Statistics as reviews


Oct 6, 2023
Posted one chapter a day for fifty days. Waited for reviews after the last chapter. None. So, I checked the outline. Chapter 1 - 10 readers. Chapter 2 - 8. Chapter 3 - 6. Get the point? My review is the numbers. Readers lost interest. By chapter six or seven, there were no readers. No written reviews were necessary - the message is in the numbers. So let me turn that around. Who has a book on this list that carried its readers? I would like to see what works.


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Active member
Oct 1, 2023
Posted one chapter a day for fifty days. Waited for reviews after the last chapter. None. So, I checked the outline. Chapter 1 - 10 readers. Chapter 2 - 8. Chapter 3 - 6. Get the point? My review is the numbers. Readers lost interest. By chapter six or seven, there were no readers. No written reviews were necessary - the message is in the numbers. So let me turn that around. Who has a book on this list that carried its readers? I would like to see what works.
I did something similar. I wrote and put out a chapter every day for a couple of months. The first 'book' ended in chapter 65.
It's hard to say how many readers my story retained. Judging by the clicks from chapter 1 to 65 it's one in ten. If we go by favourites, it's one in six.
And no reviews.
They are not guaranteed at all. I am not sure if these numbers will help you in any way.

I asked around, and it seems you need a good bunch of ratings and readers before you luck into a review.

Also! I took a look at your synopsis and it was... Well... It needs work. It's a messy blob of words that gives too much information and doesn't hook you in.
Granted - I suck at the synopsis as well. So I am not the greatest judge.
I am also, is the story only romance? No other genres?
Aug 13, 2023
Posted one chapter a day for fifty days. Waited for reviews after the last chapter. None. So, I checked the outline. Chapter 1 - 10 readers. Chapter 2 - 8. Chapter 3 - 6. Get the point? My review is the numbers. Readers lost interest. By chapter six or seven, there were no readers. No written reviews were necessary - the message is in the numbers. So let me turn that around. Who has a book on this list that carried its readers? I would like to see what works.
From the quick peek I took at your story, I would say it is a solid story. I think the main problem is that people on Scribblehub just tend to like High Fanstasy novels with one of the following elements: Isekai, Gl, GB, Harem, or plain old fan-faction. Your story (Mary MotorPool | Scribble Hub) might feel too "real" (don't know how to describe this) for the average reader on this site. I'd say give another site a try. One that mainly focuses on romance novels (you could also try adding more genre tags to your story). Idk gl with it.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
Well, I just took a look at your story synopsis and at the chapter names. Apparently you wrote a summary of almost your whole plot instead of a normal synopsis (I might be wrong as I haven't read your story, but you should know it better than me). So if I were to start reading your story, I probably wouldn't be surprised by the first few twists and turns. It just makes your story boring if you read the synopsis beforehand. At least until one reaches the point that isn't covered by the synopsis, which is unlikely as I wouldn't force myself to read so far. So I guess rewriting your synopsis to not spoil your own story would be an important step.
The second thing is that I don't believe that your type of story is what the users on this side are used too. So maybe consider publishing on more sites than just this one (after fixing your synopsis).

Another thing I noticed is the inconsistency in the chapter title of chapter 3 (the only chapter where it is mentioned which chapter it is). I would fix that too, but I don't think that is really what stops people from reading your story.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2023
A few thoughts:

1. You have too few readers of the first few chapters to draw really strong conclusions. I dropped from 12.2k on my first chapter to 5.5k on my seventh. Losing six coinflips is uncommon, but not outside of chance. So probably the bigger issue is you never drew in a ton of people in the first place?

Reviews are also super rare here (and most places?), I think less than 1% of readers here leave full reviews.

2. I don't think I've ever seen anything with a photo cover hit top 9 trending-- doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but that I can't remember one is notable. People are more drawn by other kinds of covers, probably. It also looks Straight Woman Romance-y. Which, speaking of...

