Death to the queen!


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
Fire dances, shades of iridescence burnt to shades of orange across the canvas of her unholy face. Light catches on a sharp fang atop a dull wit, incandescent a distance from the brick wall-expressing hearth. It arcs across the air, the golden crown sliding off the child too small for her britches. A childish wheel made better pace than the symbol of authority scraping against the floor, rolling from the petty brat.
My clumsy knife slips through flesh, starlight a milky substance putrefying on my leather grins cracking apart, my folds of skin bunching up into triplicate of the stitched smiles. The scarlet essence is absorbed, a hug from the threadbare pillow crowned by its fool's delusions soaking it up better than any sponge. Necklaces threading through human molars, for vampires are nowhere near monstrous enough to belong beyond the entertaining species, ensnare the crown. The metal and jewels are drawn down the bulging throat with a sigh of satisfaction and rubbing cloth.
The Eager Onlookers bore of her continued survival, eager for a play-by-play of all the colors of delightful suffering in the stage of an eternal actor. But of course, this puppet shall oblige! The inescapable colorlessness, boredom, fatigue, and more... it'll make her enact suffering on herself, an eager pursuer of the Stars' doctrine now.


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
Bro it's to early for this
I promise you...:blob_dizzy:
It was too early for me to type this out.:blob_sleep::blob_ghost: I think I made it interpretable, with some down-to-earth meanings sprinkled in...:blob_hmm_two:
I hope...:sweating_profusely:
That or it is a nonsensical mess made by a writer high on lack of sleep thinking they are a god among gods.:blob_shade:
Either one.
Either way I'm too tired.


Empress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
Fire dances, shades of iridescence burnt to shades of orange across the canvas of her unholy face. Light catches on a sharp fang atop a dull wit, incandescent a distance from the brick wall-expressing hearth. It arcs across the air, the golden crown sliding off the child too small for her britches. A childish wheel made better pace than the symbol of authority scraping against the floor, rolling from the petty brat.
My clumsy knife slips through flesh, starlight a milky substance putrefying on my leather grins cracking apart, my folds of skin bunching up into triplicate of the stitched smiles. The scarlet essence is absorbed, a hug from the threadbare pillow crowned by its fool's delusions soaking it up better than any sponge. Necklaces threading through human molars, for vampires are nowhere near monstrous enough to belong beyond the entertaining species, ensnare the crown. The metal and jewels are drawn down the bulging throat with a sigh of satisfaction and rubbing cloth.
The Eager Onlookers bore of her continued survival, eager for a play-by-play of all the colors of delightful suffering in the stage of an eternal actor. But of course, this puppet shall oblige! The inescapable colorlessness, boredom, fatigue, and more... it'll make her enact suffering on herself, an eager pursuer of the Stars' doctrine now.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2020
Fire dances, shades of iridescence burnt to shades of orange across the canvas of her unholy face. Light catches on a sharp fang atop a dull wit, incandescent a distance from the brick wall-expressing hearth. It arcs across the air, the golden crown sliding off the child too small for her britches. A childish wheel made better pace than the symbol of authority scraping against the floor, rolling from the petty brat.
My clumsy knife slips through flesh, starlight a milky substance putrefying on my leather grins cracking apart, my folds of skin bunching up into triplicate of the stitched smiles. The scarlet essence is absorbed, a hug from the threadbare pillow crowned by its fool's delusions soaking it up better than any sponge. Necklaces threading through human molars, for vampires are nowhere near monstrous enough to belong beyond the entertaining species, ensnare the crown. The metal and jewels are drawn down the bulging throat with a sigh of satisfaction and rubbing cloth.
The Eager Onlookers bore of her continued survival, eager for a play-by-play of all the colors of delightful suffering in the stage of an eternal actor. But of course, this puppet shall oblige! The inescapable colorlessness, boredom, fatigue, and more... it'll make her enact suffering on herself, an eager pursuer of the Stars' doctrine now.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
Can a translator tell me what this little bratty puppet just said? @J_Chemist?


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
Can a translator tell me what this little bratty puppet just said? @J_Chemist?
Translation: I depicted your deposal from your throne, paring skin from flesh, among other inferred macabre acts, such as soaking up your blood in a mockery of your beloved blood-draining. The jester takes place of the queen, and so brings their delusions to reality singlehandedly.
I do so while calling you dumb, first directly, and then insulting your home - or hearth - saying it expresses the same as a brick wall. And I also declare that you are barely monstrous at all, since vampires are also practically variants of humans, and thus lack any claim to superiority over humans. Which is why I'm calling the vampire fangs strung on the necklaces I use to consume your symbol of authority the same as human molars. Because you are immortal, I will break you by removing any vivaciousness, energy, motivation to do anything, and enjoyment of unlife so that you make yourself an eternal object of suffering for my unholy idols to enjoy now that I have deposed you because they had grown bored of your reign on the throne. My joy is so immense in committing this act of cruel and unusual punishment that three smiles form on my detestably ugly face. All the while, your world burns around, everything you've enjoyed reduced to the one color of fiery ruin: orange flame.

And also just called you a petty brat. One can just leave the translation at that.