I will tell you when and why I stopped reading your story.


Unofficial Class President, Author
Jul 1, 2023
Woooo! Catch up round!
That's right! A 6-in-1 free fer-all bananza! I shall catch up! Good luck scrolling through all this!

My spirit is unbreakable!

I read up to here:
By the time the last movie ended, Atlas had fallen in love with the fantastical world of Harry Potter and the magical creatures in Fantastic Beasts even thought he also realized that the world was far more dangerous than the life on an automated farm. At least if one were to meddle around the main characters of the story.

Why did I stop here? Because I don't love fanfiction so much! And I'm not super into Harry Potter especially! "But OatMush," I hear you ask, "Why did you read 3 chapters then?" it's because you're a damn good writer. I'm not your target audience, but bejabbers I wish I was! I was hooked bad by your first two chapters, and it was quite sad when the dawning realisation of it not being something I was interested in kind of stunk! Boo! You should write to please me and me specifically!
Just kidding of course! I hope you have fun continuing to write what ever your heart desires! Here's some nitpicks:

1 - "charakters"
Is this a typo? You use it three times so if it's purposeful please ignore

2 - hmm, I'm actually coming up kind of blank, I was just scrolling through again looking for nitpicks and couldn't find any! So good job!

3 - I'm not a huge fan of your summary, it's very long so I didn't read, which is a shame because it would of warned me about being a fanfiction! But that's just me being dumb and not reading tags! But I do think your summary could be shorter. But maybe not!

So overall! Submit something to me that's not HP fanfiction and I'll probably like it! Keep'a trucking! Have fun!

(Also if anyone else wanting to submit reads this, please bare in mind I'm on mobile, so I can't see your signature, I will edit the main post too.)

Wooah boy! Slow down with them there notes! I'm not following no rules! I read as if I walked in off the home page! No cheating with special instructions!

Ehhhhhh whatever I'll follow your instructions. as a favor, but don't get used to it! It ain't organic!

Wait one second, this is in my reading list! I think I clicked in off the homepage ages ago and didn't even notice! So good job with the cover, it stands out in a sea of air anime waifus and edgelords!

But I didn't read it then, so let us begin:

Chapter 1
Ok, I don't love this. The description of the temple is good, but I can't follow along with what's happening! Who's speaking? You only mention one character so in my head there was only one person speaking, and then I got confused and had to reread the dialogue when I finally realised there were two people speaking. And which one was wearing the silver cloak? So in an organic reading, I would not have passed the first chapter.

Remember the point of this thread is about when/why I stopped reading. But this submission is unholy! So let's go full Frankenstein and skip to chapter 11!

Chapter 11
I think! Your chapter numbers confused me! This one's labelled number 11, so here I start.

Ok! I finished the chapter! I will let this remain in my reading list! It seems pretty good.

I'm not really sure what to do here... I've broken my own format and am left stumbling in the dark.... I don't really have any nitpicks either, your writing is very competent and if there's any mistakes I didn't notice. So here's what I liked!:

1 - I like your explanation of the capital, you keep it short and sweet and still gives me a good idea of the vibe.

2 - Dog!

3 - the description of Ms Pinstripe, I like the line "Poor mistress is struggling. Her grin is stretched and bit forced and unnatural." I think this introduces her character quite well. Although I notice now there maybe should be an 'a' in the second sentence, but I didn't even notice it the first time round so no biggie. Might even be purposeful!

Well! That's all the time you get ya stinkin' cheat! I think your first chapter kinda sucks! Which is a shame because it seems you do know how to write, you just have a really confusing first chapter in my opinion! But who cares! Keep it up champ!

Have no fear! Remember this is just the opinion of some dude! Even if I don't like something, there aren't any consequences!

I stopped in the second chapter here:
The students in Jon’s class dispersed into the room and he looked around, scanning the groups of kids sitting across the floor of the auditorium.

This is another one where I'm really not your target audience! I'm a 20-something guy living in Australia! I was unsure if I'd be interested in the plot from the summary, and yeah, I don't really care for the American middle school setting. Your writing seems competent, there were no typos or whatnot that I noticed at least, so I'll skip the nitpicks and get to the things I didn't like in what I've read:

1 - Why are you talking about a bird to start with? Maybe it has metaphorical significance, or even plot significance, but I don't really care for it. There's no hook for me, maybe for your target audience there will be, but not for me.

2 - Then, in the second chapter, there's still no hook. Remember there are 1000s of stories on this site, if you don't grab my attention with something quick, I'll move on.

So you obviously can write quite well. It's just not what I'm interested in. I'm curious how much success you'll find here, I think SH is more light novel type anime stuff. Personally I'm here for adventure and fantasy mostly. But best of luck finding your audience though! And remember, always have fun!

'alright bruv

Ok so! I got turned away by the tags "girls love", "yandere" and "harem", these aren't my thing really, I might try something if it contains the first two on a whim, but "harem" is a bit of a deal breaker for this reader. But! For the sake of giving more meaningful opinion, I read a bit of your first chapter! Just a few paragraphs though, here's my nitpicks!

1 - 'This headache man. It's constant....and the off-brand mean girls in the back aren't helping it.'
On my second reading I realised this was probably internal monologue, but it confused me the first time because I didn't know who she was speaking too. But this is probably just me being dumb! But this section isn't called nitpicks for 'nothin!

2 - 'I'm saving up for college.' Expect the award.
I don't know what this means, the full stop and capital 'E' isn't helping. I think it means 'I'm saving up for college' award. But I'm not sure.

Well that's what I've got from what I've read! It seems pretty good, just not for me! Keep going though! Have fun!