3. For Mary Motorpool, straight women romance is overall a big and popular genre. On Scribblehub, I don't think it is quite as popular, especially without more adventure or fantasy type elements. Also, a lot of popular Scribblehub stories have titles that are in your face and grab you immediately and tell you what they're about to some level. I had assumed Mary Motorpool was a name when I first saw the cover, but maybe that's just me.

I'm not an expert on it, but I might suggest checking out Ritoria or Ream Stories if you wanna give Mary Motorpool a try on other sites, offhand. I'm sure there's other more straight woman romance focused sites, but none immediately come to mind.

4. If you do wanna try more on Scribblehub, I imagine you might have more success with your Kat Johnson books on here, or maybe even Canadian Civil War? I feel like those're the premises that might have more legs here.

Take all of this with a grain of salt-- both because I'm relatively new here and not that focused on researching the meta, and also because I only did a cursory glance over surface-level stuff of your book on here and Smashwords.

(Also, randomly-- "Ancient China" tag doesn't make much sense for Mary Motorpool given the synposis? Maybe people were reading in the hope she'd be thrown back in time? Isekai pretty popular on here.)
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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2020
I would like to see what works.
Just don't let this get in the way of what you actually want to write. Don't chase the popular genres/tropes if that's not what you want to write in the first place.
Is it straight woman romance? I'm not sure which site is good for that. Used to be Wattpad, but Wattpad is a shithole now. Maybe Inkitt?


Nov 14, 2023
I have a very blunt far more pragmatic version of this comment should you be interested, but I'll give you the sugar-coated version:

Your synopsis doesn't pop- you need something that draws the reader in and entices to them to want to know more. Even the most uninteresting stories can seem super interesting if you frame them the right way (not that yours is uninteresting).

The name of your story is... I don't want to say bland... But that's the best word I can find. When I pick titles for my stories I try to do something that will immediately attract attention and be like -READ ME!-

You are writing a story with a single tag and expecting people to with such a broad range of interests, most of which are often incredibly kinky, to flock to it in droves. From what I can tell SH isn't the place for a romance story that doesn't have other elements.

Your story is likely amazing and worthy of many favorites or 5 star reviews... I just feel like SH may not be the best audience for it. 🤷‍♀️


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
Maybe it has to be with the tone of the story and the unappealing, realistic cover. Scribblehub, usually leans more towards fantasy and anime aesthetics that attracts readers better.
My novel is a perfect example of how to make something extremely successful here. Every chapter I post ends with over a thousand views after just a day, over 60 to 80 favorites within a day, and more keep growing every day after they're posted.
I also got some reviews too, though i never really pay too much attention to them.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2022
I'll start off by saying this story isn't up my alley at all so take whatever I say with a grain of salt.

The main issue is that it never caught on to any kind of following. Even the first chapter has 16 views. That's really not enough to draw any useful conclusion from even if all 16 stopped reading so really your concern first and foremost should be why people aren't picking it up in the first place then if you manage to get at least 100+ people to read your first chapters you can see where they are dropping off and get a better idea what was happening in the story around that point as possible causes.

I think what @Succubiome and @Roseofblades have said cover most of the big things.

You are writing what is probably the least popular romance coupling on this site. I don't have the numbers, but from regularly checking out rankings my guess would be the popularity goes as follows(most popular to least):
GL(often with GB mixed in to appeal to straight men and women)
Male MC & Female Lead
Female MC & Male Lead

Also solely romance focused stories aren't very popular on SH. Sure the majority of stories on here probably have romance elements, but generally they will have a rather large actions, adventure, fantasy, or science fiction aspect too. So you are already fighting an uphill battle to get an active following on SH for this particular story.

You will also want things to hook people, that can be an interesting title, cover or synopsis. I agree with Rose saying all of them feel kind of bland which is probably making the already limited audience not pick it up which is something you definitely can't afford when your target audience is probably already one of the smallest on the site.

For the synopsis it feels too much like it's a recap of too much of the story. You want people to feel like they are intrigued, but need to actually read the story to find out more. Yours is making me feel like I have probably read spoilers for your story that will probably spoil some things if I decide to read it. Tis could very well be a reason why people are dropping off if this is actually the case. Why would I read it if I already know all the big twists and turns that are coming?

