Can someone help clarify these things for me?


The second coming of CheertheDead
Nov 15, 2022
I think I have never gotten a clear understanding of these terms before.
Does Drama mean Plot? So a story with drama is a story with plot?

What is angst? Does angst = tragedy = depression? Does it need to have some good conclusion to settle the angst/sadness?

What is needed in the story for it to be classified as survival? Does it need to have horror? Does the entire story need to be about trying to stay alive to be survival?

What about romance? How much romance should be in the story (like all the time) to put the romance tag into it?

Is smut the same as porn? Are those words interchangeable?


I'm looking for Disney Sleds
Jul 24, 2023
I think I have never gotten a clear understanding of these terms before.
Does Drama mean Plot? So a story with drama is a story with plot?

What is angst? Does angst = tragedy = depression? Does it need to have some good conclusion to settle the angst/sadness?

What is needed in the story for it to be classified as survival? Does it need to have horror? Does the entire story need to be about trying to stay alive to be survival?

What about romance? How much romance should be in the story (like all the time) to put the romance tag into it?

Is smut the same as porn? Are those words interchangeable?
Drama mean a story with exciting, emotional, or unexpected event or circumstance appearing inside. Like for exemple, Korean drama, where we all know who the futur main couple will be but the mc and fmc keep struggle to be together cause some bullshit appear that make the reader grind their teeth, for exemple in a highschool story, the fmc saw a girl confessing his love to mc and before she even hear what he answer she run away, then a male student bump come into her and ask her out and due to her thinking that mc got a girlfriend she accept the guys.

angst mean a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.

A survival story is a survival story (Yeah that make sense right?) most of them are about apocalypse zombie nowaday, the character struggle to survive in this world, but you can use different plot, like a human falling in a demon world and trying to survive, a radioactive era where humans need to survive under earth, etc. The survival story implict a need for the characters (That can be just other characters than your mc) to struggle to survive, at least, in the beginning of the story.

For romance, there different kind of story romance, like strong romance story where romance are the main plot or low romance where for exemple in a shonen you write about a couple inside the story. You can pretty much add the romance tag in every story, the only difference is how to measure it and often the reader will ask you like is it a slow romance? Is it a harem? etc....

Smut are porn, that why they are written r18 but instead of fapping on image or video you fap on words and your imagination. You don't use porn for these cause it's only words (I think? Or it's just to have a better view than just PORN)


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2023
I think I have never gotten a clear understanding of these terms before.
Does Drama mean Plot? So a story with drama is a story with plot?
A story where the main character obsessed over and railed at the heavens about revenge but never did anything about it and mostly spent their time gardening and basically nothing else happened would have plenty of drama, but not much of a plot.

A story where the main character and her girlfriend develop their relationship with each other and go around helping people but it's all pretty light-hearted and there's never the feeling the characters, their relationship, or the people they are helping are at serious risk nor seriously angsting, could have plenty of plot, but not much drama.

What is angst? Does angst = tragedy = depression? Does it need to have some good conclusion to settle the angst/sadness?
I'd say angst generally has more active connotations than depression? Railing against the heavens isn't what you'd expect from someone who was depressed, but totally could work for someone who was angsting. Likewise, lying in bed all day for a week is something that seems more depression than angst.

Tragedy is basically a plot where unfortunate things happen? Usually, it means the ending will be sad, but the Scribblehub tag is much more generic.

You can have a MC being stoic about a tragic plot... or angsting about a romance plot where they aren't loved back.

What about romance? How much romance should be in the story (like all the time) to put the romance tag into it?
My rule of thumb for tags is generally-- "who do I imagine will be more disappointed/upset-- the people who read this for Romance if I put the Romance tag on it, or the people who don't read it for Romance if I don't the Romance tag on it", with a slight lean towards erring on the side of tagging stuff.

Is smut the same as porn? Are those words interchangeable?

I feel like porn has more connotations of almost zero plot than smut? Smut can have near-zero plot, but can also easily be "plot with porn". Plus written, as Sleds said.


NO, U.
Oct 7, 2022
I think I have never gotten a clear understanding of these terms before.
Does Drama mean Plot? So a story with drama is a story with plot?

What is angst? Does angst = tragedy = depression? Does it need to have some good conclusion to settle the angst/sadness?