Hoo Boi I need a break, having a glass of water and a ciggy... Stay hydrated folks! (but maybe don't smoke.)

Rejuvenation complete! Lettuce continue!

Thankyou! Let's throw the dice buckeroo!

Kore Foundation: F-Grade Beastmen World
Ok! I read to chapter 4! It seems pretty good! The premise seems interesting and your writing is quite good! 5*! I like that you've made the system a flawed character in their own right, and the world seems fairly interesting! Here's some nitpicks:

1 - Kore Foundation: F-Grade Beastmen World
I don't really like the title, it tells me nothing about your story other than "it's an isekai", feels generic

2 - This transmigration bullsh*t was f*cked.
Gee w*llikers! I don't think you need to sensor your profanity. We swear like men here!

3 - Ist this an RPG, or what?
Just a typo.

4 - So, the System had heard her scolding earlier..., well, she couldn't take them back now and she still meant them so...
'...I'm sorry.'
The System apologized once more.

I misinterpreted who was speaking here.

Overall, I like what I've read, your writing is generally quite good and the premise has caught my attention. I am starting to feel the isekai burnout a bit though, but that's not really anything to do with you. Obviously these genres are very popular still, so just write what you like! And have fun!

Ohh I'm still going alright! Nothing's slowing me down! Let's go!

Hmm... I like this. This stands out to me, I've read the first 2 chapters. I decided to add this to my reading list and given 5*! This isn't like anything else I've read, it's not the sort of genre I'm usually into, but I do like this style. I started doing nitpicks about a couple typos and whatever, but there weren't that many and I don't think those would really help much in this case. So we'll go with this format instead:

What I like:
1 - Atmosphere! You never describe the gym really, but just from the tone of the story I can picture it in my head clearly. I like the brooding tone too, I'm not a super masculine guy so again I'm not normally really into this kind of stuff, but I like the main character. Again in very little description I think you communicate what he's like, and he's likeable in a very action hero kind of way.
2 - Change of pace! Scribble hub has a lot of stories, and although I find a lot of things I like, there's a sort of same-iness to most of it. And your story stands out! It's immediately memorable for me! I really wish there was more variety here, and your story is a refreshing change of pace.
3 - Style! I like that you call chapters issues, it makes me think of comic books and it frames your story in a fun way! Combine this with the tone and gruff over-the-top movie action hero vibes, this is doing it for me.

What I didn't:
1 - The wife! I think the emotional hook of the chapter is meant to be her death, but I really didn't feel it. A few paragraphs in I already knew she was going to die—I'm trope savvy enough to know when a characters getting fridged, but that means I'm not surprised when she dies. I'm also not emotionally invested in her, she's very cookie cutter good wife. Worse you then spend most of your second issue with Stan grieving her, but I'm not grieving with him.
In this readers opinion, I think to make her death have actual punch you really need to actually developed her. She feels blank, I think you should give her some actual personality, a reason for me to actually care about her.

So overall, it's good! I'm going to keep reading! So you better keep writing! And have fun!

Oh sweet lord! We Are Done!
Well this sure was quite the sitting? wasn't it? It only took me like.... 5 hours to write. But no more backlog! I'm up to date baby! I was about to start editing and checking for typos, but then I started to scroll upwards and decided maybe not. So you're eating raw OatMush tonight! No editing for me! Hope you all have fun dealing with that!

And if you're just trying to scroll past this monolith! Ha!
Thank you for the feedback! And for breaking your rules for it lolll - my first few chapters were a hot mess


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
Woooo! Catch up round!
That's right! A 6-in-1 free fer-all bananza! I shall catch up! Good luck scrolling through all this!

My spirit is unbreakable!

I read up to here:
By the time the last movie ended, Atlas had fallen in love with the fantastical world of Harry Potter and the magical creatures in Fantastic Beasts even thought he also realized that the world was far more dangerous than the life on an automated farm. At least if one were to meddle around the main characters of the story.

Why did I stop here? Because I don't love fanfiction so much! And I'm not super into Harry Potter especially! "But OatMush," I hear you ask, "Why did you read 3 chapters then?" it's because you're a damn good writer. I'm not your target audience, but bejabbers I wish I was! I was hooked bad by your first two chapters, and it was quite sad when the dawning realisation of it not being something I was interested in kind of stunk! Boo! You should write to please me and me specifically!
Just kidding of course! I hope you have fun continuing to write what ever your heart desires! Here's some nitpicks:

1 - "charakters"
Is this a typo? You use it three times so if it's purposeful please ignore

2 - hmm, I'm actually coming up kind of blank, I was just scrolling through again looking for nitpicks and couldn't find any! So good job!

3 - I'm not a huge fan of your summary, it's very long so I didn't read, which is a shame because it would of warned me about being a fanfiction! But that's just me being dumb and not reading tags! But I do think your summary could be shorter. But maybe not!

So overall! Submit something to me that's not HP fanfiction and I'll probably like it! Keep'a trucking! Have fun!

(Also if anyone else wanting to submit reads this, please bare in mind I'm on mobile, so I can't see your signature, I will edit the main post too.)

Wooah boy! Slow down with them there notes! I'm not following no rules! I read as if I walked in off the home page! No cheating with special instructions!

Ehhhhhh whatever I'll follow your instructions. as a favor, but don't get used to it! It ain't organic!

Wait one second, this is in my reading list! I think I clicked in off the homepage ages ago and didn't even notice! So good job with the cover, it stands out in a sea of air anime waifus and edgelords!

