combat' when it comes to life-and-death situation.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Ehhh... M:tA - Tradition Book: Cult of Ecstasy did it better. The Book of Madness was a good sourcebook as well.


Is it gay, if it's with a futa?
Sep 24, 2022
Isn't this akin to fox monsters in Chinese cultivation stories?

They have the abilities of illusion, seduction, and spiritual manipulation.

Not very powerful strength-wise, but barely anyone will not fall under their charms.

That could be the method to try, otherwise I can't really see how sex could be used in the midst of battle, other than some straight comedy.

eg. When Herbert from family guy is facing stewie and his light saber is floppy, until he sees Chris and it gets hard.


Jun 6, 2021
I really didn't get a good idea of what your system is like from this. It seems like it's a weird tangent to a sin based system. But I guess it doesn't matter cause your actual question:
But my only question in regards to these techniques is that... how can I apply them in combat (not in a literal sexual intercourse)? I know there's a thing called "Battlefuck" in H-RPG, but it just seems... inappropriate in a way to call it as 'combat' when it comes to life-and-death situation.
To apply anything in combat, you just need to figure out some basic stuff.
  1. How do I not die?
  2. How do I prevent allies from dying?
  3. How do I defeat the enemy?
I'm gonna use a typical Succubus as an example, since I don't really understand your magic.

Her highest priority- surviving- can usually be achieved by deescalating the fight. Charm magic, deceit and trickery, plain old flattery or bribes. Anything to get the other side to stop trying to kill her. If they keep trying, she's basically already lost.

But, she might resort to skills and spells that restrain the enemy, allow her to endure attacks or escape, or bring in allies to shield her. Once an enemy is restrained or no longer hostile, she can start using her signature magic to either start cultivating her power or end the threat permanently.


Once a horny writer, now a happy writer
Feb 2, 2023
I really didn't get a good idea of what your system is like from this. It seems like it's a weird tangent to a sin based system. But I guess it doesn't matter cause your actual question:

Those magics that are listed in my OP are just external factor-based, so it utilizes more into an aura which grants their enemies, for example, an impression that will lower their morale... in other words, descalating the fight, as you had said.

Hence, I'll quote again from Aphro part, "one can bear herself to be salaciously impenetrable due to overwhelming amounts of Aphro releasing out of one’s body, extremely and swiftly arousing every oppressor in front to be rather psychologically passive and submissive towards their desire."

Well, in terms on how I view magic to my story case, there's always two parts of protocol to rely on: Internal and External.

When it comes to Internal, it is a direct source to External one, albeit a processing one. For example, I'll finally explain how one of Glutonny abilities called Phober could function. It's basically taking what you fear the most... into a power that you truly wish to garner. The weaker you're fearing for, the weaker your power will be. Let's say that I fear for cockroaches the most, so my Internal part of magic will form an impression which will take every ability and structures that cockroaches have. So then, after such impression is formed completely, the bearer will possess and transform into how cockroaches look and act. That's how External comes in—a direct result from Internal one.

Now why Phober is part of Gluttony?

To define Gluttony, it's an habitual greed. So in this case, one will truly yearn for something and take with it into their full advantage. Hence, back in the Rennaisance days, the reason why being fat (a physical form of Gluttony) is considered to be their traditional symbol of wealth is because they need to store more energy and nutrients as much as they could. If a fat person doesn't eat any meals in a single day, their fats will be the ones that are converted into something that they have to digest. Same goes for a stored protein as well. In other words, a convenient advantage, one that is a reason why Gluttony is a part of Seven Deadly Sin.

Now to go back to Lust,

there's a part from Sucu that says, "But to possess that ability, they need to possess a certain ability from the sin of Gluttony."

And the question is, What is that 'certain ability' from the sin of GLUTTONY?

And the answer is... Phober.

In order to achieve Sucu, they need to possess Phober, one that they must fear the most... and bear with it as your utmost strength.

So in what correlation does Sucu has to do with Phober?

That's a right, a fear...

a fear of giving birth to someone else, only to turn out that he/she will be the embodiment of their pain and suffering in the end. In other words, a fear of reluctant motherhood.

So I guess... this may be enough for you to understand on how I view my magic through Seven Deadly Sins system.
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