SHF High-school Fanfic


subatomic cephalopod
Aug 23, 2023

New submissions will only be implemented after the 25th of January, after my chapter, which will introduce the new transfer students and issue the first quests/prompts.

oh good, should give us all plenty of material, and time, to work with as chapters catch up.


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
I guess you are delusional, then… you can never be sure things are not the way you want them to be.
Of course!
Same for the one who tries to be the least delusional of all, ?
The nature of life is to be delusional, our brains warp our perception of everything.

When we are already talking about perception, I'm going to talk about my character concept that combines my ideology, my personality, the implication of being an eldritch being, the setting and the general nature of the novel.

My character whom I call from now on Iris, has no body, the true nature is only a concept, the concept of perception. The perception of what is and what isn't for everything. Which means that the body exist only in the perception of others and the true concept only exists in the perception of the world. Which means the body is only so strong as others perceive it to be and only acts as the person in question perceives it to act. It's basically reality bending in the degree the person (or pov) perceives it to be possible to do by Iris. But the concept itself can change the perception to a high degree and that was the way Iris gained a body in the first place, by tricking someone into perceiving it as real. So the body would stop existing once nothing perceives it as existing. But that could be true too for a single character, if you don't perceive Iris, Iris doesn't exist for you but once you somehow perceive Iris they exist again.
So nothing would see Iris in the same way. By the nature of this kind of concept, they would be extremely self aware too.
Matcha described it that way, "You are like hundreds of cameras arranged in a circle or spherically around a target, but you are also the camera of the target you are watching. And this applies to every target you frame."

Well that's at least the concept of my character, that I personally find interesting, but I can’t do a thing with it because I have really bad intuition and can't for the life of me describe a personality of anyone. So I basically wouldn't know how to write other characters until I have a better grasp on them through the novel.


More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023
Great. I'm not even transfered to the school and not only did I just get molested, shot and probably suffering from a mild shock of seeing eldrich beings appearing right in front of me, I'm a bit afraid about what you gonna do to me in your story now...
You forgot the part where I stabbed you~