But I didn't read it then, so let us begin:

Chapter 1
Ok, I don't love this. The description of the temple is good, but I can't follow along with what's happening! Who's speaking? You only mention one character so in my head there was only one person speaking, and then I got confused and had to reread the dialogue when I finally realised there were two people speaking. And which one was wearing the silver cloak? So in an organic reading, I would not have passed the first chapter.

Remember the point of this thread is about when/why I stopped reading. But this submission is unholy! So let's go full Frankenstein and skip to chapter 11!

Chapter 11
I think! Your chapter numbers confused me! This one's labelled number 11, so here I start.

Ok! I finished the chapter! I will let this remain in my reading list! It seems pretty good.

I'm not really sure what to do here... I've broken my own format and am left stumbling in the dark.... I don't really have any nitpicks either, your writing is very competent and if there's any mistakes I didn't notice. So here's what I liked!:

1 - I like your explanation of the capital, you keep it short and sweet and still gives me a good idea of the vibe.

2 - Dog!

3 - the description of Ms Pinstripe, I like the line "Poor mistress is struggling. Her grin is stretched and bit forced and unnatural." I think this introduces her character quite well. Although I notice now there maybe should be an 'a' in the second sentence, but I didn't even notice it the first time round so no biggie. Might even be purposeful!

Well! That's all the time you get ya stinkin' cheat! I think your first chapter kinda sucks! Which is a shame because it seems you do know how to write, you just have a really confusing first chapter in my opinion! But who cares! Keep it up champ!

Have no fear! Remember this is just the opinion of some dude! Even if I don't like something, there aren't any consequences!

I stopped in the second chapter here:
The students in Jon’s class dispersed into the room and he looked around, scanning the groups of kids sitting across the floor of the auditorium.

This is another one where I'm really not your target audience! I'm a 20-something guy living in Australia! I was unsure if I'd be interested in the plot from the summary, and yeah, I don't really care for the American middle school setting. Your writing seems competent, there were no typos or whatnot that I noticed at least, so I'll skip the nitpicks and get to the things I didn't like in what I've read:

1 - Why are you talking about a bird to start with? Maybe it has metaphorical significance, or even plot significance, but I don't really care for it. There's no hook for me, maybe for your target audience there will be, but not for me.

2 - Then, in the second chapter, there's still no hook. Remember there are 1000s of stories on this site, if you don't grab my attention with something quick, I'll move on.

So you obviously can write quite well. It's just not what I'm interested in. I'm curious how much success you'll find here, I think SH is more light novel type anime stuff. Personally I'm here for adventure and fantasy mostly. But best of luck finding your audience though! And remember, always have fun!

'alright bruv

Ok so! I got turned away by the tags "girls love", "yandere" and "harem", these aren't my thing really, I might try something if it contains the first two on a whim, but "harem" is a bit of a deal breaker for this reader. But! For the sake of giving more meaningful opinion, I read a bit of your first chapter! Just a few paragraphs though, here's my nitpicks!

1 - 'This headache man. It's constant....and the off-brand mean girls in the back aren't helping it.'
On my second reading I realised this was probably internal monologue, but it confused me the first time because I didn't know who she was speaking too. But this is probably just me being dumb! But this section isn't called nitpicks for 'nothin!

2 - 'I'm saving up for college.' Expect the award.
I don't know what this means, the full stop and capital 'E' isn't helping. I think it means 'I'm saving up for college' award. But I'm not sure.

Well that's what I've got from what I've read! It seems pretty good, just not for me! Keep going though! Have fun!

Hoo Boi I need a break, having a glass of water and a ciggy... Stay hydrated folks! (but maybe don't smoke.)

Rejuvenation complete! Lettuce continue!

Thankyou! Let's throw the dice buckeroo!

Kore Foundation: F-Grade Beastmen World
Ok! I read to chapter 4! It seems pretty good! The premise seems interesting and your writing is quite good! 5*! I like that you've made the system a flawed character in their own right, and the world seems fairly interesting! Here's some nitpicks:

1 - Kore Foundation: F-Grade Beastmen World
I don't really like the title, it tells me nothing about your story other than "it's an isekai", feels generic

2 - This transmigration bullsh*t was f*cked.
Gee w*llikers! I don't think you need to sensor your profanity. We swear like men here!

3 - Ist this an RPG, or what?
Just a typo.

4 - So, the System had heard her scolding earlier..., well, she couldn't take them back now and she still meant them so...
'...I'm sorry.'
The System apologized once more.

I misinterpreted who was speaking here.

Overall, I like what I've read, your writing is generally quite good and the premise has caught my attention. I am starting to feel the isekai burnout a bit though, but that's not really anything to do with you. Obviously these genres are very popular still, so just write what you like! And have fun!

Ohh I'm still going alright! Nothing's slowing me down! Let's go!

Hmm... I like this. This stands out to me, I've read the first 2 chapters. I decided to add this to my reading list and given 5*! This isn't like anything else I've read, it's not the sort of genre I'm usually into, but I do like this style. I started doing nitpicks about a couple typos and whatever, but there weren't that many and I don't think those would really help much in this case. So we'll go with this format instead:

What I like:
1 - Atmosphere! You never describe the gym really, but just from the tone of the story I can picture it in my head clearly. I like the brooding tone too, I'm not a super masculine guy so again I'm not normally really into this kind of stuff, but I like the main character. Again in very little description I think you communicate what he's like, and he's likeable in a very action hero kind of way.
2 - Change of pace! Scribble hub has a lot of stories, and although I find a lot of things I like, there's a sort of same-iness to most of it. And your story stands out! It's immediately memorable for me! I really wish there was more variety here, and your story is a refreshing change of pace.
3 - Style! I like that you call chapters issues, it makes me think of comic books and it frames your story in a fun way! Combine this with the tone and gruff over-the-top movie action hero vibes, this is doing it for me.