What is needed in the story for it to be classified as survival? Does it need to have horror? Does the entire story need to be about trying to stay alive to be survival?

What about romance? How much romance should be in the story (like all the time) to put the romance tag into it?

Is smut the same as porn? Are those words interchangeable?
My 2cents on the matter;

Drama - it has a sad and heavy theme. Losing someone important for example.

Angst - the German word for being terrified, if I am right about it. I think English-speaking places use it to describe someone with a suppressed feeling that affects them negatively.

Survival - That can be anything from crash landing on an empty Island/abandoned mining facility on a far moon/trapped in hell take your position. But nowadays probably about crafting, going from zero to the moon.

Romance - Love. That is it. People getting into a relationship.

Smut - Focused on explicit erotica. I do not care what others say, I go by what the majority thinks when hearing smut.

For more check the tutorial thread I posted, In it I gave a short description of all of the categories available on SH.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2021
This is how I see it, so do take it with a grain of salt.

Drama is a conflict between people. When celebs fight each other, it's drama. When a big influencer does something many find unacceptable, it's drama. Or, on a more personal level, misunderstanding between a couple is a drama. See the pattern?

As for angst, what does that word remind you of? For me, it's teenagers, as in teenage angst. When teenagers are angsty, they are worried and anxious. They are quite miserable. So the most fitting definition of the word angst for me is: anxiety.

Survival is simply someone trying to stay alive. Simple as that.

Romance is a love story (in a romantic sense, as its name implies). How much depends on what the story focuses on. If it's a romance genre, that means the whole story focuses on the love story of the main characters. If there's no romance in the genre but instead there is one in the tag, then it's probably a romance subplot. Meaning: the whole story may focus on something else—cultivation, for instance—but there are shorter love stories integrated into that main cultivation plot here and there. These love stories can be from the protagonist or the side characters.

The way I see it, yes, smut is porn.
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Overworked One
Nov 16, 2021
AI has good responses here:
Ah, the eternal quest for clarity in the confusing labyrinth of storytelling terms. Let's break it down for you, CheertheSecond, or should I say, "The second coming of CheertheDead."

Drama and plot are like distant cousins. Drama is the spice of life in a story, the conflicts, the tension, the juicy bits that keep you reading. Plot, on the other hand, is the skeleton that holds the story together. So yes, a story with drama usually has a plot, but not all plots are dramatic. Think of drama as the flashy outfit and plot as the underlying bones.

Now, angst, tragedy, and depression – they're like a gloomy trio at a goth concert. Angst is that emotional turmoil your characters go through, tragedy is the doom and gloom, and depression is the aftermath. A good conclusion doesn't always settle the angst; sometimes, it lingers like a bad smell. It all depends on the story you want to tell.

Survival stories don't need horror, but they do need a dash of "oh-my-god-we're-all-gonna-die." The whole story doesn't have to be about staying alive, but the survival element should hang over it like a storm cloud. Think of it as surviving your in-laws at Thanksgiving dinner – it's not constant, but when it hits, it hits hard.

Romance, my dear CheertheSecond, varies like a box of assorted chocolates. It can be a subtle undercurrent or a full-blown heart-throbbing affair. There's no set quota of kisses per page to slap that romance tag on. Follow your heart, or your characters' hearts, in this case.

Now, smut and porn – they're not exactly interchangeable at your grandma's tea party. Smut is like a saucy romance novel, a bit explicit but with a story. Porn, well, it's more like a nature documentary, all visuals, no plot. So, choose your words wisely, unless you want to raise a few eyebrows and perhaps a teacup or two.


Jun 6, 2021
Most of what you want to know is already covered, but here are some links to SH approved definitions. Regarding 'Interchangeable' tags; generally, if a word is used instead of another word, it happens for a REASON. So no, in any case where you think a tag is interchangeable with another, you probably misunderstood.
A work meant to bring on an emotional response, such as instilling sadness or tension. Novels that often show life or characters through conflict and emotions. In general, the different parts of the story tend to form a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. In other words, the story has a message that is bigger than just the story line itself

Regarding Angst:
In theory, the word means:
a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.
but even the dictionary definition has this to add:
a feeling of persistent worry about something trivial.

