Adventurer's Guild ⛩️ Gates of Scribblia ⛩️: Open D&D Thread

Are you ready to roll the dice and let your story unfold?

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2019
Welcome to the party! I wrote a little blurb for you both, sorry if your characters aren't acting how they should be. I went off of your initial posts and event choices.

Event #2 Interlude: New Friends?

Most of the resting adventurers in the guild looked at Mabel incredulously, rather doubtful of the fact that she was of the right mind. One eager young man had almost approached her, but another had stopped him with a hand signal indicating that this "troubled damsel" was likely crazy. Before anyone could guide Mabel out of the building, a voiced boomed.


Obviously, everyone gave way to the scary-looking shark radiating power and bloodlust. More so when his lower half was without a shred of cloth(though they could have sworn his vest came with a pair of pants)

Mabel didn't seem to mind it, she had seen many animalfolk choosing to wear only upper garments, after all.

"Yes! A hunt for treasure. I only desire a little bit of coin and poems, the rest shall be your reward."

"Treasure? I do not desire treasure. I desire PREY."

"Pray? Doth sir shark serve as a member of the clergy?"

"I am Ghan, a hunter. And I want THE GREATEST HUNT." He yelled with great conviction.

"Then, sir shark, doth work as a nobleman under a king? The bounty of any creature we meet is yours to keep."

"Girl. It is simple. I am a hunter, I hunt"

"Ah, doth sir shark work as a ser-"

Perhaps noticing that the back and forth between the girl and the sharkfolk would go on for a very long time if no one interrups them, a man whose muscles radiated with power gently tapped Mabel on the back.

"Young maiden, like me, he is a hunter who battles for the sake of it. Think of us like wandering warriors of old who do not want for anything, and serve under no lord."

Mabel's eyes widened into saucers, quickly coming to an understanding, she nodded.

"Then, are you two brave heroes willing to accompany Mabel on a quest for poems?"

"Haha, sure, though I'm not sure if there's a quest like that in the guild." Advaya readily agreed, but Ghan narrowed his eyes, disinterested without the prospect of a hunt.

Advaya hastily whispered something into his ear.

"I GET TO HUNT?! Great. I will join. Tell me when we go." Ghan retreated into a corner of the guild, uninterested in any more pleasantries now that he knew his desire for battle would be sated.

That left the other hunter to guide Mabel to the receptionist.

"I am Advaya, I hail from a distant land. Shall we go get a quest?"

Mabel smiled and nodded, she was disheartened to say goodbye to her friends back at her village, but it seems her journey would not be so bleak for long.
2 berserkers and 1 melee warrior this team is gonna be one hilarious team


Da_Villainess™ (¬‿¬)ψ
Sep 6, 2022
My roll was 22, right? I haven't done anything yet, and while I'd like to play safe, I still chose None or All.

Arso Neist the Exiled Elf, chooses to align himself with [None]. Aware he is of how dangerous it is to not seek the blessing and protection of any deity, he risks offending all three of them at once. Being a proud elf, he is not one to bow to any God, even the World Tree won't elicit any respect from him.
"I show no disrespect, only reverence." He closes his eyes, careful not to expose his feeble mind to such divine existences. "Your Majesties have beckoned me closer, but I have to decline. Choosing one of you may offend the other two, and choosing none of you may offend all three of you, but I digress. I see myself as too lowly to bring myself on your pedestal for I am only a lowly mortal, though a proud elf, I will never amount and equate to your glory."
Proud, but aware... Arso kneels on all fours in a kowtow. "Forgive me, but I shall not come any closer. I fear my name might taint your divine name, as such, please absolve me for I am just a blasphemer who even dared to burn the World Tree that my elvenkin revered. This sinner requests your mercy."

Dear Game Master, please give me less debuffs. Also I hope that my show of humility and reverence will elicit pity and acknowledgment from one or two of the Gods, giving me a freebie while at it.
(recieved all 3 negative status and praise by foriegn unaligned deity)


Da_Villainess™ (¬‿¬)ψ
Sep 6, 2022

Race: Monkey-Kin
Class: Druid
Job: Unemployed
Affinity: Neutral

Strength: 12
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 8
Charisma: 10

Background: Woolen, a Monkey Kin Druid, hails from a secluded forest tribe, orphaned and yearning for love. A stranger exploited this longing, deceiving Woolen into stealing a sacred fruit, which led to his tribe relentlessly pursuing him. In the pursuit's midst, Woolen clung to hope that the stranger would return for him, carrying this hope into the broader world as he searches for the person who once manipulated his innocence.

Race: Monkey-Kin
Class: Druid
Job: Unemployed
Affinity: Neutral

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 6
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 8

(Readjusted stats - character registered.)