For the title something more descriptive would be good. Now this is just from the synopsis so it might not actually work and which fits best would depend on which elements are actually major parts of the story however titles in a direction that might work better on SH would be:
Undercover in China(if the NSA elements are strong)
Lost in China's Hollywood/Rising Star in China(if the being a rising starlet after moving to China is a big focus)

Think things that kind of tease what to expect without even having to check out the synopsis. You want people to actually click on your book after all and the way to do that is to stnd out from the other books by title and cover image first.

Now generally the recommendation here would be put a hot anime woman on the cover for a lot of books on SH, but I doubt that would work since your novel isn't really the type that those covers appeal to. This means the cover needs something else to catch the attention though. It sounds like maybe having a glamorous life is the fantasy that your story will be fulfilling. If so having a cover that portrays that would probably be better. So showing a woman in a fancy dress at some high class party of some sort would probably work better than just a somewhat cute girl wearing basic clothing with a nondescript background. Maybe incorporate some Chinese elements into the cover.
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136/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
Posted one chapter a day for fifty days. Waited for reviews after the last chapter. None. So, I checked the outline. Chapter 1 - 10 readers. Chapter 2 - 8. Chapter 3 - 6. Get the point? My review is the numbers. Readers lost interest. By chapter six or seven, there were no readers. No written reviews were necessary - the message is in the numbers. So let me turn that around. Who has a book on this list that carried its readers? I would like to see what works.
Complete it, it will get binged every weekend. And completing a book will give you a good feeling.


Sep 10, 2023
You have a good idea and interesting premise. I read your first chapter and it's good, but there's a few minor issues I think you might wanna take into account.

Your synopsis appears to tell us most of the story from what I can tell. A good synopsis gives away hints of what is to happen, but doesn't lead you by the nose through the plot if that makes sense.

You have a great hook and an interesting story, but I think you might want to overhaul your synopsis. Here's my example. Keep in mind I haven't read your whole story, so please ignore any errors.

"It all started when I lost my job..."
Mary Motorpool was just trying to do the right thing, return a wallet found while working on a fifteen-passenger van. Suddenly, she's without a job and catapulted into a working for a mysterious organization making car maintenance videos for women. While at a convention, she meets a charming man from China whom sweeps her off her feet and brings her back home. However, not all is as it seems, and soon Mary has to adjust to living in China whilst figuring out what she wants in life.

A rags-to-riches travel romance with twists and turns, Mary Motorpool is a thrilling ride filled with love, corruption and wit.

Another thing I've noticed is with your writing style. You have a lot of abrupt sentences that tend to break up the story.
Now what? I can’t say that I was thinking too clearly. I got in my car, and my car seemed to drive itself. Where do I usually go after work? Pizza Ranch. Cheap food, all you can eat, haven’t been sick once. The car parked in my usual spot, I paid the early-bird price, and I made myself a salad. Bleu cheese dressing (you have to be from Wisconsin to like it), and lots of onions. Normal dinner, normal table, not-so-normal situation. I had a few jobs in my brief college career – never got fired. Three years in the navy – never got fired. Seven months in the Dells – fired. I had trouble adjusting to it.
Maybe this was done intentionally to show her anxious thoughts, but it just comes off as clunky and disjointed to me as a reader. If it were my story, I'd use both narration and word choice to help set the scene.

"Now what?" I couldn't say that I was thinking too clearly right now. I leaned my head against the wheel of my aging car and let out a sigh. My stomach growled comically loud, reminding me that I should probably find something for dinner. I started my car and drove to my favorite pizza place on the other side of town. I pulled into my usual parking spot and walked into the modest pizzeria. The inviting smell of various toppings greeted me and I paid for my meal before walking to the bar to get some food. Thankfully, it was early in the day and I was able to get the early bird price.

I made myself a salad as I pondered my next course of action. I'd had several jobs over the year, including my time in the Navy, and had never been fired. It made my stomach do uncomfortable flips as I poured bleu cheese dressing sparingly over my salad and slid into my booth to eat.