So, imagine two high schoolers having a 'misunderstanding' and fretting about how much the person they love more than life itself hates them now. And then the third wheel comes in and brings them back together and they cry and shout about how sorry they are for breaking the precious, precious toy they got out of one of those claw vending machine games from the other. Or you know, something like that.

That's angst (in storytelling).
Contains events resulting in great loss and misfortune.
Typically, a tragedy is a story that ends poorly, and that the reader knows will end poorly from the start.
This tag is only to be used when depression is a prominent aspect of the story, with either the protagonist themselves or other important characters displaying the symptoms of depression.
Depression is a deep apathy, fatigue or sadness that prevents the victim from living a normal life.

This tag is to be used when the story focuses on the survival of the main characters.

Novels whose focus is to scare the audience.

A story in this genre focus heavily on the romantic relationship between two or more people.

Erotic work of fiction that’s mainly targeted toward females. Smut stories often gives heavy focus on love and relationships between the main characters.
Most smut involves sex, but it isn't technically a requirement. All that matters is intense emotion between the characters. If that emotion isn't there, it's not smut.
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【Human Savant of True Almighty God】
Aug 31, 2020
I think I have never gotten a clear understanding of these terms before.
Does Drama mean Plot? So a story with drama is a story with plot?

What is angst? Does angst = tragedy = depression? Does it need to have some good conclusion to settle the angst/sadness?

What is needed in the story for it to be classified as survival? Does it need to have horror? Does the entire story need to be about trying to stay alive to be survival?

What about romance? How much romance should be in the story (like all the time) to put the romance tag into it?

Is smut the same as porn? Are those words interchangeable?
I'll make a short explanation.

Drama drives the plot moving. Romance makes the readers feel refresh.

Actions speaks the plot aloud. It is making the readers excited.

Comedy is lightening the mood between the characters. You can make a villain lovable by showing their soft side.

However~, poor writing will drive them out. Make sure it is written properly. Readable.

It is like planting the seeds of your labor. Watering it with fresh and clean water. Pour it with fertilizers with high quality.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2022
Plot is the collection of events that happen in the story. Every story has a plot, even Slice of Life stories.

Drama pertains to deep emotions of characters.

I want to make a small distinction between tags and genre.

A genre is about the themes the novel explores. If there's romance in the novel, but the novel doesn't explore it as a theme, its probably not a romance novel.

Thinking of drama, almost every story with characters probably has those characters going through strong emotions at some point in the story. That doesn't automatically make the story a drama though, because the story may or may not explore those strong motions as a theme.

A tag is more about what the story contains. They are very specific compared to genres. If theres romance in the novel, but is not explored as a theme, you can use the romantic subplot tag instead, if you feel like that is more appropriate. That states that your story contains romance, but does not explore it as a theme.


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
I think I have never gotten a clear understanding of these terms before.
Does Drama mean Plot? So a story with drama is a story with plot?

What is angst? Does angst = tragedy = depression? Does it need to have some good conclusion to settle the angst/sadness?

What is needed in the story for it to be classified as survival? Does it need to have horror? Does the entire story need to be about trying to stay alive to be survival?

What about romance? How much romance should be in the story (like all the time) to put the romance tag into it?

Is smut the same as porn? Are those words interchangeable?
Drama = Dramatic things

A happy couple ? Oh wow disease
Marriage ? Oh wow the ex try to destroy it
Isekai hero retired and having peaceful life with waifu ? Oh wow a demon killed his whole family while he was hunting in forest

Angst, yes tragedy, basically PURE 100% concentration of sadness/tragedy. Uh to be more precise, its like a subtag of tragedy, telling "be cautious, it gonna be mega tragic and you risk crying so bring your tissues"
AO3, go tag "Angst with good ending" btw
And no. Angst can have or good or bad ending. Author choice. But of course, its better for reader to know if the author would do which, hence why there is tag "Angst with good ending". Because this way, even some people like me that hate angst, would try to stomach it as we know it gonna be solved over all.
Because once......i read a futa series on wattpad. Well,
the heroine that married the futa, wasnt happy, gave birth, then soon cheat with the sister. Soon the baby was kidnapped by her shitty parents to resell it. After confrontation in motel room, somehow she is shot dead. And FL kill parents in rage. Last chap, where she wake up in hospital in cuff. Cop telling her she will be sent to jail (for murder even though decent reason). End with her screaming her baby need her presence and they can't do that, as the cop leave.
This story forever made me forever give up my short journey in WATTPAD.