What I didn't:
1 - The wife! I think the emotional hook of the chapter is meant to be her death, but I really didn't feel it. A few paragraphs in I already knew she was going to die—I'm trope savvy enough to know when a characters getting fridged, but that means I'm not surprised when she dies. I'm also not emotionally invested in her, she's very cookie cutter good wife. Worse you then spend most of your second issue with Stan grieving her, but I'm not grieving with him.
In this readers opinion, I think to make her death have actual punch you really need to actually developed her. She feels blank, I think you should give her some actual personality, a reason for me to actually care about her.

So overall, it's good! I'm going to keep reading! So you better keep writing! And have fun!

Oh sweet lord! We Are Done!
Well this sure was quite the sitting? wasn't it? It only took me like.... 5 hours to write. But no more backlog! I'm up to date baby! I was about to start editing and checking for typos, but then I started to scroll upwards and decided maybe not. So you're eating raw OatMush tonight! No editing for me! Hope you all have fun dealing with that!

And if you're just trying to scroll past this monolith! Ha!
Thanks you for the review. I'm sorry I didn't mention that it's a fanfiction.

1: I frequently make the character and "charakter" error due to being German, where we often use "k" instead of "c." Thank you for pointing it out, I will fix it as soon as possible.

2: Currently, I'm working on another story, but I treat it more as a writing exercise to enhance the realism of my characters, especially females, in my fanfiction. I doubt this story would really hook you. But I plan to write an original story with the same concept as this fanfiction in the future. I will include a note in my notes for this story to revisit this feed and write you when I publish anything. Hopefully, it will feel like its especially targeted at you then :D.

3: The actual synopsis is confined to the first paragraph, while everything after serves as a "what to expect" description. You're correct that the synopsis is too bulky and I realised it's no longer accurate. I'll make sure to revise it accordingly, so thanks for mentioning it.


Active member
Jan 16, 2022
Thank you a lot for your review!

Yeah, I get that Isekai Burnout... I also struggle to read most of the generic ones now...
But I'm glad you liked it regardless!

Censoring swears is a default of mine, I just prefer the look. I always feel like my writing becomes crude when I leave them as is and it drives me nuts.

Also, because of the novel's title: It is planned to be part of a three novel series (although I have no idea when I'll get to that...) and I wanted to create a title I could adept for different settings while making it obvious that they were related.

Thank you again for reading!! @OatMush


Active member
Aug 27, 2020
Woooo! Catch up round!
That's right! A 6-in-1 free fer-all bananza! I shall catch up! Good luck scrolling through all this!

My spirit is unbreakable!

I read up to here:
By the time the last movie ended, Atlas had fallen in love with the fantastical world of Harry Potter and the magical creatures in Fantastic Beasts even thought he also realized that the world was far more dangerous than the life on an automated farm. At least if one were to meddle around the main characters of the story.

Why did I stop here? Because I don't love fanfiction so much! And I'm not super into Harry Potter especially! "But OatMush," I hear you ask, "Why did you read 3 chapters then?" it's because you're a damn good writer. I'm not your target audience, but bejabbers I wish I was! I was hooked bad by your first two chapters, and it was quite sad when the dawning realisation of it not being something I was interested in kind of stunk! Boo! You should write to please me and me specifically!
Just kidding of course! I hope you have fun continuing to write what ever your heart desires! Here's some nitpicks:

1 - "charakters"
Is this a typo? You use it three times so if it's purposeful please ignore

2 - hmm, I'm actually coming up kind of blank, I was just scrolling through again looking for nitpicks and couldn't find any! So good job!

3 - I'm not a huge fan of your summary, it's very long so I didn't read, which is a shame because it would of warned me about being a fanfiction! But that's just me being dumb and not reading tags! But I do think your summary could be shorter. But maybe not!

So overall! Submit something to me that's not HP fanfiction and I'll probably like it! Keep'a trucking! Have fun!

(Also if anyone else wanting to submit reads this, please bare in mind I'm on mobile, so I can't see your signature, I will edit the main post too.)

Wooah boy! Slow down with them there notes! I'm not following no rules! I read as if I walked in off the home page! No cheating with special instructions!

Ehhhhhh whatever I'll follow your instructions. as a favor, but don't get used to it! It ain't organic!

Wait one second, this is in my reading list! I think I clicked in off the homepage ages ago and didn't even notice! So good job with the cover, it stands out in a sea of air anime waifus and edgelords!

But I didn't read it then, so let us begin:

Chapter 1
Ok, I don't love this. The description of the temple is good, but I can't follow along with what's happening! Who's speaking? You only mention one character so in my head there was only one person speaking, and then I got confused and had to reread the dialogue when I finally realised there were two people speaking. And which one was wearing the silver cloak? So in an organic reading, I would not have passed the first chapter.

Remember the point of this thread is about when/why I stopped reading. But this submission is unholy! So let's go full Frankenstein and skip to chapter 11!

Chapter 11
I think! Your chapter numbers confused me! This one's labelled number 11, so here I start.

Ok! I finished the chapter! I will let this remain in my reading list! It seems pretty good.

I'm not really sure what to do here... I've broken my own format and am left stumbling in the dark.... I don't really have any nitpicks either, your writing is very competent and if there's any mistakes I didn't notice. So here's what I liked!:

1 - I like your explanation of the capital, you keep it short and sweet and still gives me a good idea of the vibe.

2 - Dog!