Da_Villainess™ (¬‿¬)ψ
Sep 6, 2022
Rolled a 23, Base Charisma is 10, +2 Charisma due to Race Bonus. @Raymann Does the Tavern Owner accept my request to work (errands, cooking, and heals) for room and board?
To make an ability check, roll a d20 and add the relevant ability modifier. As with other d20 rolls, apply bonuses and penalties, and compare the total to the DC. If the total equals or exceeds the DC, the ability check is a success--the creature overcomes the challenge at hand. Otherwise, it's a failure, which means the character or monster makes no progress toward the objective or makes progress combined with a setback determined by the GM.

Guildington Town
Tavern for DC value for job application.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2021
Ghana: giant rats or bandits... Which one do we hunt down?
At a rustic wooden table within the bustling hub of the Adventurers Guild, Advaya, Ghan, and Mabel gathered to discuss their next mission. The dimly lit room was filled with the chatter of fellow adventurers swapping stories and counting their rewards.

Advaya, with a calm and persuasive tone, spoke up, "I think it's time we take on a mission that not only tests our skills but also boosts our reputation in this town. The council has been offering a hefty sum of gold for dealing with bandits lately. It could open doors to more lucrative contracts."

Ghan, a rugged hunter with a deep voice, nodded in agreement. "Bandits, huh? I like the sound of that. Plenty of action and some good coin to be made. I'm in."

Mabel, the cheerful of the group, chimed in with a grin, "Oh, you guys and your serious talk! But you know what's even better than gold? The thrill of chasing rats through dusty cellars! It's like a game of hide and seek with tiny furballs!"

Advaya chuckled, acknowledging Mabel's enthusiasm. "Well, Mabel, if we ever get tired of bandits, we can always consider rat-hunting as a side gig. But for now, it seems Ghan and I are leaning towards the bandits. What do you say?"

Mabel thought before answering.

Sorry if you character is out of place. @Necron @SsemouyOnan


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
At a rustic wooden table within the bustling hub of the Adventurers Guild, Advaya, Ghan, and Mabel gathered to discuss their next mission. The dimly lit room was filled with the chatter of fellow adventurers swapping stories and counting their rewards.

Advaya, with a calm and persuasive tone, spoke up, "I think it's time we take on a mission that not only tests our skills but also boosts our reputation in this town. The council has been offering a hefty sum of gold for dealing with bandits lately. It could open doors to more lucrative contracts."

Ghan, a rugged hunter with a deep voice, nodded in agreement. "Bandits, huh? I like the sound of that. Plenty of action and some good coin to be made. I'm in."

Mabel, the cheerful of the group, chimed in with a grin, "Oh, you guys and your serious talk! But you know what's even better than gold? The thrill of chasing rats through dusty cellars! It's like a game of hide and seek with tiny furballs!"

Advaya chuckled, acknowledging Mabel's enthusiasm. "Well, Mabel, if we ever get tired of bandits, we can always consider rat-hunting as a side gig. But for now, it seems Ghan and I are leaning towards the bandits. What do you say?"

Mabel thought before answering.

Sorry if you character is out of place. @Necron @SsemouyOnan
Mabel shrugged with a slight frown on her face.

"If you say so, sirs. On average, giant rats are likely to be cultured and more well-educated than the common bandit, so they would be better at poetry."

She knitted her eyebrows, focusing on remembering the lessons on Society and History the tutor hired by papa gave her.

"Ah, but of course! Bandits steal treasure, so it is likely they have snatched a poem from the hands of a capable bard! Why, I should have never doubted you two, of course, dealing with bandits is more lucrative than negotiating with the rats! The latter like to keep to themselves anyways."

Mabel agrees with the party's decision to take the bandit quest, although her reasoning is a bit... kooky


Unofficial Class President, Author
Jul 1, 2023
SHF Dice Roller

Min: 1

Max: 20

@MintiLime, you rolled a 14
My charisma is not enough! The surly tavern owner rejects my work application. I drag myself over the Adventurer’s Guild, hoping for some teammates to join me.


Unofficial Class President, Author
Jul 1, 2023
A DC 25 for a d20 o_O? the tavern owner must want only the legendary dragon-laying bard to work there.
The gnome really doesn’t like people. And I don’t like him now. I would steal his food if I wasn’t a lawful citizen!


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
Yeah, we’re going to be at 8 pages soon! Luckily, so far you basically just need to create character and read @Raymann s posts. I’m going to link the important posts in the OOC thread so you don’t need to read the rest
Thank you!! I’ve never played DnD. Going to start as the best team player I can be!