Also there exist the very rare genre of what i call "wholesome tragedy"
That had quite famous creator and animes for it.
Clannad, Little busters, Angel beats, etc
(that btw created also some story mangas, also wholesome sad)
Because unless you don't know, his stories are fcking sad BUUUUUUUUUUUUT !!!!!! There is always a small light of salvation that save the person and not be suicidal.
In short, its like a husband losing his wife but after long hardships and lot of dramas, finding time travel machine and happy life.
Or moving on from her death with a new woman that took care of him.
Or in the manga maeda jun wrote the plot : ch14









Yes survival is surviving
Horror not needed but you can add if it's your aim of writing a horror story, like chutullu invading
Also wholesome survival also exist
Or to be more precise, in chinese webnovels, now the plot of "surviving in deserted island competition with livestream team" is now boring because of over-used
There is also "tv competition of surviving in city with 0 MONEY" but of course MC will find funny ways to get EZ MONEY compared to rivals that are sleeping under bridge while he sleep in 4star hotel.
Or livestream survive in dangerous places with luck system. Or livestream survival with survival system (knowledge/skills for survival). etc


It depends
In 2010, there were c-novels, where singer MC date/marry queen star. Only had 1-2 dates and 4 skipped sex moments. But overall very little focus on romance. But still get romance tag.
But now in 2023, authors know that romance shouldnt be ignored.

Do you mean to ask if "romance" tag can be put or not depending on quantity of written romance ?
Then my answer is yes, as long MC have date / get a relationship, it deserve romance tag. wait a min........................
Suddenly i feel your question is more profound than i thought.
Because i remember some NU series had "sub romance" tag.

So looks like i am wrong.
Yes series need a decent amount of romance to be worthy of it.

You can't be like 2010ish KR novels where the romance is garbage / put on the side.
You can't make the MCs be like "I gonna kill and lvl for hundreds of years (and probably 400chaps worth) and then come home to sex my waifu and then go back to lvling"
(even though exagerated, famous SOLO LEVELING is kinda like that, FL appeared, then soon weak useless, and only at end, MC prevent her past accident and marry her = create a son)

Uh yes
smut is porn basically (MOST LIKELY as lazy to google all terms)

Its just that porn isnt as smooth to say compared to smut
Same as GL Girls love, feel meh, compared to saying "yuri" (for weeb)
Same as eveyone say SAUCE and not SOURCE
though it personally piss me off seeing people saying "to" and not "too". Even though i am not english speaker, its grammatically infuriating. Especially as ITS NOT FCKING HARD TO JUST ADD ONE MORE LETTER TO IT.


Returning to 1) DRAMA

Some series don't need to drama to exist
But most, if not NEAR ALL stories indeed do

In fact, since long ago. Movies only exist thx to drama. Or tv series.
Would there exist a tv series of showing only a couple living peaceful life ? NO
There will 100% have something creating trouble. Or cockblocking them.

That is why since long ago. During isekai boom. I am a fervant support of "wholesomeness" and "relaxing plot"
while everyone like OP MCs i liked the MEGA niche (2010) genre of "isekai where the guy is 3rd son in noble of countryside" for example

What is surprising to even myself.
If indeed no drama, a story can be indeed ULTRA MEGA BORING.

By luck, i found a chinese WN, where MC is rich KR with fiancee star living together.
You see him go to living room, feed cat, say bye to her as she go to work. He go cook. He go write songs. Call friends. Flirt with FL. Detailed writing about the foods. Restaurant date. Asking about their marriage.

Heck the ultimate form of what i love turned out to be very boring. Which surprised me.

And is one of my classic case/proof
for one golden sentence-motto "Everything in moderation" (work for everything, FKING EVERYTHING, food, sports, job, sex, ANYTHING)

Isekai in countryside at least werent boring, bc MC had magic or invented stuff, or fun side characters. Or bickering with sister.
Hands tired, i stop


Eight virgin
Sep 9, 2020
Angst - the German word for being terrified, if I am right about it. I think English-speaking places use it to describe someone with a suppressed feeling that affects them negatively.
As far as I can comrehend, angst is synonomous to fear, unsettling, worry or anxiety, but to a greater degree. So, your "being terrified" is good explanation, in my humble opinion. I don't really know, why some people relate angst with depression, grief or spleen, or, contrary, to anger, fury or rage. Yes, these are all negative emotions, but they are very different, according to my feelings.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2022


a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish that is commonly associated with the teenage years. And angsty teenager tends to wallow in these feeling melodramatically, wanting pity from others while also simultaneously wishing to remain tragically misunderstood, much to the annoyance of his friends.
'Harry was very angsty during his fifth year.'