3 - the description of Ms Pinstripe, I like the line "Poor mistress is struggling. Her grin is stretched and bit forced and unnatural." I think this introduces her character quite well. Although I notice now there maybe should be an 'a' in the second sentence, but I didn't even notice it the first time round so no biggie. Might even be purposeful!

Well! That's all the time you get ya stinkin' cheat! I think your first chapter kinda sucks! Which is a shame because it seems you do know how to write, you just have a really confusing first chapter in my opinion! But who cares! Keep it up champ!

Have no fear! Remember this is just the opinion of some dude! Even if I don't like something, there aren't any consequences!

I stopped in the second chapter here:
The students in Jon’s class dispersed into the room and he looked around, scanning the groups of kids sitting across the floor of the auditorium.

This is another one where I'm really not your target audience! I'm a 20-something guy living in Australia! I was unsure if I'd be interested in the plot from the summary, and yeah, I don't really care for the American middle school setting. Your writing seems competent, there were no typos or whatnot that I noticed at least, so I'll skip the nitpicks and get to the things I didn't like in what I've read:

1 - Why are you talking about a bird to start with? Maybe it has metaphorical significance, or even plot significance, but I don't really care for it. There's no hook for me, maybe for your target audience there will be, but not for me.

2 - Then, in the second chapter, there's still no hook. Remember there are 1000s of stories on this site, if you don't grab my attention with something quick, I'll move on.

So you obviously can write quite well. It's just not what I'm interested in. I'm curious how much success you'll find here, I think SH is more light novel type anime stuff. Personally I'm here for adventure and fantasy mostly. But best of luck finding your audience though! And remember, always have fun!

'alright bruv

Ok so! I got turned away by the tags "girls love", "yandere" and "harem", these aren't my thing really, I might try something if it contains the first two on a whim, but "harem" is a bit of a deal breaker for this reader. But! For the sake of giving more meaningful opinion, I read a bit of your first chapter! Just a few paragraphs though, here's my nitpicks!

1 - 'This headache man. It's constant....and the off-brand mean girls in the back aren't helping it.'
On my second reading I realised this was probably internal monologue, but it confused me the first time because I didn't know who she was speaking too. But this is probably just me being dumb! But this section isn't called nitpicks for 'nothin!

2 - 'I'm saving up for college.' Expect the award.
I don't know what this means, the full stop and capital 'E' isn't helping. I think it means 'I'm saving up for college' award. But I'm not sure.

Well that's what I've got from what I've read! It seems pretty good, just not for me! Keep going though! Have fun!

Hoo Boi I need a break, having a glass of water and a ciggy... Stay hydrated folks! (but maybe don't smoke.)

Rejuvenation complete! Lettuce continue!

Thankyou! Let's throw the dice buckeroo!

Kore Foundation: F-Grade Beastmen World
Ok! I read to chapter 4! It seems pretty good! The premise seems interesting and your writing is quite good! 5*! I like that you've made the system a flawed character in their own right, and the world seems fairly interesting! Here's some nitpicks:

1 - Kore Foundation: F-Grade Beastmen World
I don't really like the title, it tells me nothing about your story other than "it's an isekai", feels generic

2 - This transmigration bullsh*t was f*cked.
Gee w*llikers! I don't think you need to sensor your profanity. We swear like men here!

3 - Ist this an RPG, or what?
Just a typo.

4 - So, the System had heard her scolding earlier..., well, she couldn't take them back now and she still meant them so...
'...I'm sorry.'
The System apologized once more.

I misinterpreted who was speaking here.

Overall, I like what I've read, your writing is generally quite good and the premise has caught my attention. I am starting to feel the isekai burnout a bit though, but that's not really anything to do with you. Obviously these genres are very popular still, so just write what you like! And have fun!

Ohh I'm still going alright! Nothing's slowing me down! Let's go!

Hmm... I like this. This stands out to me, I've read the first 2 chapters. I decided to add this to my reading list and given 5*! This isn't like anything else I've read, it's not the sort of genre I'm usually into, but I do like this style. I started doing nitpicks about a couple typos and whatever, but there weren't that many and I don't think those would really help much in this case. So we'll go with this format instead:

What I like:
1 - Atmosphere! You never describe the gym really, but just from the tone of the story I can picture it in my head clearly. I like the brooding tone too, I'm not a super masculine guy so again I'm not normally really into this kind of stuff, but I like the main character. Again in very little description I think you communicate what he's like, and he's likeable in a very action hero kind of way.
2 - Change of pace! Scribble hub has a lot of stories, and although I find a lot of things I like, there's a sort of same-iness to most of it. And your story stands out! It's immediately memorable for me! I really wish there was more variety here, and your story is a refreshing change of pace.
3 - Style! I like that you call chapters issues, it makes me think of comic books and it frames your story in a fun way! Combine this with the tone and gruff over-the-top movie action hero vibes, this is doing it for me.

What I didn't:
1 - The wife! I think the emotional hook of the chapter is meant to be her death, but I really didn't feel it. A few paragraphs in I already knew she was going to die—I'm trope savvy enough to know when a characters getting fridged, but that means I'm not surprised when she dies. I'm also not emotionally invested in her, she's very cookie cutter good wife. Worse you then spend most of your second issue with Stan grieving her, but I'm not grieving with him.
In this readers opinion, I think to make her death have actual punch you really need to actually developed her. She feels blank, I think you should give her some actual personality, a reason for me to actually care about her.

So overall, it's good! I'm going to keep reading! So you better keep writing! And have fun!

Oh sweet lord! We Are Done!
Well this sure was quite the sitting? wasn't it? It only took me like.... 5 hours to write. But no more backlog! I'm up to date baby! I was about to start editing and checking for typos, but then I started to scroll upwards and decided maybe not. So you're eating raw OatMush tonight! No editing for me! Hope you all have fun dealing with that!