Smut is basically Erotica - the terms are used interchangeably. A Smut tag should be used any time you depict a graphic sex scene like "Gorr-Lokk the Orc Chieftan showed no mercy to Niah the captured elf. He brutally stretched out her elven pussy with his massive green cock."


The theme of survival pits characters against an external force: the environment, disease, a powerful antagonist. What a character does to survive against these forces is what makes these stories so compelling; after all, the character could be you or I. "Captain Mercer shielded himself from the winter wind with his make-shift bearskin cloak. He knew that if he did not find shelter soon, he would die of hypothermia".


Too much drama can turn your novel into melodrama, which annoys most people (drama for the sake of being dramatic). Too little drama can cause a story to be bland.
An example of a story with no drama: 'Jack walked to the store.'
An example of a story with melodrama: 'Jack walked to the store to get eggs while thinking about how his father never hugged him in his life. He broke down and cried big sobby tears in the fetal position on the side of the road.'
An example of a story with a decent amount of drama: 'As Jack walked to the store, a truck veered off the road and almost hit him. Jack was only alerted by the sound of a horn blaring as he jumped into a ditch to avoid being crushed by a five ton steel murder machine. The driver of the truck swerved back into his own lane. Jack flipped him off with a hollared "FUCK YOU!" Jack got up and dusted himself off. He was furious on the entire walk to the store.'

As for romance, its up to you - Think you should add a romance tag if you depict a romantic relationship that your protagonist is involved in. If your character has a spouse, but the story rarely focuses on them, then I wouldnt really use the romance tag. If your protag has sex with people but never shows feelings of love then i'm not sure you should use a romance tag either.

Hope these help.


Eight virgin
Sep 9, 2020
Also there exist the very rare genre of what i call "wholesome tragedy"
That had quite famous creator and animes for it.
Clannad, Little busters, Angel beats, etc
(that btw created also some story mangas, also wholesome sad)
Key / Visual Arts game company is famous for their tearjerkers. The most awesome tearjerker by Jun Maeda, though, is "Air". Even in the game you can't prevent
Misuzu (and Yukito, MC of VN) from death.
And if we speak about anime adaptations (especially full-length movie, as it solely focused on Misuzu an Yukito), it's even more legit. My wife shredded a bucket of tears, when we first watched it (well, to tell the truth, I also secretly wiped my eyes more than once), and said that "it was totally cheating" towards the audience.


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
Key / Visual Arts game company is famous for their tearjerkers. The most awesome tearjerker by Jun Maeda, though, is "Air". Even in the game you can't prevent
Misuzu (and Yukito, MC of VN) from death.
And if we speak about anime adaptations (especially full-length movie, as it solely focused on Misuzu an Yukito), it's even more legit. My wife shredded a bucket of tears, when we first watched it (well, to tell the truth, I also secretly wiped my eyes more than once), and said that "it was totally cheating" towards the audience.
Saw a youtube thumbnail

saying that JUN retired
because "he was bullied"

Too scared to know the truth by clicking it. My hypothesis is cyber bullying. (unless colleagues/anime studios are mega retarded)
Especially bc of the upsurge of toxicity on internet recently. Where even 5y old have access now.
Key / Visual Arts game company is famous for their tearjerkers. The most awesome tearjerker by Jun Maeda, though, is "Air". Even in the game you can't prevent
Misuzu (and Yukito, MC of VN) from death.
And if we speak about anime adaptations (especially full-length movie, as it solely focused on Misuzu an Yukito), it's even more legit. My wife shredded a bucket of tears, when we first watched it (well, to tell the truth, I also secretly wiped my eyes more than once), and said that "it was totally cheating" towards the audience.
Funny detail :
Sankakucomplex once said that JUN needed new heart/heart transplant
Which is very ironic as he created before ANGEL BEATS

Coincidence is even more