And if you're just trying to scroll past this monolith! Ha!
Thank you a lot for the feedback. You had very nice words and I'm glad even though it's not your type of story you still like it. I'm still writing on it and plan to continue. I see what you are saying about the wife and will try to work on it. Thanks very much for doing these reviews and hope you continue to enjoy my story. 😁


New member
Nov 2, 2023
Hello! I don't have that many chapters up yet but I would love some feedback :) Thanks!

Link to my story:


up to no good
Nov 15, 2023
I lied!
Plot twist! I never caught up at all! @marvel_away pm'd me while I was writing the last batch of reviews! But I didn't feel like reviewing more that day so I'm doing it now instead!

Let's go daddy-o!

well, I read to the end of chapter 1.3, it's a bit odd. The primary issue I had was that it reads more like a summary than a story, I think I might like the story you're summarising, but not in this form. For example in 1.2 you have:

As the months passed, Dr. Turner introduced inconspicuous tasks into Melissa's routine — seemingly trivial assignments that concealed a deeper purpose. Melissa, trusting in the therapeutic process, performed these tasks without questioning their significance.
Wow! This sure sounds like an interesting development! Wish I had more than a paragraph telling me how it went down!
The problem for this reader was that I felt detached from the story, everything is happening so quickly I'm getting whiplash. I know this story is tagged 'smut', so I wonder if maybe your just rushing to get to the juicy bits?

Another problem I had was with characterisation, in all I've read, I didn't really learn much about what I assume will be your point of view character, Melissa. Your scenes feel so rushed there doesn't feel like there's time to get to know anyone besides: Victor and dr Turner are evil, Melissa is gullible.

So overall I stopped reading for entirely subjective reasons, maybe other readers will like that you move things along quickly, but personally I'd rather you slow down and focus on developing specific scenes and your characters. But! Keep writing however you want to write! And have fun!

I would appreciate some feedback on mine (in the signature below)
Let us proceed!

I read to the end of second chapter.

I've added to reading list and given 5*, and will consider reading more later. It's another story that's good, but there's lots of typos that distract me. Overall I think I like where it's going, there's just lot's of small errors. Here's some nitpicks!:

1 - She was also afraid following the road out of here could led to meeting her kidnappers. Walking through the forest wouldn't exactly be safe either.
"led" reads wrong.

2 - give birth a Witch
I think this should be 'gives birth to', or even 'birthed a witch'

3 - But merely possessing magical powers already meant being able to use magical tools more effectively, better strenght and reflexes, the ability to partake in certain types of experiments,
Just a typo on strength

4 - Dailah had only went to the big city - Stone City - once,
Went sounds wrong, maybe 'gone' or 'been'?

++ A bunch more typos

So overall I like it, I think you're very descriptive and you seem to be setting up an interesting world. All the mistakes I've seen so far are all very easy fixes! So keep it up!

Hello! I don't have that many chapters up yet but I would love some feedback :) Thanks!

Link to my story:
Well... it's seems good, just not for me.
I read up to about halfway through the second chapter. I don't have a huge amount to say other than that I'm not your target audience. Bear in mind I'm a 20 something year old dude, I'm not super interested in a story about a 12 year old girl going to school! Of course that doesn't mean it's bad! Just means you should take my opinion with a very tiny pinch of salt! So here's some nitpicks:

1 - I'm not sure your first paragraph is a great hook, your premise seems interesting, but I don't think this is a good introduction to it. Specifically I personally don't love the dissonance between "sometimes saw things other people didn’t." and "Certainly, it earned her the reputation of being a terribly clumsy child" didn't track together in my head on first read

2 - At the age of nine, someone saw Lior, and she made her first friend.
I assume you mean someone inside her vision? It's not super clear on first read.

3 - “Regular school didn’t really work, so maybe this will.
Missing closing quote

Overall it seems quite competent, I'm just not the right demographic to give meaningful opinions on it. Good luck with Nano-whatsits, and have fun! (Or is it too late for nano-whatsits?)


Active member
Oct 30, 2023
Let us proceed!

I read to the end of second chapter.

I've added to reading list and given 5*, and will consider reading more later. It's another story that's good, but there's lots of typos that distract me. Overall I think I like where it's going, there's just lot's of small errors. Here's some nitpicks!:

1 - She was also afraid following the road out of here could led to meeting her kidnappers. Walking through the forest wouldn't exactly be safe either.
"led" reads wrong.

2 - give birth a Witch
I think this should be 'gives birth to', or even 'birthed a witch'

3 - But merely possessing magical powers already meant being able to use magical tools more effectively, better strenght and reflexes, the ability to partake in certain types of experiments,
Just a typo on strength

4 - Dailah had only went to the big city - Stone City - once,
Went sounds wrong, maybe 'gone' or 'been'?

++ A bunch more typos

So overall I like it, I think you're very descriptive and you seem to be setting up an interesting world. All the mistakes I've seen so far are all very easy fixes! So keep it up!
Yeah, i more or less expected these types of errors. English isn't my first language so i still struggle with some sentence formations, not to mention its the first time i'm writing something in such a large scale.

I do keep coming back to edit earlier chapters, in fact i'm pretty sure if you had read the story 2-3 weeks ago you might have found a lot more errors there. I like to think it got better later on but it can be hard to tell from my perspective.

Thanks for the feedback.
Last edited:


New member
Nov 2, 2023
I lied!
Plot twist! I never caught up at all! @marvel_away pm'd me while I was writing the last batch of reviews! But I didn't feel like reviewing more that day so I'm doing it now instead!

Let's go daddy-o!

well, I read to the end of chapter 1.3, it's a bit odd. The primary issue I had was that it reads more like a summary than a story, I think I might like the story you're summarising, but not in this form. For example in 1.2 you have:

As the months passed, Dr. Turner introduced inconspicuous tasks into Melissa's routine — seemingly trivial assignments that concealed a deeper purpose. Melissa, trusting in the therapeutic process, performed these tasks without questioning their significance.
Wow! This sure sounds like an interesting development! Wish I had more than a paragraph telling me how it went down!
The problem for this reader was that I felt detached from the story, everything is happening so quickly I'm getting whiplash. I know this story is tagged 'smut', so I wonder if maybe your just rushing to get to the juicy bits?

Another problem I had was with characterisation, in all I've read, I didn't really learn much about what I assume will be your point of view character, Melissa. Your scenes feel so rushed there doesn't feel like there's time to get to know anyone besides: Victor and dr Turner are evil, Melissa is gullible.

So overall I stopped reading for entirely subjective reasons, maybe other readers will like that you move things along quickly, but personally I'd rather you slow down and focus on developing specific scenes and your characters. But! Keep writing however you want to write! And have fun!

Let us proceed!

I read to the end of second chapter.

I've added to reading list and given 5*, and will consider reading more later. It's another story that's good, but there's lots of typos that distract me. Overall I think I like where it's going, there's just lot's of small errors. Here's some nitpicks!:

1 - She was also afraid following the road out of here could led to meeting her kidnappers. Walking through the forest wouldn't exactly be safe either.
"led" reads wrong.

2 - give birth a Witch
I think this should be 'gives birth to', or even 'birthed a witch'

3 - But merely possessing magical powers already meant being able to use magical tools more effectively, better strenght and reflexes, the ability to partake in certain types of experiments,
Just a typo on strength

4 - Dailah had only went to the big city - Stone City - once,
Went sounds wrong, maybe 'gone' or 'been'?

++ A bunch more typos

So overall I like it, I think you're very descriptive and you seem to be setting up an interesting world. All the mistakes I've seen so far are all very easy fixes! So keep it up!

Well... it's seems good, just not for me.
I read up to about halfway through the second chapter. I don't have a huge amount to say other than that I'm not your target audience. Bear in mind I'm a 20 something year old dude, I'm not super interested in a story about a 12 year old girl going to school! Of course that doesn't mean it's bad! Just means you should take my opinion with a very tiny pinch of salt! So here's some nitpicks:

1 - I'm not sure your first paragraph is a great hook, your premise seems interesting, but I don't think this is a good introduction to it. Specifically I personally don't love the dissonance between "sometimes saw things other people didn’t." and "Certainly, it earned her the reputation of being a terribly clumsy child" didn't track together in my head on first read

2 - At the age of nine, someone saw Lior, and she made her first friend.
I assume you mean someone inside her vision? It's not super clear on first read.

3 - “Regular school didn’t really work, so maybe this will.
Missing closing quote

Overall it seems quite competent, I'm just not the right demographic to give meaningful opinions on it. Good luck with Nano-whatsits, and have fun! (Or is it too late for nano-whatsits?)
Thanks for the feedback! I know mine has a pretty specific audience, so thanks for giving it a try ☺️


up to no good
Nov 15, 2023
Thank you, I really appreciate it. I will modify my chapters with what you've said in mind.
You're welcome! But don't keep it too close in mind! Remember I don't know what I'm talking about!

Thank you for the feedback! And for breaking your rules for it lolll - my first few chapters were a hot mess
No worries! All rules are made to be broken!

Thanks you for the review. I'm sorry I didn't mention that it's a fanfiction.

1: I frequently make the character and "charakter" error due to being German, where we often use "k" instead of "c." Thank you for pointing it out, I will fix it as soon as possible.

2: Currently, I'm working on another story, but I treat it more as a writing exercise to enhance the realism of my characters, especially females, in my fanfiction. I doubt this story would really hook you. But I plan to write an original story with the same concept as this fanfiction in the future. I will include a note in my notes for this story to revisit this feed and write you when I publish anything. Hopefully, it will feel like its especially targeted at you then :D.

3: The actual synopsis is confined to the first paragraph, while everything after serves as a "what to expect" description. You're correct that the synopsis is too bulky and I realised it's no longer accurate. I'll make sure to revise it accordingly, so thanks for mentioning it.
Anytime! Well pm me your new story when it's published and I'll happily read!

Thank you a lot for your review!

Yeah, I get that Isekai Burnout... I also struggle to read most of the generic ones now...
But I'm glad you liked it regardless!

Censoring swears is a default of mine, I just prefer the look. I always feel like my writing becomes crude when I leave them as is and it drives me nuts.

Also, because of the novel's title: It is planned to be part of a three novel series (although I have no idea when I'll get to that...) and I wanted to create a title I could adept for different settings while making it obvious that they were related.

Thank you again for reading!! @OatMush
You are welcome!

Thank you a lot for the feedback. You had very nice words and I'm glad even though it's not your type of story you still like it. I'm still writing on it and plan to continue. I see what you are saying about the wife and will try to work on it. Thanks very much for doing these reviews and hope you continue to enjoy my story. 😁
Anytime! Keep it up!

Thanks for the feedback! I know mine has a pretty specific audience, so thanks for giving it a try ☺️
Well I hope you find it!


The one with fluffy wings
May 20, 2023
its smut, so readers beware but I'll toss mine in the ring: DragonBound.

And however you want to give critiques. Some people don't want to make public that they read smut, so it's your call.

(Also, Smut is kinda misleading. It's got a storyline, but there is sex where appropriate for.)


【Human Savant of True Almighty God】
Aug 31, 2020
I wonder if I should share my story here. Don't read my Wake Up As Mafia Boss.


New member
Mar 27, 2023
Do you accept my newly started story only with 2 short chapters so far? I just need to know if my starting is interesting😊



up to no good
Nov 15, 2023
Not dead!
I will be continuing reviews in a week or so! Keep submitting! I will catch up with everyone once the Christmas's craziness has passed! Sorry for the delay!
@mtgwolfie yes smut is allowed! I have no shame and will over share my kinks all day if you let me!
@Redadam04 submit away! (Although I rather you post a link because I can't see signatures)
@Gunshot_god doesn't matter how fresh off the press, submit and I will review!


New member
Dec 23, 2023
Hi, I'm new to this platform (I have been posting my webnovel on Tapas and decided to give Scribble Hub a try) and would like some feedback on my story:

My story is a novelization of a webcomic that I am also posting on Tapas, so some of the chapters might seem rather short since they correspond to the comic episodes.
Dec 24, 2023
Hi - New to the platform and publishing works, written a ton but never put it anywere for public to read so nervous about that. Would love some feedback - it is smutty, although slow burn smutty after the first bit. Only a few chapters out now but publishing new ones fairly rapidly to start so depending on when you get to it might be more!
Read it here!


Sep 10, 2023
Hello! Thank you so much for your time and effort put into this, review forums like this one have given me so much insight into what I'm doing right and things I've done correctly.

If you have the time and if my story intrigues you, you're welcome to take a look at my story.

WARNING: This story has references to self-harm, generational trauma, religious trauma, mental health and suicidal thoughts. It is very intense at times, though NOT explicit, despite it's Mature Rating. There is a slow burn sapphic romance subplot as well, but again, it's not graphic.



up to no good
Nov 15, 2023
I'm back!
Sorry everyone, I didn't mean to spend so long away, but once I took a break I found it a bit tricky to start up again, I guess my motivation is just like that sometimes!
I'm not going to do all my submissions today though, so sorry if I didn't get to you now! The rest of you will need to wait a little while longer!

its smut, so readers beware but I'll toss mine in the ring: DragonBound.

And however you want to give critiques. Some people don't want to make public that they read smut, so it's your call.

(Also, Smut is kinda misleading. It's got a storyline, but there is sex where appropriate for.)
Ok let's go!

Hmm, well I haven't reviewed smut so far, and to be honest I don't read very much, so I'm not sure I'm the best person to give feedback! But I'll give it a go anyway!

I stopped here:
Aise looked back, a whisker caressing Sey's face, "I'd expect you to pull my hair harder when you ride me."

I stopped here because I was a little uncomfortable with the conversation. I don't think you've broken any rules since the character said this in jest, but I personally don't really want to read about 13 year olds discussing their future sex lives. I'm sure you will keep their interactions pure until they come of age, but in a story that starts off with an adult scene, I personally felt uncomfortable reading this.

I think my main question is: why didn't you start the story with characters already 18 in an 18+ narrative? I know there's other things happening, but I'd rather not think about children in my ecchi/smut—even if you don't cross the line.

Which is a shame! Since you seem like quite a good author! I like your world building and ignoring their ages, your characters and their dynamics seem interesting. If there are any grammatical or spelling errors, I didn't notice, so I don't even really have any nitpicks to share.

Anyway! I'm not your target audience, so take my complaints with a grain of salt! Keep going! Good luck!

I wonder if I should share my story here. Don't read my Wake Up As Mafia Boss.
Of course you should! Although in future I'd rather you just share a link with the specific story you'd like me to read, but that's ok! I'll just pick one! (Also I can't see signatures because I'm on mobile.)

I stopped reading here:

I bite my lower lips in frustration.
This is another story I'd say is a death by a thousand cuts, I'm assuming English isn't your first language? There are a lot of odd phrases, to the point it was a bit too much for this single reader. In the section above, I think you mean 'lip' rather than 'lips', unless your character is a Yautja alien from Predator.

Their whistles lack sufficient strength to compel him to halt. He hurries toward the adjacent lane, sprinting at his maximum speed into the cramped space. Afterwards, he employs his parkour abilities to outwit the individuals chasing him.
This reads very clumsily to me. I assume you mean the lane of a road, why is a road a cramped space? Did you mean alleyway? And to me 'afterwards' implies things happen after a reasonable length of time, at least a few minutes, when I assume you meant for this paragraph to read as an intense chase.

He jumps side by side on the walls to evade them. It is truly remarkable how fast and nimble he is.
Err... I assume you mean he's jumping from wall to wall? This isn't grammatically incorrect, I'm just not sure if it's the right way to say this.

In the short snippet I read there were a lot of instances where the prose felt really clunky.

Finally, this is probably scribblehub's fault more than it is yours, but the formatting is broken on my phone.
There are a lot of strange spaces and line breaks.
This is probably some weirdness in how you've imported your story to scribble hub and reading in desktop mode fixed this, but I've never seen this formatting issue before. Maybe post something in the bugs subforum? Try it on your phone at least, I'm not sure what's going on.

Overall I like the very casual way you're telling the story, but the phrasing just seems strange to me. But, evidently plenty of other readers don't seem to have this problem! Keep going! The only way to improve is to keep reading and writing!

That's all for today! I'll keep going tomorrow! I'll be sure to be up to date again in a few days!


New member
Dec 29, 2023
Knowing where people drop off would be super helpful! thanks in advance 🥹
